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AF Gratitudes

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    AF Gratitudes

    So, my sister does this neat little thing on her social media of choice. She tries to post things she's thankful or grateful for. Sometimes she does it daily, sometimes weekly, but they are there and she can go back and look when she is having a rotten day.

    I know that there are going to be days when I need to remember why I am doing this. I hope to be able to come back here to get reminders of the good things that come with being AF, be they big or little.

    With that said....

    Gratitudes - A clean face and clean teeth when I got up this morning. Why is this important?

    Because it means I was sober last night, and I followed through on my nighttime routine for the first time in forever. :h
    "Feel the fear... move through it... do it anyway."
    Jillian Michaels

    AF Gratitudes

    AF Gratitude for today and everyday actually:
    Being truly present. AL robbed me not only of drunken time, but also precious sober time ruminating over all the stupid things I did and said the night before - those i remembered of course. Then beating myself up for drinking so much and blacking out.
    new beginnings July 16, 2012


      AF Gratitudes

      My gratitudes for the day:

      Playing with my Border Collie this morning on our walk. Normally I'm too hung over.

      Taking out the recycling this morning and NOT having it clank and clatter because it was full of wine bottles.

      Being hungry this morning... no sour stomach!

      This website. When I was at the grocery store yesterday I walked through the wine section and almost cried I wanted wine so badly. I grabbed my SmartPhone and pulled up this site... just seeing this community waiting to be supportive was all I needed to pull myself together and walk away.

      "Feel the fear... move through it... do it anyway."
      Jillian Michaels


        AF Gratitudes

        My gratitudes for today:

        My son having a two hour nap!
        Getting jobs done and feeling like I have actually achieved something worthwhile
        Feeling healthy and well
        Having this site and all the lovely people on it to chat to
        Taking it ODAT


          AF Gratitudes

          grateful to be sober because;
          I went to the gym and had a great workout
          I done all my ironing today - 4 hours
          Changed all the beds and done the washing
          I was having 'those' thoughts and came on MWO and all is good again
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            AF Gratitudes

            I'm grateful my daughter is coming home from a school camp to a home cooked meal and a sober mummy
            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              AF Gratitudes

              Great thread Marieth!! This morning I was grateful for yet another peaceful night's sleep. No more waking in the middle of the night in hot sweats, dehydrated, no more panicking listening to the strange sounds my stomach was making, worrying myself sick as to what damage I was doing to my body. Sleeping like a baby!!!
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                AF Gratitudes

                I am grateful when I received my bank's balance notification this morning to see it was the same as yesterdays. No more wasted money on my daily rum consumption.


                  AF Gratitudes

                  I'm grateful to all the beautiful Olympians keeping me distracted Perfect timing for my current quit.
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    AF Gratitudes

                    It is my little girl's birthday and i am not hungover. Yeah.


                      AF Gratitudes

                      Son's birthday tomorrow ... let's see if I can make it.
                      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                        AF Gratitudes

                        Honestly a super crapy day. Family feud on my hubbys side. Work stress. Home stress. It all feels like too much but I'm grateful for,sticking with my plan. Sober since aug 2. Grateful for some inner resolve in the face of adversity. I would normally be three sheets by now. Just not gonna do it.


                          AF Gratitudes

                          Marieth, your original post made me laugh out loud! Almost every single morning since I actually started being AF, I have awakened with a clean face & teeth, REALLY enjoying what that meant, and never once did I think to actually add THAT to my nightly gratitude recitation.

                          In fact, for the first time in my LIFE I have had to buy more anti-wrinkle cream because I had actually used a bottle all up.

                          Plus, waking up to a clean kitchen is a treat, too...before, sometimes I used my "numbed" condition to persuade myself to clean up, but just as often, I said, "oh, well, what the hell..."

                          So, two more things to add to my gratitude list. Thanks for pointing this out! FF
                          . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                            AF Gratitudes

                            I am so very grateful that this website exists and that it and YOU provide me with the tools i need to meet this challenge head on....
                            I just won't anymore

