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I can't stop drinking

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    I can't stop drinking

    You are NOT insane! You are one of us who have been there done that. Katesm - I especially like your statement of "A LONG PERIOD OF SUSPENDED REALITY". Quite true, I beleive.



      I can't stop drinking

      I am new here today. We can do this, we have to! There has to be a better life than this. Has to be!!!
      I work in healthcare, be careful with Valium. It can cause you to be depressed. Consult a doctor please. It is hard enough to function now without becoming more depressed.


        I can't stop drinking

        This is the first time I have been able to really write in a few days. I am so happy to say that I haven't had a drink in almost 72 hours! Somehow I have been able to ween myself off with Topa that I had left over from another medical detox and with sleep. I have worked in the midst of all this, though mostly from my bed. The shaking and sweating persist, but I feel a sense of hope for the first time in a long time.

        Today was the first time that I checked the message board since the last time I wrote and all of the amazing responses brought a tear to my eye! I have never felt such support and concern, thank you all so much! Ariel- that quote is very inspiring. Katesm- as you said, I know that I am pursuing death when I am drinking like that. I turn into a person with a death wish. Sober me doesn't want to die, I want to live!

        I do have access to a clinic here and I have been a few times in the past few months for my alcoholism and depression. Campral turned out to be too expensive so I have started Antabuse instead in conjunction with Prozac. I still haven't made it to a meeting. My AA friends and my family know that I have hit a "rough spot", but no one knows how bad it really is.

        I can't bring myself to clean the mess my house has become. There is trash and laundry and bottles everywhere. Any suggestions as to how I can get that ball rolling? I hardly have energy, but I am living, and now trying to stay sober in the disaster that alcohol causes. Should I even worry about this right now?


          I can't stop drinking


          I am so relieved to see you back. You are sounding tired but positive!

          My suggestion is to forget about the house for now, apart from getting rid of the empty and non-empty bottles. Focus on yourself and just sidestep the other mess. When you're really feeling better, your house will probably be spick and span

          I'm sure the others will give some really great advice.

          I've noted that your message title was 'I can't stop drinking' and 72 hours later, you have! :l

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            I can't stop drinking

            Great to hear from you!

            Hi Jessica,

            So pleased to hear from you again - and many congrats on the steps you're making - great start! :goodjob: It also sounds like you're beginning to put a game plan together too - is there anyone you trust that you can be a bit more honest with than just 'in a rough patch'? Their support may be invaluable as you continue - someone there to physically give you a hug, pick you up and dust you off every now and again and applaud your amazing efforts!

            With regards to the house - if it doesn't worry you, don't worry about it! Having said that I found it really good to start putting some order back in my life - so I started on one small part of it - my bedroom which is the only room in the house I can really call my own. Having somewhere I felt comfortable to be had a really calming affect.

            Your focus, though, is your health and getting your life back on line - if you do that so many other things will start to fall in to place. So keep talking and look forward to hearing how it goes. Well done!
            :rays: Arial

            Last first day - 15th April 2012
            Days 1-7 DONE
            Days 8-14 DONE
            Days 15-21 DONE
            30 days DONE
            60 days
            100 days


              I can't stop drinking

              Thank you.
              It's really good to hear from you again.
              My AA friends and my family know that I have hit a "rough spot", but no one knows how bad it really is.
              I know how bad it really is. I've been there. Honestly! In fact, for me, the place you are is just a bottle away.
              You have done so well.
              Please keep in touch, and remember, take it easy. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Baby steps.


                I can't stop drinking

                Oh Jessica, I'm just so happy for you I'm tearing up. hooooooooooooray!
                do take care, and you really should look into some good vitamins especially the "B's".
                you rock!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  I can't stop drinking

                  The house doesn't go away. Baby your strength right now. Do a little at a time and rest. It will be there later. Take a hot bath and relax. Watch a movie. 72 hrs, is great!!!! You are doing it, you can do it! You give me hope. I am going on 48 hrs.. Sending you a BIG hug.

