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Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

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    Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

    Hi all, this is a common question, that has been discussed a few times that I know of, so probably a lot of times, but I would love to re-visit it.
    I have put on some weight already and apart from the chocolate and icecream treats that I have been rewarding myself with, I think a lot of it is what I am drinking.
    I am able to drink tea in the morning, then lemon juice and water all day long, but I need an evening subsitute for my wine. I don't drink soda - and most everything else that I am enjoying is pretty high calorie - juice drinks, AF beer etc.

    What are you all drinking instead of AL???
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

    Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

    af wine

    Hi well you got a bit further than me!!! I got to England ,you California.
    Dont know if it is any good, but there is an alcohol free wine called Fre, and it is made in California by,Sutter Home Winery,St Helena,Napa County, California.
    Hope this helps,
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

      Hi SL, I too have this dilemma, I want to lose weight not gain it but also am concious if I don't have something nice in a glass I will feel deprived!

      I drink loads of different things at the moment, some of them low cal, some not here is my list , hope it helps

      De-caff tea
      De-caff coffee
      Lady grey tea
      Earl grey tea
      Jasmine Tea
      Peppermint tea
      Any fruit tea
      Tomato juice (virgin mary)
      V8 Veg juice
      Tropical Juice
      Tropical fizzy low cal drink
      Lime and soda
      Ginger cordial with fizzy water
      Mushroom cup a soup with croutons
      Frappucino ( made with de-caff coffee )

      I haven't gone down the AL free drinks route as yet but if I go out for a meal or to a social event I will most likely drink AL Free beer with lime
      Taking it ODAT


        Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

        Thanks - the fruit juices and vegetable juices have a suprising amountt of calories, i was drinking them well until I realised what I was packing away.
        i am drinking tonic with lime and ginger ale too.
        Mick - I was born in Scotland, but father in RAF so travelled around. Ended up in England, then went to California in my 20's.
        I have tried Fre - the sparkling is tolerable, but the red and white is not making me happy...
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

          I know, I always dilute my fruit juices half and half with either water or fizzy water or soda but they are still highish in cals, I justify by that they are healthier than wine LOL
          Taking it ODAT


            Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

            I try to stay off too many 'fizzies' as they are fattening, even the diet ones are not good for you. I like tonic water with lemon or lime, or in UK we have a cordial called 'Bottlegreen' and they make a lovely lime and coconut one, just diluted with water is very good. Or blend some fresh watermelon and pomegranites, strain through a sieve to get the juice, try with a bit of ice and a little sweetneer, its good!


              Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

              Hi Scottish lass...I have pretty much gone the same route as Molly - as in this time around not substituting. I get something when I'm thirsty - but I'm thirsty alot! So sometimes water just gets boring. I drink lots of selzer - and I add a splash of a very tart san pellegrino limonata to give it a kick. I love it. I may only have one can of it a day though - even though there's not much to it - calorie wise. Otherwise it's water. I don't do soda - diet or regular - and don't do fake sweeteners in anything. Maybe once I ordered a regular lemonade in a restaurant...And I have lost about 25 pounds in this past year without really trying - down to ~121 lbs. Drinks pack on lots of extra! :-)

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                Cupcake;1357357 wrote: I try to stay off too many 'fizzies' as they are fattening, even the diet ones are not good for you. I like tonic water with lemon or lime, or in UK we have a cordial called 'Bottlegreen' and they make a lovely lime and coconut one, just diluted with water is very good. Or blend some fresh watermelon and pomegranites, strain through a sieve to get the juice, try with a bit of ice and a little sweetneer, its good!
                I :h the new lime and coconut flavour, I also like the elderflower and the ginger cordial by Belvoir is gorgeous
                Taking it ODAT


                  Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                  I really drink plenty of water either am thirsty or not .I don't like juices cause they have sweets their self.I eat raw fruits and vegetables.I am thinking to buy a juicer and make juices and add up water on it.
                  At the moment, I am using tomato juice with huge amount of waters on it so vitamin C and A..not so much calories.If you like some taste then add a bit of salt on it.
                  A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                  2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                  Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                  2013 : So many ups and down !!

                  2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                    Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                    At the start of an AF lifestyle, your body craves sugar. That's O.K., for awhile. There's no way you'll get as many calories drinking fruit drinks with sparkling water as you did drinking alcohol. We had a poll in group recently, and only one of 15 people said they were gaining weight after stopping drinking! Almost all people lose weight and are healthier by being AF. Substituting healthy food for empty calories is so good for your body.

                    Right now I'm drinking a Diet Pepsi. I'll have a lemonade or Odouls when my wife and I go out for dinner as a treat! And I've probably lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks. So don't beat yourself up for an occasional sweet treat. You deserve it! M.


                      Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                      Tonic water with a little juice (mango, guava, or pineapple are my favorites) and a lime, with lots of ice. As long as you take it easy on the juice, it's not too bad calorie-wise.

                      I am intrigued by fruit-flavored vinegars that are available in some Asian markets, but I haven't tried them yet. I think you mix them with soda.
                      AF since 6JUN2012


                        Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                        pixie;1357392 wrote: Tonic water with a little juice (mango, guava, or pineapple are my favorites) and a lime, with lots of ice. As long as you take it easy on the juice, it's not too bad calorie-wise.

                        I am intrigued by fruit-flavored vinegars that are available in some Asian markets, but I haven't tried them yet. I think you mix them with soda.
                        Fruit flavoured vinegars don't sound like they would be very palatable!! (then again I love eating pickles straight out the jar so maybe it isn't that strange!)
                        Taking it ODAT


                          Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                          Some good ideas here! For some reason I seem to put on weight when I stop drinking - and when I start again, I lose - might just be dehydration from the duiretic effects.
                          I have had the elderflower cordial from Belvior and that would make an excellent special occasion drink! I will have to see if I can get in California.
                          I just remembered shandy's too on a hot day - maybe some AF beer with 7Up would work!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                            OOh I love Shandy Bass - but is that alcoholic? we used to drink it as kids so don't think it is? I also love the Rubicon drinks, they do a diet version of the mango one now
                            Taking it ODAT


                              Low Calorie/AF drink ideas??

                              The shandy's I drank were alcoholic, but they were made with lager and lots of lemonade, so very minimally - I am thinking about making with AF beer, that should work and be perfect for a summer drink!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

