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    Just found you folks!

    Just happened to stumble on this site by accident and I must say it's fate. I've had a drinking problem for the better part of my adult life. Only now, being out of work on a compensation injury since October '06, I've found myself looking at the clock and watching it tick to 12:00 so I can pop my first beer. And once it's popped it doesn't stop. I now down at least an 18 pack a day and sometimes top it off with a bottle of wine at night. From 5:00pm on I usually am so fuzzy that anything my girlfriend and I discuss is a total blank spot in the morning. She knows it's a problem and so do I, but we don't discuss it. Along with this compulsive behavior, I'm in the process of kicking the smokes too, with the help of Chantix. On a positive not, I can say that I have been 25 days without a smoke, and that's coming from a 2 pack a day habit. So, that gives me hope that Topamax may be an answer for me regarding my alcohol problem. I've been lurking around reading the posts and have just orderd the MWO book online. I'm looking forward to chatting with you folks here who really do understand the nature of this addiction.

    Just found you folks!

    Glad you're here.
    There are many people far more eloquent than me who will be along in a whle to say hello.
    I'd just like to wish you all the best...


      Just found you folks!

      Welcome JHJ! Glad you found us. Good job on the quitting smoking by the way. You sound determined to get a hold on this. Quitting smoking is one of the hardest habits to break. If you apply the same efforts towards the drinking, you will do great!



        Just found you folks!

        Never thought I could quit smoking without quitting driniking. They ran hand in hand. But since I kicked the smokes and am still drinking, I think that quitting both is possible. That's my goal. I'll be a father sometime in early June and I want to be an active "CLEAR HEADED" parent in my child's life. This has been my driving force with the smokes and hopefully will be with the alcohol.


          Just found you folks!

          Welcome JHJ

          It's fantastic that you've found this site and have jumped on board.. you will find so much help and support here..

          I too look forward to catching up for a chat...

          Take each day as it comes...

          Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


            Just found you folks!

            Hi there JHJ, I'm new too. Welcome. this place is great. Read read read everything here and get whatever supplements, drugs or hpnosis tools you need to help you. I'm waiting on my Topamax to arrive and KNOW that it will work for me. In the meantime this site has made me feel 100% better about myself as a human being. all judgement and shame is removed here. these are good people.

            you have a terrific motivator with the baby coming too! (take it from me, sleepless nights from a new baby plus heavy boozing is not an option!!)

            good luck and hope to hear from you again. Kate

