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Children in open AA meetings???

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    Children in open AA meetings???

    Once again today is DAY 1 for me. I reached out to a couple people I had met in AA. I have only gone maybe 4 times...I am wanting to go to a meeting but my DH is working 3rd shift and I work full time and have children. Once in a while I will see if my 11 year old will watch my 3 year old while I run to the store real quick, but not for long periods of time.

    My AA Friend says their is an open meeting tomorrow and I can bring my 3 year old with me. Now to me that just doesn't seem right. She is kinda honery so I don't know how well she would behave and I don't want to take away from anyone else there. Also, I don't know how I can concentrate if she is with me.

    I just don't think it's a good idea...what do you guys think?
    Honeysoup :heart:

    Children in open AA meetings???

    Hi there,

    No way would I take my 3 year old, no-one would get a look in to speak :H personally I wouldn't be comfortable with children at my AA meetings, I just don't think they should be subjected to potentially upsetting or disturbing shares, maybe teenagers yes but certainly not under 12 or thereabouts, that is just my opinion however
    Taking it ODAT


      Children in open AA meetings???

      I think it depends an a number of factors. The location of the meeting. Example would be, a club atmosphere, verses a woman's meeting. Club meetings I've often heard cussing, but when small children attend most people tend to be respectful & tone it down, or don't cuss. Sometimes there are those long rectangular tables set up with crayons, or a corner area with toys.

      I've even seen mature Nana types help out. Not that I know what your age is. I'm just saying I've seen woman who have youngster's receive help, by other woman who have sobriety time. Also at community candlelight meetings, I've seen childcare provided free of charge. AA's primary purpose is to stay sober & help others achieve sobriety!....

      It also depends on your child. I know one of mine would have done well for an hour & the other wouldn't have been able to be quite or sit still.

      Can you call AA hot line, general services, go on-line? Many meetings now provide child care services, for a nominal charge. If you make some calls, there may be somebody in your area who's working on their 12th step, & would enjoy helping you!.... Helping you strengthens their sobriety.

      Yes, some people may be annoyed, but that is their business, not yours!!!!!..... Your business is to be true to yourself!!!!!!........ If you feel that by attending AA meetings, it will help you achieve sobriety & build up a network of support, this should be your #1 priority, your business!!!!......, period!!!!... I call it saving my own arse!.... Of course I now like the idea of living, it was gettin pretty ugly for me!....

      Getting lots of phone numbers may help to. Maybe you can meet other woman who have children your age & you can trade babysitting services. Or maybe they have a responsible 12-14 yr old, who can help with your 11 yr old. Maybe make it a take & bake pizza night.

      Of course if you do take your young child & they start acting up, then you can step out side for a moment, but you already know this.

      Good luck yo you!....


        Children in open AA meetings???

        We talked about this topic in a group a few weeks ago, and the consensus was that there are too many "F-bombs" floating around in AA meetings for children to hear. I've witnessed that myself, and thought "man, why bring your kid here with this type of adult conversation!?"

        Lots of good alternatives as spoken to above!



          Children in open AA meetings???

          I can't help but think of an intelligent little mite going to preschool or school and introducing themselves as " hi my name is .....and I'm an alcoholic". My daughter was a total parrot and I wouldn't take her to anything like that, no way.
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Children in open AA meetings???

            Cashregister;1359681 wrote: I can't help but think of an intelligent little mite going to preschool or school and introducing themselves as " hi my name is .....and I'm an alcoholic". My daughter was a total parrot and I wouldn't take her to anything like that, no way.
            LMAO...point taken!
            Honeysoup :heart:

