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Is this PAWS

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    Is this PAWS

    I woke up today feeling miserable, cranky, tired and downright pissy. I wrote it off as hormones - 48 year old woman here lol But then started to think that it may be my brain starting to recover.

    I am having anxious moments as well, thinking about my last, stupid drunken blackout and I know I really shouldn't go there for fear of drinking to ease the pain - temporarily then back to the same old, same old. :upset:

    I won't or don't even want to drink . I read up on PAWS and really think this is the issue with me today, it can last 2 years off and on to different degrees. Knowing that helps and this too shall pass.

    ARRRGH, I can't wait to go to bed and start tomorrow in a better frame of mind.

    I really need to get to the gym and meditate, I haven't done both in a week.
    new beginnings July 16, 2012

    Is this PAWS

    Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) Experiences
    Most of the articles on the Net about Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), seems to be a copy-and-paste of earlier articles, or, it appears, are seriously lacking in research -- especially regarding the severity and specifics of PAWS in recovering alcoholics.

    We can contribute and maybe come to some generally useful conclusions.

    Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome is given to be a set of impairments that occur immediately after withdrawal (from alcohol). The condition is said to occur in 75% of recovering alcoholics, and last from six to eighteen months after the last use, and is marked by a fluctuating but incrementally improving course.

    PAWS is said to affect the recovering alcoholic's ability to recover and benefit from recovery, influence alcoholism treatment options (by clinicians), bear upon the ability hold down a job and function effectively, and bear upon the ability to interact normally with family and friends, and regain emotional health.

    It known to have three major areas of impact upon the individual -

    Cognitive (possible affects):

    - Concentration and attention span impaired.
    - Confusion
    - Racing or recycling thoughts (highly distracting).
    - Thoughts scattered and incoherent.
    - Rigid thinking and lack of (normal) required flexibility.
    - Difficulties with abstract and conceptual thoughts.
    - Cause and effect reasoning impaired.
    - Themes and threads connecting events not recognised.
    - Prioritization (management of one's time and energy) impaired.

    Emotional (possible affects):

    - Emotionally dead or emotionally hyper.
    - Small events of little consequence treated as catastrophic.
    - Valent thoughts (not bonded with reality/experience) difficult to shake.
    - social withdrawal.
    - Recovering alcoholic believes they are going, or have gone, mad.
    - Lack of emotion affects personal resolve to stay sober.

    Memory (possible affects):

    - Recently learned information (within last 30 minutes) quickly forgotten.
    - New skills or routines not learned or assimilated naturally (if at all).
    - Information retained but then lost after days/weeks.
    - Developmental and childhood memories broken (patchy early memory).

    It is well documented that in almost all cases, the severity of PAWS decreases as time progresses and that PAWS is stress sensitive.

    Clinicians and researchers have found that lowering of stress and healthy habits are helpful in reducing the negative impact of PAWS.

    Eating three balanced meals a day, reducing or excluding caffeine, exercising three/four times weekly, and getting 8/10 hours of sleep a night are highly recommended. And meditation, or relaxation exercises are said to be invaluable, once properly learned.

    I suppose one needs to say how much one drank and for how long, for the information to be any use.


      Is this PAWS

      I couldn't find the one Lav posted in Newbies Nest soon after I first came here, but funny I found this one last night in bed on my lap top, as I too have been experiencing some of yours & Bries symptoms. I was going to post it over on general board for her today, but will let her know I did here.

      I'm 50 & drank too much for too many yrs, but the good news is I'm sober & PAWS won't kill me!... Drinking however for somebody like me will!!!!!!....... My Dr, said most likely most of these PAWS will subside in 6 months. They did the last time I made it that far, a few yrs back.

      I've found that stress is what brings them on. Which most of us can't avoid! Part of living for everyone!.... But, we can try our best to manage them most the time. My biggie is lack of sleep & over extending myself to others!... Tho I no longer attend AA, I use part of the program in mine today. HALT, stands for hungry, angry, lonely & tired.

      You are correct, exercise, meditation, eating healthy, good supplements will all help to keep them at bay, or reduce PAWS severity. Along with good support here at MWO, or elsewhere. I've also noticed that around sober milestones they tend to appear.

      I Will Not Succumb!.... I Will Ride Them Out!.... I Will Not Only Survive, I Will Be Victorious!... Alcohol Will Not Take Me Prisoner Again!.....


        Is this PAWS

        The other thing that is great, is being aware of them, educating yourself like you~we are doing. Practicing Mindfullness!.... Then we can be patient & gentle with our selves when they happen, or at least try our best!.... They do pass, in my experience!.... I allow myself some tears & some ice cream, or chocolate too.

        Today I love myself more!.... I give myself permission to like myself to!... I give myself permission to not care so much as to what others think of me either!... Tho, I do try hard to be a good hearted & kind human being!.... I care deeply for others, animals & plants!....

        But, I've found it's true what they say, " To Thine Own Self Be True"!..... "itsmytime" I love it!... Funny this is exactly how I feel & I've told my family & friends this! I will be especially selfish in my sobriety during my first year. It's really not selfishness, it's self care!... Self survival! My family & friends do want me here living a healthy & happy life to!....

        The way I understand PAWS is that if you go back to drinking, your brain has to go back to day one again. Meaning the PAWS would also start from the beginning at day one too. No Thanks!.... I use to use PAWS, as an excuse to drink, cause it did put them into remission.

        If after 6 months & I'm not better, there are natural & Rx's to help with degenerative PAWS if that ends up being the case. I hope not!....


          Is this PAWS


          Way to go for coming here and looking for answers! Wildflowers...that information is really helpful. I went through a PAWs ride, too. I'm in my 50s...was an addicted know how that goes.

          Quite a few medical folks believe that part of the PAWS can be explained by the candida die-off that's going on in your gut. Alcohol provided plenty of sugar - too much sugar - and created the overgrowth of this 'bad' bacteria. The good news keeping the ethanol out of your body, your body is getting rid of the toxic output. You may want to consider getting a good probiotic...and definitely eat well. You'll want to go for whole foods - nothing processed. No sugar, for sure!

          This is normal....and while not'll get through it and be better than ever...healing is a process that is worth it. I've been sober for a little more than a year and PAWS is in my rear view mirror. Whew!
          Sober for the Revolution!
          AF & NF July 23, 2011


            Is this PAWS

            PAWS really scares me, as I fear that is what I am experiencing now too. I have been 2 weeks with very little sleep and terrible anxiety and restlessness ALL OVER (I would be happy if it was just my legs! LOL) anyway you are not alone, and what has somewhat helped me is getting PISSED OFF at the symptoms. telling myself I am not going to let anything manipulate my behavior. It really is hard though, isn't it?


              Is this PAWS

              Thanks everyone,
              I am taking a probiotic, greens drink every morning and lots of natural suppliements. I know I will feel better once I get these adjustment days, weeks, months under my belt.

              I am feeling better today, just knowing what the heck is causing the angst helps for sure. This is when I would succumb to the poison in the past, but not this time I am fighting back 100%.

              Thank you for all your support and valuable information. I was sober in the past for 5 years and I do remember - but was not aware of what I was going through - the challenging times. I also remember how wonderful it feels to be free from the shackles of AL.

              Peace and love to all and have a wonderful Friday :l
              new beginnings July 16, 2012


                Is this PAWS

                I've read about candida die-off & do think this plays a big part. I'm taking Natures Way Primadophilus Optima ~True Potency ~ 35 Billion CFU. It's found in the refrigeration organic section. It seems to be helping. However, I'm still addicted to sugar. I know it's bad & yeast loves sugar. I will be working on eliminating this in the near future!.... I've cut out most other processed food. It's hard to change everything all at once!.... Right now my main focus is gaining a bit more sobriety time. Thank you for the tips & encouragement!

                Turnagain, are you the person who posted the 3-4 short videos on dopamine, alcohol brain damage, a few wks back? I tried to locate them under gen board, but couldn't find them. If you are the poster, will you please bump them, or PM them, to me? Thanks.

                Yes Laga, it's hard, but the other way is harder!.... We just have to keep our minds focused on the true rewards of an AF life!.... When we forget, we have MWO, along with other skills to help!.... PS. My royal Mr. Mc Gee thinks your Queen avatar is gorgeous.

                itsmytime, Congrats on those 5 yrs, that is so fantastic!... You know how rewarding AF life really is!.. You are doing great now!... You, I & others, who chose to get through these "adjustments" will! We can & we will succeed!...

                Have a great AF day! :l


                  Is this PAWS

                  WF - I haven't posted any video links lately....BUT... here is a link to a great short series of videos that really helped me understand the mechanisms of addiction. The doc is cute and the scenery is great!

                  The series is called "Pleasure Unwoven" there are 8 parts total. You may have to poke around on the presenter's youtube playlist to find parts 7 and 8.

                  Here's numero uno:

        [/video]]1. Is Addiction Really a Disease? - YouTube
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    Is this PAWS


                    Thanks for the link. I watched the 2 min clip & followed the link, his site is closed. It then asks you to set up your Mac device with I-cloud.

                    I'm not interested in debating diseases verses choice anymore, as I believe it's a combination of both & is very complex & individual. I have participated on a couple of threads here & a few elsewhere in the past.

                    Fabulous Work ~ Commitment!... Congrats On Your One Year AF Again!...

                    Take Care


