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Newbie! Insomnia making me feel weak... physically and emotionally.

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    Newbie! Insomnia making me feel weak... physically and emotionally.


    I have been half-ass quitting for about a year now. Would go 30 days and then have a few and then something would happen that would get me right back into the regular every day drinking pattern.

    The end of May I fell and broke some bones in my knee and shin (Nooooo I was NOT drunk at the time! LOL!) which required 9 days in the hospital and surgery, and from the looks of the recent Xrays they put an entire erector set of the Eiffel Tower in my leg. They prescribed Tramadol when they sent me home. I did not take more than the recommended dose, and kind of tapered off towards the end all on my own, but never-the-less after only 4 weeks I found myself in a nasty opioid WITHDRAWAL, complete with puddles of sweat, chills and what I refer to as the "heebie-jeeblies", which I can only describe as the sensation of having a swarm of bugs buzzing around madly under the skin, making sleep IMPOSSIBLE! Also a few other classic symptoms I will spare you... anyway, that lasted 4 days, but the insomnia is still with me, and its going on TWO WEEKS and I still cannot get more than 1.5 hours of sleep at a time. :upset:

    I never had any withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, and rarely woke up with much of a hangover, so I can honestly say I feel MUCH WORSE NOW... and it makes me wish I could just knock back a few rum drinks and get some real sleep. Luckily, I cannot drive yet, and have just been cleared for using crutches, so I KNOW that getting intoxicated would be STUPID, but still... I am feeling very weak and sad. Any advice for getting some sleep would be appreciated. I have tried Melatonin and Unisom, and FORGET Benadryl that stuff makes me so HYPER I feel like jumping right out of my own skin, and would no doubt make the heebie-jeebies even worse.

    Newbie! Insomnia making me feel weak... physically and emotionally.

    Find some hobbies, and activities outside of substances. These will help you on your journey. It is called recovery for a reason.


      Newbie! Insomnia making me feel weak... physically and emotionally.

      Hello & welcome lagataloca

      Insomnia was a very big problem for me too!

      Have you read the MWO book yet? If not, download the .pdf from the Health store here. It has lots of info for you. I use an OTC combination product with melatonin which helps quite a bit.
      In the beginning I used the MWO Hypno CDs every night at bedtime, they were quite helpful as well.
      Try talking to your doctor if you can't find any natural relief. Just don't use insomnia as a reason to drink - that's fairly common
      Adequate sleep. a healthy diet, some fresh air & light exercise will help you heal - sorry about your knee!

      Wishing you the best!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbie! Insomnia making me feel weak... physically and emotionally.

        Hi Lagataloca!

        When I stopped drinking about 6 weeks ago I had TERRIBLE insomnia. It must have lasted 3-4 days. Couldn't sleep at night, and was so exhausted I'd sleep an hour or two in the morning.

        I was also off meds for depression and anxiety, so I saw an MD 'cause I was going crazy. I went back on my med routine, and was also prescribed Ambien which was a godsend for the short period of time I needed it... Now, a warning about Ambien: It is addictive, so you shouldn't take it for a long time. It'll put you to sleep, no doubt about it, but getting off of it is no picnic past about a month or so, so be careful with it!

        None of the herbal sleep aids worked at all for me, but my brother swears by the original formula of Dramamine. He uses it when he can't sleep, and swears by it!

        Good luck, M.


          Newbie! Insomnia making me feel weak... physically and emotionally.

          Thanks for the suggestions, I think what is making this particularly annoying is that I am suffering more from the Tramadol withdrawal than the alcohol. The times I have quit drinking before, sure it took a bit longer to fall asleep, like maybe 20 to 30 minutes, but NONE of this jittery twitchy shit. I am wondering if part of the problem is that I have ADHD, and I think alcohol was one of the ways I self-medicated, and many of the drugs like Benadryl and Dramamine that make most people sleepy, make me just the opposite. I am afraid of Ambien and Lunesta because there have been reports of sleep walking in peoplewi/no history of it, and the last thing I need is to reinjure my leg by trying to get up and do something when I am asleep... I have had more than enough of 3rd world hospitals to last a lifetime.

          Matti, I think its smart that you are back on your meds, its hard enough to try to quit drinking w/o clinical depression added into the mix.

          I have figured out that I crave alcohol when my blood sugar is low (explains why rum is my poison of choice), and also when I am feeling extremely overwhelmed w/my hyperactiviity. I may actually go see a MD about how to best handle my ADHD anxiety now that I am determined not to lean on alcohol.


            Newbie! Insomnia making me feel weak... physically and emotionally.

            Hi Laga and welcome

            I have used Valerian and Tryptophan to help me sleep. Valerian is very calming. Tryptophan is converted into melatonin in the body, so maybe it would not work for you but it wouldn't hurt to try. Take it with a B vitamin and a little sugar, and don't take any protein with it because the other amino acids will compete for uptake.

            Good luck to you - you sound very determined to beat this which is most of the battle.
            AF since 6JUN2012

