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Try #????????

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    Try #????????

    So, here I am yet again. I have been trying and trying for years to stop and I still have not done so. I feel like a complete failure.

    I was going to stop yesterday but didn't, I was going to stop today but didn't. I don't understand why I can't just motivate myself and get in that right mindset. I know I will feel so much better.

    I know that I should break it up into small tasks like I won't drink today then at least it won't seem so daunting.

    I guess I just need to get these things off my chest. Things I need to say out loud and to those who understand

    Thanks for listening.
    AF July 6 2014

    Try #????????

    Hi chrisacc, it is so hard, for me it was the hearing it from another person that I was a drunk, I thought I hid it so well. Embarrassment lead me here. By giving it , the I just won't drink today thinking helps. Looking down the nose of a long term struggle is scary. I am now on day 5 and an Lot more positive then even yesterday. Give it one day at a time. Let us know how you go.


      Try #????????

      Hi Christy,

      I have been trying for the past 4 years to quit and can relate. You are right in that you need to be in the mindset. How bad do you want to be sober? That was the question I asked myself and not only do I want to be sober more than anything, my health depends on it. This time, what is working for me is I am not feeling deprived and thinking I am missing out on something. I read Jason Vale's book and though I don't agree with everything I got a lot out of it. Find whatever works for you and take care of you.

      Keep coming back and enjoy the freedom of being AF!!
      new beginnings July 16, 2012


        Try #????????


        You have found a great place for support. You gotta make a plan, and never give up.

        Most of us have been up and down with it too. At first there may be physical symptoms. You may not recognize them as such at first. Irritability, inability to focus etc. But your mind will get more clear each day that alcohol is not flooding it.

        Stay strong and keep us up to date. We are always here! I am anyway. I stay close to this site since it helps me SO much

        Take care


          Try #????????

          Hi christy,

          I know you have been here for quite a while but have you ever really made a plan?
          Repeated failed attempts to quit & stay quit on my own finally led me here. I didn't understand the power of making a plan, commiting to it & staying close to MWO for support & accountability.

          Go to the Tool box, take what you need to make a plan just for you.
          Be sure to cover all the bases, plan ahead for special events (including an early exit strategy)

          I was so tired of disappointing myself I decided that THIS time would be the last time. You can do it too

          Wishing you the best!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Try #????????

            Hi Christy

            It's frustrating to keep trying over and over again, but if you really want this, that's what you have to do. Keep trying, and keep changing things up and you will find things what works for you.

            Have you tried using any supplements? And like others said, make a plan. And keep yourself busy with other things - distraction really works. If you normally drink when out, then try staying home and keeping busy with projects. If you normally drink at home, then try going out - to a movie, shopping, anything.

            What it has come down to for me, is a change in atitude. I don't think of it as giving up something, I think of it as gaining my life back.

            Good luck, and stick around.
            AF since 6JUN2012


              Try #????????

              Thank you everyone for your thoughts and support. I have tried supplements, topramax, and baclofen. I've had side effects with them all but i imagine I will just have to bite the bullet and decide what's more important.

              I often hear of 'making a plan' what does that mean? A plan for what? Even after all this time, I don't understand a lot.

              Someone mentioned a book, but as I scroll I can't seem to see it James Vain? I googled him and he's a master juicer. ??? I've read so many books.....

              I guess I'm just frustrated.
              AF July 6 2014


                Try #????????

                Hey Christi....I understand the trying over & over. But, keep trying. I have written out a plan on what I am going to do when I start craving. Why don't you start with that first? There are steps that I will take before I pick up that first drink - for example: Walk around the block or ride the exercise bike for 10 minutes. Take a shower. Eat something. Drink a big glass of water. Call my friends from here & ask for support.
                I am also on Try #??? but I am getting more & more sober time under my belt. There are some nice people posting on Newbie's Nest and there are some nice people posting on One Step at a Time. (There are great people & threads all over here, but I just mentioned the ones that I am familiar with.) Jump in & start reading & posting. I have found that really helps when I am fighting the urge.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Try #????????

                  Oh - and I think you are talking about Jason Vale. I haven't finished that one yet. But, I have read many different books. I think that most of them contain some good information. Even if it's just a little bit of information that you take from the book and least that's a good thing. :h
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Try #????????

                    The journey of one million miles starts with the first step.

                    They way to stop is to start now, and make sure whatever you do stay sober today, wake up and do it again tomorrow.

                    I understand needing to make a plan and reading books, but in the meantime, stay sober until tomorrow morning. If your goal was to quit eating sugar, would you need a plan and have to find the right book, or would you just quit eating sugar and then find things to make your new goal a reality?

                    I am not trying to give you a hard time, but so often even I try to make things harder than the really are. A plan can be as simple as writing down, I wil stay sober August 6th NO MATTER WHAT. Then you might write a few other goals to fill your day and keep yourself occupied. Sobriety is just a choice you make every morning. Then fill your mind with stuff you love and things that will keep you healthy and happy. Focus on sobriety, because we get what we focus on.


                      Try #????????

                      The immediate object of our goal is sobriety, free from alcohol and all its terrible consequences
                      without this freedom we have nothing at all, But at the same time we can achieve no liberation from alcohol obsession until we become willing to deal with those character flaws which landed us into that condition in the first place,

                      In this freedom quest we have a few choices,

                      A rebellious refusal to work upon our glaring defects can be an almost certain ticket to destruction or perhaps we can,for a time stay sober with a minimum of self improvement and settle ourselves into a comfortable but often dangerous mediocrity, Or we can like a lot of long term abstainers here continuously try hard for those sterling qualities that can add up to a much more fulfilling & happy life,

                      Time to move on forward people it can and will be done if you really want to.Nothing change if nothing changes

                      Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

