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My Plan

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    My Plan

    My 30DayPlan

    1. AF
    2. Workout 45 minutes a day 5 x a week.
    3. Daily protein shake and supplements
    4. Attend an AA mtg once a week, even if that means hiding in the corner.
    5. Start a good book to get lost into.

    Need to quantify a goal to keep me out and about, as I do most of my drinking home alone.

    6. Play tennis with a meet up group once a week.
    7. Come to this website everyday. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to hang out publicly and just surf the net, or in my case MWO? Like I said, home is awesome, but where I drink.

    And this is my 30 day commitment.

    My Plan


    Make sure there is no AL in your house & vow to buy no more!
    I did all my drinking at home too although that's not to say that I didn't overdue it a time or two out in public.

    Have you looked into the MWO Hypno CDs? They were very helpful in learning to relax & to change my thinking about AL.

    I spent a huge amount of time here on MWO - better than being completely 'alone'

    Wishing you the best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      My Plan

      Library or starbucks or I am sure u can do a google search for free wifi spots in your area!
      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine

