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    Day 2 and first urge has hit me. Need to workout as soon as work is done for the day.....need to refer to my list of why i can't drink anymore......YUK.....But, I must remember : I do not drink.
    I just won't anymore


    It's hard the first few days. I have been there too many times to count. Get yourself away from whatever your triggers are - however you can. Lot sof substitute non-alcoholic beverages. I do seltzer with lemon and it helps. Plus take the supplements - I took Kudzu and L-Glutamine and it helped. One hour at a time if need be. I remember being so happy once 7:00 pm passed and I knew that I had passed the witching hours. It really is hard, but you can do it and the payoff is well worth it! YOU CAN DO THIS!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



      thanks is nice to know someone has my back.......
      I just won't anymore



        Absolutely. It's damn hard. My screen name "Wagoneer" is because I have fallen off the wagon so many times! Last time I went 11 months then blew it. I didn't drink to the point of getting in trouble, drinking and driving, losing time from work, blacking out, ect., but I did drink too much and it was just too much for me. And after I fell off it was so much harder to get back on track. I had not been very sucessful. I am now though. Stay close to here. The people are awesome. Also not sure what time zone you are in, but many of the folks here are in England, UK, Ireland, etc so they are way ahead of us. If you don't get posts right away, that's the reason. They are a bunch of awesome folks and are always very supportive. Anyway, hope the urges pass....and they will. It's alot of work, but as I said, the payoff if brilliant!

        Love Waggy
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          URGE SURFING

          Please stay on this site and keep reading. Over and Over again I have to start and over and over again it gets harder and harder. Don't give into the beast! organize a closet go for a walk..jump up and down...PUNCH A PILLOW but don't give in. Tomorrow morning you will wake up and BE SO HAPPY you didn't drink. Sun shinning...things look brighter and maybe you will have a clean organized closet. That's what feels good!

          Hang in there!

          Just get through today!
          Honeysoup :heart:


            URGE SURFING

            phew i made it.
            teeth brushed, face washed, pjs on, in bed.....
            I just won't anymore


              URGE SURFING

              Yeah!!! Good for you!


                URGE SURFING

                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  URGE SURFING

                  early start to day 3 today....woke up feeling well rested.....but then i keep getting these annoying nagging thoughts.....if i can go two days without alcohol, then it should be ok if i drink now and then.....then i scold myself and say "are you KIDDING ME????" So while drinking, i was in a constant battle within myself, upset because I knew I had to stop but not able to ...... willing to be either blacked out drunk or hungover for the sake of the wine.....Now the battle is still here so I know that I need to stick with my plan....stick with my plan....went to AA yesterday and met some great women......will go again today. Next week I have initial appt with outpatient rehab.....I WILL NOT cancel it!!!
                  Last night, DH asked out I was feeling and said he felt bad I have to make this "sacrifice" When he said that, I told him maybe he should go to AL-anon to learn how to say better things......It is not a sacrifice, right????
                  I just won't anymore


                    URGE SURFING

                    Congratulations Jenni!

                    I really liked the way you came on here and simply acknowledged the craving, instead of giving it legs to run, and affirmed "I don't drink." I must have said that simple three-word phrase to myself a million times a day in the beginning and truly believe that it helped to rewire my brain to realize that I'm a non-drinker. Now when I have a thought that a drink might be a good idea, which is so rare these days, the "I don't drink" response comes automatically without any effort or thought on my part whatsoever. It always brings a smile to my face when that happens and lets me know that all the repetitive hard work I put in during my early days worked. We truly can reprogram our brains

                    I also liked the way you affirmed a positive action that you would take after work instead of drinking. So, you hit the craving with a double whammy.

                    1. I don't drink.
                    2. I will go to the gym after work.

                    Fantastic! You did everything right! I bet you feel GREAT this morning!


                    AF since 3/16/09
                    NF since 3/20/07


                      URGE SURFING

                      I just won't anymore


                        URGE SURFING

                        :l Jenni...sobriety is not a sacrifice! It's a gift that you are giving yourself! We were not put on this earth to drink ourselves to oblivion with poison. It's ethanol, and also used in cleaning supplies and gasoline! So, let's shine the bright light on AL and see it for what it really is! POISON!

                        Talk about sacrifice! AL made me sacrifice everything that was important to me. It was a very high price to pay!

                        I sacrifice nothing by being sober. To the contrary, I have regained my self esteem, my confidence, my pride, my inner peace and well-being, my relationships, my health, and my life.

                        The very thought of AL and the destruction it's capable of causing makes me sick to my stomach, and so angry that it's actually legal for us to purchase and consume once we become of age! What a joke! Yippie, I'm 21! I now get to poison myself to death with AL. No thanks...I don't drink!

                        AF since 3/16/09
                        NF since 3/20/07


                          URGE SURFING

                          Hi Jenni,

                          I agree entirely with what Sober Visitor up something we do not want anyway is really not a sacrifice at all! Believe me, I adore NOT eating sacrifice there!
                          BUT, a part of our psyches has spent many, many years considering AL to be a GOOD thing, and it takes time and effort to undo that conditioning. Plus, while some of us recognise that ethanol is poisonous to everyone, Western European culture as a whole does not, and we learn to work around it. My dear husband wants to "treat" me, and simply doesn't grasp the fact that I am not a person who can "take it or leave it," So, I thank him kindly, humor him as best I can, and continue to work on re=training my own brain. I highly recommend the cds from this website, as well as "The Work" of Byron Katie (available for free on the web} to help re=train the faulty thinking I had. These have helped me. Good luck!
                          . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                            URGE SURFING

                            Plus, a daily/nightly gratitude list, with which you have helped cleansed/creamed face and brushed teeth are now on it, every night as I fall asleep! Thanks! FF
                            . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                              URGE SURFING

                              yes, re-training the mind is 80% of the battle!!! Then there is the anxiety......but I am feeling good right now....thanks!!
                              I just won't anymore

