I am on Day 23 and the past two days have been terrible anxiety wise. I am not craving a drink per se, but know how easy it would be to ease this anxiety with drinking. I have GAD and OCD in the fact that I ruminate over every little thing I say or do. I feel awful and can't quiet my mind. I feel like drinking is better than reliving every thing negative I did or said all the time.
Part of me knows this is the addictive voice working and to ride it out these first months. But, man is it painful and self destructive. I am not feeling well and know my anxiety is high when I am sick. But to ruminate over something I said 2,3, 19 years ago is paralyzing.
I know I need to get to the gym, but easier said than done when all you want to do is sleep to rid yourself of thoughts. :upset: