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High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

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    High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

    Hi everyone,

    I am on Day 23 and the past two days have been terrible anxiety wise. I am not craving a drink per se, but know how easy it would be to ease this anxiety with drinking. I have GAD and OCD in the fact that I ruminate over every little thing I say or do. I feel awful and can't quiet my mind. I feel like drinking is better than reliving every thing negative I did or said all the time.

    Part of me knows this is the addictive voice working and to ride it out these first months. But, man is it painful and self destructive. I am not feeling well and know my anxiety is high when I am sick. But to ruminate over something I said 2,3, 19 years ago is paralyzing.

    I know I need to get to the gym, but easier said than done when all you want to do is sleep to rid yourself of thoughts. :upset:
    new beginnings July 16, 2012

    High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

    itsmytime...congrats on the 23 days. I too have GAD and OCD...and days 22-27 have been the hardest. In fact I didn't make it and those same thoughts were in my head. The drinking does make it go away but after 1 its 2 then 3 then before I new it I was back to my same old drinking wine habit then the blackouts. It took me 2 weeks to realize I didn't want that anymore. So here I am back again on day 3...starting over with the withdraw and wishing I was so bad back on day 27.

    Please stay strong...get out of the house and do something nice for yourself. Mani Pedi visit a grandparent or kids or something.

    If you feel like you can't leave the house w/o stopping somewhere then start baking, punch a pillow, take a bath scrub your shower anything. Just keep telling yourself it will pass.

    My heart goes out to you b/c I know how you are feeling. wanting to make the maddness stop, but trust me you don't want to start over.

    Just get through today! (((BIG HUG)))
    Honeysoup :heart:


      High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

      Sometimes writing things out on a piece of paper, in long hand, can quiet the mind...perhaps then, forgiving your younger, less-wise-self? Also on the paper? And, or, tearing up the paper & flushing it away? If you are ill, perhaps you are feverish, and a tepid bath/shower might help? If you can think of anything that used to hold your attention and/or make you laugh, maybe you could lie in bed & watch old "I Love Lucy" reruns on TVland. Good luck. Sending you strength & good thoughts. FF
      . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


        High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

        Hi IMT - you could try Bach Flower Remedies. Sounds to me like you'd benefit from White Chestnut...

        Keywords : Unwanted Thoughts; Mental Arguments

        White Chestnut is indicated for obsessive, worrying thoughts that seem impossible to control. Sufferers cannot let go of unhappy events or arguments and keep reliving them mentally.

        Persistent, unwanted thoughts and mental arguments go round and round like a stuck record, leading to a troubled mind. It is difficult to concentrate during the day, or to sleep at night. The sufferer may therefore appear inattentive and many not answer when spoken to.

        The positive potential of White Chestnut is peace of mind. The head is clear; thinking is under control and can be put to positive use in problem-solving. Worry is replace by trust in a positive outcome.

        You can either put a couple of drops in a drink and sip slowly or make up a stock bottle with spring water (4 drops in the stock bottle with 30 ml water) and take 4x day.
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

          Thanks everyone,
          Freefly, called the health food store I go to and they have one bottle of white chestnut left that I am picking up on my lunch.

          I absolutely hate this OCD and it's the reason I have been self medicating. I need to get through this and stop the cycle.
          new beginnings July 16, 2012


            High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

            can you guys fill me in? I don't understand what White Chestnut is...
            I just won't anymore


              High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

              Hang in there, this WILL pass. I've hit many bumps in the road myself, but drinking NEVER, EVER made it better.

              I love Farfalla's suggestion of watching "I Love Lucy", that's my favorite show ever, it just makes me happy! Also, I am not familiar with White Chestnut either...hmmm, now I'm wondering what it is?

              Please just stay strong and get through this. You will be happy that you did.

              Wishing you strength,

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                itsmytime;1361115 wrote: Thanks everyone,
                Freefly, called the health food store I go to and they have one bottle of white chestnut left that I am picking up on my lunch.

                I absolutely hate this OCD and it's the reason I have been self medicating. I need to get through this and stop the cycle.
                And while you are there get Bach Remedy Losenges - they are delicious & really calming. You suck them like candy. Yum !!! I have fallen asleep after them I've been so relaxed.

                Try them !


                  High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                  Just took the White Chestnut and was looking at the various Rescue Remedy products, will go back and get some Satz.

                  Sent hubby a text and he is sooo supportive, he is not going to enable me and reminded me that it will get better and I went through this before my 5 years of sobriety. I am focusing on the freedom I felt then and remembering the first while was tough.

                  Thanks everyone, I am not going to give in to the beast!!
                  new beginnings July 16, 2012


                    High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                    Itsmytime Unfortunately alcohol consumption tends to exacerbate anxiety levels subsequently – firstly by causing disruption to the nervous system, secondly by creating situations likely to induce further worry. A spiral of increasing use causing increasing anxiety can develop.

                    Anxious people tend to have a central belief about themselves as being helpless – they underestimate their ability to cope. Although, they are often aware that their fears are exaggerated.

                    Five key questions can be used to challenge the initial perception of threat and the appraisal of your coping ability:
                    ? What alternative interpretations could I make about this situation?
                    ? What concrete, factual evidence do I have to back-up or deny these beliefs?
                    ? What is the worst that could really happen, and how would that ultimately affect me?
                    ? What positive action can I take to manage this?
                    ? What are the pros and cons of me continuing with these negative thoughts I’m having?

                    Coupled with some simple relaxation techniques like keeping aware of your breathing, you can soon lessen your anxiety to a tolerable level. If you can adjust the way you interpret the world, and thus not feel so worried about it, then you may not need to drink so much alcohol to cope.Keep on moving forward as this will pass in time.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                      Thanks Mario,

                      I am no longer going to fuel my anxiety with AL and know what I am going through right now is my brain healing and dealing without AL. Painful at first, but so worth it in the end.

                      In regards to White Chestnut I noticed that there is an alcohol content of 27% on the bottle and was concerned but took it anyway as I know it is such a small amount to take and diluted. Better than vodka I thought. I looked it up and this is what I found:

                      Is it safe to take the remedies if you are a recovering alcoholic, given the brandy content?

                      If remedies are mixed into treatment bottles and taken four drops at a time in the usual way the amount of alcohol taken is very small.

                      Nevertheless, taking even a minute quantity of alcohol may have a psychological impact on someone who has decided to give up completely. In addition there is a very powerful drug (known as Antabuse) which can cause a violent reaction in someone drinking even a tiny quantity of alcohol. For these reasons it is best in these circumstances to consult your qualified medical practitioner before taking the remedies.

                      When you do so you might explain the dilution process and mention that if the remedies are dropped into a hot drink most or all of the alcohol will evaporate, and it is of course possible to administer the remedies externally by rubbing them on the pulse points.

                      But if in doubt, ask your alcohol advisor.
                      new beginnings July 16, 2012


                        High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                        Hi IMT, I quickly posted re remedies and forgot to mention the alcohol content! My apologies. Glad you found the info. They do make them with a glycerin base for those avoiding alcohol but I think harder to get hold of. Think you'd have to order them online. For me the alcohol content is so low it's not been a problem but those on antabuse may want to, as you say, dab on wrists or go for the glycerin option.

                        You may notice a difference straight away or you may notice your symptoms slightly worsen at the beginning. This means they're working so don't worry. It may take longer for a chronic condition so keep at it. It often happens that one day you realise you're just not thinking in the same way you were. I hope the remedy helps you.
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                          Thanks so much Freefly,

                          I have taken it 3 times and feel the dreadful obsessive thoughts lifting. I am going to order Amoryn as well, a natural AD. I am not going back to self medicating the anxiety, I am going to be diligent in finding natural ways to help it. I have tried many prescriptions but they either had awful side effects or made me not care and I drank more.

                          Thanks again for the recommendation, it is working :thanks:
                          new beginnings July 16, 2012


                            High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                            Hi IMT, delighted to hear that Bach created 38 remedies relating to different states of mind. They work on how we "feel" and not on our behaviours. They're well worth looking into. A great book on the subject is Mechtild Scheffer's Bach Flower Therapy, Theory & Practice. Delighted you've noticed a change so quickly :l
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                              High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

                              ps. Agrimony has proved valuable in the treatment of addiction, particularly to alcohol & nicotine and Walnut supports any major change. You may want to consider adding them to the mix.
                              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


