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High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

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    High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

    Hi its my time..when you feel like you need a drink...why dont you write down such things as
    why do I need it
    how will it help
    will the problem go away
    if it doesnt then what will I do
    How will I feel afterwards

    Just write down anything..make it exhaustive not just a one liner...hopefully by that time the urge will diminish
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

      Thanks Mick,
      Feeling much better this week. Stronger with each rough patch
      new beginnings July 16, 2012


        High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

        Hi IMT,

        Glad you're feeling better, and big congrat's on your AF time. Cool you've had 5 yrs sober time before, so you know there is much magic on the other side, a path you are well on.

        Have you tried something called 'Mindfullness'? It is a technique used for centuries to 'be in the present', and not focus/dwell on the past, or the furture. It's about being present 'now', in this moment. Part of the idea being that we cannot fit any thoughts of the past into our heads if we are busy focusing and paying attention to the present. e.g. if you eat a sultana, and concentrate on chewing it for a couple of minutes, noting it's flavour, texture, shape, chewiness etc, then where has your mind been for the last minute or 2? It's been focusing on the sultana, not on anything else. Get it? That's a simple explanation.

        Anyway, if you're interested, speak with Lavande, as she's into it and will have links to good info on the subject.

        Best wishes on your journey,


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

          where are bach remedies sold? Organic grocery store or someplace else?
          I just won't anymore


            High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

            Hi Jennie, I'm in the UK and you can get them from some chemists and health food stores. You can also order them online - just google
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              High Anxiety - Thoughts of Drinking

              Thanks G,

              I practice mindfullness and meditate regularly. However, the past couple of weeks I wasn't and boy what a difference. I am back to my workout and meditation routine and I know that is contributing to my anxiety lessening.

              Yes, I am focusing on that magical feeling of being sober and totally rid of AL thoughts. I also know how easy it is to get right back to where I was before with trying to moderate. It is out of the question for me. I am healing and recovering not just abstaining, I think that is the difference this time.
              new beginnings July 16, 2012

