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negative emotions ?

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    negative emotions ?

    I am really down this evening (day 4) I honestly feel and have felt for a while now that the only emotions I have are negative ones. I feel angry a lot, stressed, upset and bored with life and I don't feel affectionate towards my husband which is adversley affecting our relationship I love him so much and I am driving him away with my lack of emotion I do cuddle and kiss my son and try and be normal for him but i feel dead inside please someone tell me this is just another side effect of al and not me losing my mind?
    Taking it ODAT

    negative emotions ?

    yes, Mauri - I can't stress it enough - IT IS!!! It will pass - probably not tomorrow, and maybe not next week, but be honest about why you have been trying to do this for so really want it. A few weeks - even if it takes longer - a few months - of struggle is just undeniably worth it. That's what alcohol does to us. Please don't get dejected, hon.....It will get better than you ever imagined.

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      negative emotions ?

      I had a lot of those kinds of feelings too Mauri. In fact, they didn't go away. Emotional rollercoaster of anger, sadness, etc., you name it. When I was crying in the shower uncontrollably last week over the death of my dog, who died nearly 10 years ago, I decided something wasn't right. I went to the doctor and now have an estrogen patch on my ass. Hee hee, it seems to be helping. I don't know if I was drowning my emotions with AL or if menopause suddenly hit, and I noticed finally.

      Hang in there, and maybe ask your doctor some questions about how you've been feeling.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        negative emotions ?

        Oh Maurie, sorry your so down. Believe me it does get better. I have been sober for a few weeks now, and in the first days I felt just like you. Life now is far from being stress/problem free, but it's a whole lot better than when I was drinking. Like Lolab says it will pass, just as long as you stay away from al.


          negative emotions ?

          Sorry your low, but remember al is a depressive so you can only go up from here.
          Do you exercise? It can really help.
          Also try st johns wort.
          I've depression so I'm on anti depressents but I know even on the meds depression and anxiety kick in when I'm drinking
          Big hugs x
          AF since 2nd Oct 2012
          Day by day


            negative emotions ?

            I was a pretty cold hearted SOB the years I was a drinker, then the first six months to a year sober I was an emotional wreck. I felt the urge to cry alot and some really strange happiness overcame me at times. I never really flew off the handle, but I was emotionally out of wack compared to the way I was for 20 years. Now I have found an even keel, a normalcy that I am really happy and comfortable with.

            Don't go running to the doctor looking for answers, because they will try to prescribe you something that will just screw up your emotional balance down the road. Ride it out, deal with the feelings, ask yourself if the feelings are warranted, if not recognize it and change it by changing your posture, your breathing and your actions.

            We as humans are not broken. Our bodies can eventually regulate our chemical and emotional imbalances, especially if we can recognize they are happening. Asking for more chemicals will only do greater harm in the long run. Believe it or not it's natural for your body to react strangely when you cut out a chemical you have been using for a long period of time, so give it time to adjust.


              negative emotions ?

              I tend to agree with super crew...ride it out..let it all wash over you. It will just plain suck for a little bit. Hang in there. See it through. Go the distance...all that good stuff. I'm on day seven ...anxious and mad as hell..but really nothing compared to the shame, guilt, worry, etc. I had before about drinking. Given the choice, I'll take the anxiety and anger. It will pass. Buckle yourself in for the ride. Let us know how you are feeling though...


                negative emotions ?

                Thank you all so so much, I value all of your advice so much, I feel ok again this morning and even had a lie in thanks to my lovely son and didn't get up till 6.30.

                Libgirl, I have wondered about menopause but not seen my doc

                Super I also don't want to go down the meds route unless I have to, I am of the opinion that it would just mask or depress my natural emotions and I need to learn to deal with them by myself.

                Moots - what does st johns wort do please?

                I feel like when I sink into one of those moods I can't snap out of it, I end up just retreating into myself and barely talking which is so not like me and I hate myself for hurting my hubby but I can't seem to help myself, I seem to be more of a b*tch sober than I am drunk!!!
                Taking it ODAT


                  negative emotions ?

                  Hi Mauri,

                  I have been going through the same. It's early sobriety and our minds and bodies adjusting to life without AL. It can be painful emotionally at times, but in the long run it will be so worth it. I have had thougths of drinking to soothe the anxiety and overall blah feeling but haven't because these first months are fragile and we need to do whatever we have to to stay sober.

                  I haven't been to the gym or meditating the past two weeks, but have been soooo tired and just feeling off. I know it's because of not drinking and I know it will pass and I will be in better shape physically and mentally than I have been in years once I get past this first month.

                  Be gentle with yourself, go to bed early, rest and the reward will be a long, healthy sober life.
                  new beginnings July 16, 2012


                    negative emotions ?

                    Hi Mauri!

                    "Dead inside" is exactly how I felt for quite a while after quitting drinking. I was sober, but I wasn't really living. I still felt like I was in a fog. But as time passed, it slowly lifted and things started looking up. And it didn't take THAT long, so please don't be discouraged. Now I am generally happy, yes we all have ups and downs, but they pass quickly. As a matter of fact, I was in a PISSY ASS mood on Monday and I didn't know why...I rode it out and by the next day I was over it. As Byrdie and Lav say, you won't have two bad days in a row. Please hang in there and know that things will start looking up!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      negative emotions ?

                      Thanks everyone
                      Taking it ODAT


                        negative emotions ?

                        Thanks K9. Just love your posts,they are so inspiring!! I still am struggling but am trying to think of just HOW good it is when I am NOT drinking. I have meen able to reduce the amount I drink by a huge amount,but I still want to stop completely,as I know a little here and there can and will escalate into daily binging!!! Thanks again K9,I really appreciate your advice.:thanks::thanks:


                          negative emotions ?

                          Hi Mauri:
                          Have you tried Yoga? If you can get some time away from the little ones for a class or even if you can't you could pop in a DVD it will help calm the mind. I have found it very helpful.
                          Don't worry, be happy!


                            negative emotions ?

                            RFL my hubby bought a yoga dvd a while back I might try and find time to try it out

                            Boozer, I have had a couple of slips since quitting but I am so much more AF than I have ever been and I am holding onto that
                            Taking it ODAT

