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Alcohol for self-medication...

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    Alcohol for self-medication...

    I have not had a drink for almost 2.5 months now, and I have stopped before for 3 to 4 weeks at a time, always meaning to drink moderately in the future. This time since I have a broken knee, and I cannot get out to buy alcohol, and I am not about to ask any of my friend to bring me any. This additional hiatus from alcohol has given me the time to really think about and examine the when and why I drink, and what I have discovered is that I am primarily a self-medicator:

    ? I would have a drink when my blood sugar was low and I was feeling too lazy or did not have enough time to fix or go fetch myself something healthy to eat. This type of alcohol craving is easily fixed by my discovery of protein fruit smoothie shakes which I make up every morning and keep in the fridge.

    ? I am very ADHD, and coming off a period of hyper-focus I often feel very hyped up like I am bouncing off the walls, a very unpleasant almost anxiety attack type of feeling, and it is also what I believe is feeding my lack of ability to sleep. This is NOT easily fixable and is especially horrible. The immediate impulse is to do something to BURN OFF the excess energy, but due to my broken knee I can not do jumping jacks or take a brisk walk around the barrio. Although in my past experiences as much as it feels like this sensation could be dealt with by exercise, it never really helped all that much, I still felt like I want to JUMP OUT of my own skin when it occurs. So I am considering asking a doctor for an ADHD medication I can use instead of alcohol.

    When I am drinking regularly I do not drink until the bottle is gone, and I do not drink until I am drunk. I drink just enough for the hyperactivity to be quelled and then just enough to maintain that, so I am thinking if I were to find a medication that is LESS damaging than alcohol and not addictive to neutralize the hyper feeling, I will have a much easier time overcoming my dependency on alcohol.

    Has anyone else who has used alcohol for self-medication (for anything) found that once they were able to treat the reasons they were drinking that the cravings for alcohol went away?

    Alcohol for self-medication...

    Oh I so relate to this L. I'm bipolar 1 and when I'm hypo manic ( not totally manic) I really want something to calm me down. Medication has saved my life and stopped that revolting agitation and hyped up energy from returning too regularly. I would really suggest seeing a doctor for your ADHD and getting a treatment plan worked out. I have also learnt the hard way that alcohol doesn't really calm me down, still manic just not as agitated.
    Good luck
    Cashy xx
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      Alcohol for self-medication...

      And when I stop drinking the meds work better and yes I really don't crave. Sometimes I think I would like one and I just distract myself, tell myself not today, and it's a lot easier cause the medication is now doing what it is meant to do.
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Alcohol for self-medication...

        I am a self medicating drinker too. I don't have ADHD, but I have a very stressful job so i am so focused during the day and i am concentrating all day when i get home, it is hard to get rid of that edgy feeling i have had all, my general practitioner prescribed Klonapin to me about 3 months ago when I told her I wanted to stop drinking but couldn't seem to do it because of the anxiety. That medication is anti-anxiety and it worked. I would take it instead of drinking and would almost immediately feel numb...and I slept like a baby. BUT, like medicine for ADHD, Klonapin is addictive. And I would imagine if I were to take that regularly instead of booze, I would end up increasing my dosage to get that same numb feeling. I decided that i dont want to replace one problem with another so i am not taking it. I am just dealing with the is very hard and i am only on day 6 but that is my own plan. your situation is similar but a different beast so i may be off base, but thought i would share in case it helps.....
        I just won't anymore


          Alcohol for self-medication...

          Some people need medication to calm down, I need it to live an everyday life. Like a diabetic needs insulin or a Parkinson's sufferer need l-dopa. My meds will always be better than alcohol.
          Getting a doctors help does not necessarily mean you will end up on something addictive, research the problem you have and ask loads of questions when you see the doctor.
          Clonazepam (klonopin) is a benzodiazepine - a class of highly addictive drugs - steer clear of those they are nasty
          Having hyperactivity or hypomania is a medical condition. Mine is what they call an affective disorder, it's not like clinical depression, its a different beast from that even. It's chronic, I have it for life, it will not go away and I manage it with medication, psychiatry and through self knowledge. I guess some of my meds would be classed as addictive in that some of them have withdrawal syndromes but they keep me from being a slave to my illness.
          There are five different types of bipolar and differing degrees of severity. I am mostly "up" and moderately severe. Some people on the lower end of the severity spectrum cn cope without medication, most of us cannot.
          but all I can reiterate is to see a doctor because you weren't just describing anxiety you were describing that I want to run and scream and laugh and cry and hit the wall agitation that goes with the hyper or hypo.
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Alcohol for self-medication...

            Btw as you probably know alcohol is a depressant and can cause anxiety. When I don't drink anxiety goes away for me. Hope it does that for you too Jen I am doing a phd at the moment and I am so much more focussed off the plonk. Cheers Cashy xx
            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Alcohol for self-medication...

              Good morning Lag and Cash,
              this is all me to the nth degree and Cash you and I could be diagnostic twins!

              I am on the excact same page. I use Lamictol to manage it, counseling and self knowledge. I loved the way you put that. It's taken I me a long time to accept my struggle but my dad was most definitely off the charts bipolar and he was unmediated. Probably would have saved his family a lot of pain if he had been....

              Lag, it never occurred to me that I could be 'hyper focused' and that this precipitates that climbing the wall feeling. I have been trying to manage my ' extremes' happy or sad and be really conscious of them because man oh man do I want to DRINK when I approach one of these stages.

              I sometimes wish I could just be in a completely emotion free zone like Spock
              Needless to say I have self medicated since the word go and Cash you're right, the mess seem to work better without the AL but it is still very touch and go for me lately. I'll be two months on the 17th....
              Congrats Lag on your AF time broken knew or not, that is truly tough and a great achievement!

              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
     tool box
     newbie nest


                Alcohol for self-medication...

                One pill makes you larger
                And one pill makes you small
                And the ones that mother gives you
                Don't do anything at all...

                Quite often ADHD is treated with a stimulant to help the attention deficit part, and then Clonidine to treat the hyperactivity. I am thinking of asking the doctor just about Clonodine, as since the knee break and surgery my BP as been a bit too high and Clonidine also is used to lower blood pressure. I have learne to"manage" the attention deficit part of my ADHD by simply avoiding or eliminating the LEFT BRAIN stuff that triggers it in me.

                The art director I do most of my work for no longer has me do any hard core coding that can't be done with an HTML editor. Unfortunately, his has cost me about 25% of my income, but I now LOVE my job, and I am able to HYPERFOCUS (which I actually enjoy while it is happening) on the creative part of my job that I LOVE. The other work around is, brat that I am, I now have a cleaning lady come in every other week(for the broken knee originally, but i have decided to KEEP HER!). So for these reasons I think I can function alright without the Adderall part of the equation for the most part, except when I have a lot of paperwork to do... anyway, finding an acceptable medical way to treat the hyperactivity sounds much more logical than continuing with alcohol the way I have been.


                  Alcohol for self-medication...

                  Go ask Alice....

                  Wow I so know that feeling lag - my creativity really hits the ground running when I'm a bit manic - I can see connections in my Uni work that are superb and everything flows. It's .when I get a bit higher and the agitation kicks in that the mess starts. sound like although we have totally different probs the solution is the same - get something to stabilize those hyper moments. Like you I can rarely take a stimulant or in my case an antidepressant - stimulates seratonin which I have enough of anyway!

                  Kradie-snap- we should chat sometime. I loved lamictal as a mood stabiliser but I got the rash - total bummer...
                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    Alcohol for self-medication...

                    Hi Lacataloca.........from El pichon negro...Ha! Your so right ! I had medical depression for years and decided to take my imaginary Dr. Miney Hangover's advice....take 2 to 4 shots and call me in the morning........My good doctor got me on the right track....put me on Zoloft. Seek your Doctors advice when feeling depressed all the time.......
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      Alcohol for self-medication...

                      Hi! I've been on SSRIs (modern anti-depressants) ever since they hit the market, and have had a psychiatrist monitor them to find the correct one, as your brain chemistry changes every once in awhile. I'm currently on Lexapro, and it works great.

                      As far as Klonopin (anxiety), it's true that benzos can be addictive, but I've also been on Klonopin for years, and have had 3 different psychiatrists prescribe it for my anxiety. It works well also, and the only problem is when you go off of a benzo. Since I never have taken more than prescribed (a small amount), I've never had a reason to stop taking it. But getting off of benzodiazapenes can be tricky. A good MD will wean you off, if and when you decide to stop taking them. The problems with them is when you abuse them, and then detoxing is a bigger deal. Some detox programs put you on phenobarbital for a few days, and then you're good to go, or so I've heard. Definitely not as bad as alcohol detox!

                      HTH, M.


                        Alcohol for self-medication...

                        Interesting - a lot of people don't know that *long term* use of Benzo's? They become disinhibitors - over time and as your body becomes used to them. So - adding AL? Can mean a much compounded effect. IE - there is NO rate limitor.
                        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                        AF - August 20, 2012

