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    I have just discovered this forum and program, it is helping me so much,thank you!
    I have ordered the book from Amazon and waiting for it to come. I have read alot of posts on this forum which has been very helpful.
    I am going to go to the vitamin store and buy some supplements. This is my shopping list

    Multi vitamin
    B complex
    Milk Thistle
    L- glut
    5 http

    How does that sound? Is there any I should add or omit? Can anyone suggest a schedule and dosage please?


    Hi Alip!

    Your supplement list sounds exactly like mine, except I'm not sure what 5 http is. I take all of the others that you listed.

    One thing you might add, if (like me) you depended on alcohol to help you fall asleep: melatonin. I take 5mg before I get into bed at night and usually fall asleep within 20-30 minutes.

    Good luck to you on this'll be so glad you started it!



      Hello alip, sounds like you got everything, but I couldn't find kudzu in a store, let me know if you have any luck with that. Best of luck to you on your new journey!
      Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some



        :welcome: Alip! The book will have a lot of info about the supplements and how to take them. There is also an update:

        I couldn't stay sober between 7AM and 3PM for even a day before I came here and started the My Way Out program. I hope you find your way out too!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.



          Hi Alip

          That sounds like a good list. For the L-glut, many people prefer the powder over the capsules. You can safely take quite a bit - several grams a day. I take a large spoonful once or twice a day. It tends to work fast too, so you can take more if you're having cravings.

          5-HTP is I believe a serotonin precursor, some people find it helpful for depression. I tried it briefly with no effect, but I may not have given it a fair trial. I have also tried tryptophan which is also a serotonin precursor. It did not help with my depression, but it was great for falling asleep at night - your mileage may vary. Anyway something else to try if the 5-HTP or melatonin is not working for you.
          AF since 6JUN2012



            You do have to be careful with 5- HTP if you are on any RX anti-depressant or other drug for a neurology related condition as this one can shift your chemistry and alter the effectiveness of your prescribed meds.

            I take the melatonin in a liquid gel formulation that I recently found - and I am now moving to sleep from 40 minutes to 12 - 15 minutes so that's a vast improvement. Less time tossing and turning thinking about AL.

            Echo - L-Glut powder far more effective than capsules - and in bad cravings just shove a spoonful in - gross as that is - and then slam the water or juice. Icky but effective.
            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
            AF - August 20, 2012



              Thank you all for the replies and advice. I am so glad I found this program and forum.
              I am determined to become a "normal"social drinker. Thank you for your well wishes,I am off to the store now to get the supplements

