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5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

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    5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'


    I just wanted to say hello to everyone.. I joined about half hour ago and think I have finally found the forum where I belong- phew!

    As the title of my thread suggests, I took it upon myself to start on naltrexone 5 weeks ago and I am extremely pleased with the results so far... and from what I have read in some of the other threads, I think it's brilliant that this site has been set up and thankyou!!!

    Sarah x

    5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

    Hello Sarah and welcome, glad you found us, this is a very special place, for me its almost like a second home.... So let yourself settle in, have a look around the message boards and get a feel for things, then when you feel comfortable just jump in.... Have you been alcohol free for 5 weeks??? If so thats fantastic... I don't take any meds myself just supplements so I don't know anything about naltrexone, but if its working for you then stay with it....

    Catch you later, love from Louise xxx

    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

      Yes Hi Sarah and welcome.

      Sit yourelf down and have a good read, everyone is amazing and so supportive.

      well done on 5 weeks on your own !


        5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

        Welcome Sara! Glad you found MWO. Folks here are great, supportive, helpful, caring and genuine.

        Good job on 5 weeks...come here often...
        Control the Mind


          5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

          Welcome Sarah,

          This is a great place to be...lots of support. Lots of great information. Glad you are here!:welcome:


            5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

            (((thanks everyone)))

            Thanks for posting and letting me know you are ''out there'' ! lol.....

            I am thinking ahead in terms of helping others and wondered if I could create a thread soley on my experiences with naltrexone so far and onwards.. I have alot to share right now in all areas and it would be a huge help both for me and those seeking support... Can anyone advise on whether this would be of use here??

            Sarah xx


              5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

              Hi Sarah!:welcome:

              I think we would love to read all about your experience.
              How about the thread right under General?
              Would that be a good place?

              :goodjob: On finding MWO!

              :l Nancy
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                5 weeks on naltrexone, 1 word-'amazing'

                Hi southernbelle47


                I would love to create a diary as some of the experiences I am having (even since my last post) are really significant... But I don't think I made it clear that I am still drinking alcohol alongside.. (socially / ''normally'')
                I know how touchy this subject is, especially for those seeking total sobriety / abstinence so wouldn't want to upset anyone??

                I would need advice from maybe an administrator regarding an appropriate way of documenting my experiences where those who were interested could access the information...

                I would appreciate any feedback..


                Sarah x

