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My first step

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    My first step

    Hi everyone. This is the first time i have visited a site like this but feel its time i finally took a step and admitted to myself that i have a problem and always had. Im 29 years old male and i am a binge drinker. I think if everyone can bare with me it is good for me to write this out. I started drinking at 17 but did not like beer so from an early age i drank spirits mainly whisky, gin and vodka. From the age of 18 to about 20 i had at least one drink every day almost as a competition to see how long i could do this for. At the age of 24 after a stag do i started feeling very ill for a number of days and was forced to go to the doctors by my girlfriend. My dr stated that i had liver issues after a test and i had to come back a month later and do another test to see if the short term recovery had improved. That was the case so the dr stated i had to sort myself out basically. i actually went a period of a few months not drinking and lost a lot of weight. since then i have steadily spiralled into the binge drinking which i have always done. My friends tolerate me as i am their friend but i am well aware i am looked upon as a loose cannon and a loveable rogue. Over the last few years i have gone out less and less due to having children and not having the time to socialize but i still drink vodka and wine and so on at home with my wife. To wrap it up i have just came back from a stag weekend where i drank to extremes and caused issues for all my friends with my wild and unacceptable antics. I need this to stop but simply do not know how. I am scared to go to the dr as i work for the civil service and am scared of the implications of admitting i have a problem. i am worried if i try to stop drinking i will be bored all the time out and will not be able to have a good time ever again. sorry this is long but some advice would be brilliant. Thank you

    My first step

    finallysee;1367046 wrote: Hi everyone. This is the first time i have visited a site like this but feel its time i finally took a step and admitted to myself that i have a problem and always had. Im 29 years old male and i am a binge drinker. I think if everyone can bare with me it is good for me to write this out. I started drinking at 17 but did not like beer so from an early age i drank spirits mainly whisky, gin and vodka. From the age of 18 to about 20 i had at least one drink every day almost as a competition to see how long i could do this for. At the age of 24 after a stag do i started feeling very ill for a number of days and was forced to go to the doctors by my girlfriend. My dr stated that i had liver issues after a test and i had to come back a month later and do another test to see if the short term recovery had improved. That was the case so the dr stated i had to sort myself out basically. i actually went a period of a few months not drinking and lost a lot of weight. since then i have steadily spiralled into the binge drinking which i have always done. My friends tolerate me as i am their friend but i am well aware i am looked upon as a loose cannon and a loveable rogue. Over the last few years i have gone out less and less due to having children and not having the time to socialize but i still drink vodka and wine and so on at home with my wife. To wrap it up i have just came back from a stag weekend where i drank to extremes and caused issues for all my friends with my wild and unacceptable antics. I need this to stop but simply do not know how. I am scared to go to the dr as i work for the civil service and am scared of the implications of admitting i have a problem. i am worried if i try to stop drinking i will be bored all the time out and will not be able to have a good time ever again. sorry this is long but some advice would be brilliant. Thank you
    Nothing could be further from the truth. Right now, thats how you feel, but when you stop drinking, that attitude will soon change. Dare I say you will have MORE fun than you THINK you are now.

    I was in your shoes so I speak from experience. I could not even imagine a life without AL........and now.......I cant imagine one with AL

    Wishing you strength, wiseom, and all the support needed to quit the beast
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      My first step

      Hi, finally.

      We've all been through it, so you are in the right place! You are very young, and you have your whole life ahead of you, so this is a perfect time to get AL out of your life. This is a progressive disease--mine got to the point where I got into trouble with DUIs last year when I was 56 yrs old. Had a couple of careers behind me, thank God, but my life would have been so much better had I recognized my problem and taken action years ago.
      As far as being bored, there are so many things we can do once we are AF! Old hobbies, new interests, etc. I had to go to a 28 day rehab--and kept AF for just over six months before slipping, then relapsing for a month--and it was a huge help. And I went to AA five days a week for about four months. I find this forum to be the greatest help to me, as there are so many people with tons of experience who reach out to you every day. I suggest the Newbie's Nest and the Toolbox section for help starting out. And not sure if you will suffer withdrawal symptoms when you stop, but you can get help for that, too.
      Stay with us, and you can do it!
      "One day at a time."


        My first step

        Thank you both of you. I will try out those sections I just need to sort myself out for my wife and my family and friends


          My first step

          Actually finallysee - I've tried to sort myself out for my SO first. And my family. And my friends. And each time I failed.

          This time fear of losing him panicked me. But all the introspection of it made me realize if I'm honest - part of what is making me nasty drunk right now (newish) is that I don't like me very much. I'm becoming scared as my world is shrinking and AL is taking my friends and options away. AL makes me feel shame in front of my kids.

          The longer it goes on - the less I have. The less I like myself. The more shame I feel.

          So this time I'm going to do this for me. I want to like myself again. And I'm worth fighting for. And I hope you do this early enough for you - that you never get here. Because here sucks. XOXO.
          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
          AF - August 20, 2012


            My first step

            Hi FinallySee and a huge welcome!

            I'm glad you've found us, and that you've decided to get alcohol out of your life. Nelz is right, you won't be bored. It's hard to imagine at first, but eventually NOT drinking will be the norm... I never thought it would happen to me, but it did.

            Prairie made a good point too. Ultimately you have to this for YOU. I always say that I GOT sober for my daughter, but I STAY sober for ME...which ultimately benefits her too.

            Please keep posting and let us know how you are. We look forward to getting to know you!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              My first step

              Hi FinallySee and welcome
              I was where you are in January this year. Not binge drinking but just drinking too much.
              I couldn't even imagine 1 day without a glass of wine.
              I'd be bored out of my tree.

              I started by logging on here every day. Still having my drinks but a seed was sown and I started making little ventures out without a drink or only one drink maybe with a meal.

              It took to July 2 to go AF all day.
              After I realised the world didn't end - I kept going !
              I've been to a wedding, numerous meals, Pub quizzes - as long as I was kept amused I was ok.
              No major drinking sessions as such as that would be a pain in the arse - I think I would get bored there and why not - it is BORING unless you are drunk ?? and then is it FUN ?
              Try Antabuse - it takes away the decision - Will I / Won't I - 'cos you will be sick as a dog - so you can't - great incentive when you get the urge

              Hope this helps - it CAN be done - I was the worst skeptic of this AF lark !


                My first step

                Wow thanks for all the comments. I'm lucky I have a supportive family really. I just need to try and change my mindset that it is not a necessity. What will a UK doctor do if i see him/her will they help me


                  My first step

                  Hi Finallysee -

                  There are a ton of UK folks here who can advise you about your medical system.

                  I'm just glad you are here now. I wish when I was still just merging from binge drinking and moving to daily drinking - I'd asked for help then. Maybe I wouldn't have caused so much pain. So you are early yet - and that's a good thing.

                  Be welcome.
                  That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                  Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                  AF - August 20, 2012


                    My first step

                    Hopefully I can sort myself out then. I have a very addictive personality and always have with hobbies or whatever. Currently I am addicted to the concept2 rowing machine and I've lost 4 stone on that and kayaks so at least I have some good active hobbies to hopefully throw myself into if I'm struggling one evening

