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Hanging in

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    Hanging in

    Well, I'm still here and I did not have a drink last night. Oh I wanted one (that 5 - 8 PM witching hour, if you will). But I have decided after almost 40 years as an alcoholic that it is simply not in the cards for me. As much as I like to kid myself that "just one" won't hurt I know deep down that "just one" is the first step in the spiral downward.

    Still not feeling that great though. My head is pounding and I'm extremely irritable. I can't do anything in the evenings except cruise this board, and I'm avoiding (neglecting?) my family. I just can't deal with anybody right now. I need to get through this.

    Thank you for your continued support and as I get through the next few days I'll try to be a little bit more concise in my posts.

    Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.

    Hanging in

    The first week is kind of like that. You will be doing what you can to get through the worst of the physiological.

    You might want to get the Jason Vale book - Kick the Drink Easily. I didn't find it that easy - OBVS - but it does help you reframe your relationship with AL. Completely.

    Flush with fluids this morning. Hit your multi-vitamin. At lunch - if you have one - add in an Extra B vitamin - maybe some Milk Thistle. Your body is out processing all the toxins this week. You want to help it. If you get the shakes - definately get a B-50 or B-100 Vitamin supplement to take at lunch. You will want the extra Inositol that a B-50 or B-100 has to settle your nerves down and help control the shakes/anxiety/irritability and both *usually* have that - if the ones you have don't have them - go get an Inositol on it's own...Also Taurine - an amino acid you can get singly - is good in the first two weeks - for the shakes if you get them.
    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      Hanging in

      Thats the kind of attitude that will get you through this battle. The start up stage is going to be the hardest part. A rough road to say the least, but when you get to your destination, you will look back and know that it was worth it.

      As far as the family.....if I was in your shoes(and I was), I would do whatever it took for you to repair yourself. This is a difficult time, they will understand, and it wont last forever. You will see that with time, it will get easier. You are training your brain that "thinks" you need AL, back to the normal brain you had before you met AL.

      I wish you all the strength, knowledge, and support needed to reach your goals
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        Hanging in

        Hi IG and :welcome:!!! Boy I can relate to the ....well...general awfulness you describe in these early sober days. Congratulations on staying AF yesterday. Great suggestions from PF about self care and Nelz about putting yourself first for a time to achieve AFness. That is just something we have to do. Getting through to the other side is miraculous, and to me anyway, is worth way more than the pain it took to get here.

        "just one" thinking. Oh my. I used to think it was only me that thought that way (before I sought recovery). Always the battle in my head. "I'm not going to drink today." Then "just one won't hurt." Then...well...drunk again.

        I actually thought about this one day since stopping the madness. I can't recall one time, EVER in 30+ years of drinking that I had ONLY ONE and stopped. I remember plenty of times where I would have one at a family or business function, and then be JONESING until I could get out of there and have more at a different bar, at home, etc. Oy. "just one" is my mind's way of trying to get a fix. I call it the committe in my head that talks to me. Well, me and the committee both know that "just one" is a lie.

        Another lie that got me in trouble prior to May 22, 2008: "We can quit again any time..." Oy. That committee of mine cannot be trusted at all! :H

        Best wishes to you one day at a time.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Hanging in

          Thank you all for your support. This is the worst time for me and I just need to get through the next few hours until bedtime.

          Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.


            Hanging in

            Hi IG,

            My son has the ugliest tattoo across his colar bone. It reads "one day at a time"....

            Just do that, one day at a time. Some days are diamonds, some days are stones. The longer you can manage AF the more diamonds appear!!! Trust me, it's true....

            Wish you strength, courage and peace!

            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
            Mother Theresa

