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Changing Personality?

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    Changing Personality?

    Hi All,

    I'm now on my 3rd month AF, and feel great! One thing I notice is a subtle personality change.

    My old "up and down" personality has leveled off, especially the down part. Now, I'm much quieter, don't talk as much. Having a conversation with my wife is a chore. I just don't have much to talk about! I always was a shy, quiet kid, until I discovered AL at about 19. Maybe my true personality has returned, but I don't want to be BORING!

    Do any of you find your personality has changed AF?

    Thanks in advance,


    Changing Personality?

    I feel exactly the same way. Like I am less interesting..


      Changing Personality?


      In answer to your question-yes. I know exactly what you mean. When alcohol is your social lubricant and you stop then you find that you really would rather listen than yammer all the time.

      I did things under the influence of alcohol that I would NEVER dream of doing otherwise, as I'm sure all of us have. Without the alcohol I think the true personality has a chance to develop and manifest. The results can be surprising.

      Three months is a good length of time to be sober and see the differences. Happy for you


        Changing Personality?

        I look at it as I am learning to listen better. In my early stages of sobriety I was quieter with my wife and at parties, but now not only am I a better listener I engage conversations with a purpose. I will talk about health and wellness, without preaching of course. The more positive you become and the more healthy you become, you will find more people wanting to talk to you, about YOU. I was never a true conversationlist unless I was drunk, but now people want to talk to me, about me, and that makes talking and listening pretty easy and enjoyable. My wife likes it with her because I have learned the skill of listening, and she likes to talk.


          Changing Personality?

          I thank God every day that my personality has changed Matti :H

          Seriously though, I am grateful that the anxiety & depression no longer plague me. Who Cares if I'm quieter? Like Supercrew, my listening skills have improved as well

          Enjoy the changes & growth that come along with sobriety - you worked hard!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

