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Going for 30 please ;0)

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    Going for 30 please ;0)

    Hi everyone

    I've been a lurker and have posted a couple of times. I'm going for 30 days af. Using the supplements and this site.
    I've done long periods over the years, mainly after bad binges or during pregnancies. In recent years I have been good at not drinking for days then going for it!!
    I find once I start I can't stop. I have done some awful things under the influence and really want to quit for good, but I find it hard to admit to myself that I just can't drink at all. I have read the big book, jason vale and countless books regarding alcohol abuse but just can't find the inner courage or will power to stop ;0(
    My parents do not like me drinking, my husband knows I struggle and monitors me, if I'm over doing it the atmosphere in the house is tense! I'm not a bad drunk and I know the people whom I know would be surprised to hear I have this problem.
    I'm on day 3 today. No cravings and no desire to drink but I know this won't last so any encouragement would be helpful.
    AF since 2nd Oct 2012
    Day by day

    Going for 30 please ;0)


    Do you have any idea WHY you drink? If you can figure that out and recognize your triggers that will make it easier to plan how to deal with them. For example do you drink before dinner because your blood sugar is low? Do you drink for general anxiety? Depression? If so, maybe you need to see your doctor about having a doctor treating that instead of self-medicating...

    Plan what you will tell yourself and what you will do when you are out shopping in order to stay out of the liquor store. Think ahead about what you will drink instead of alcohol when you are out socializing.

    It is much easier not to drink when you have all your bases covered and do not just go with the flow...

    Good luck, and I will be rooting for you! I KNOW its not easy at all...

    La gata not completely loca... yet ;-)


      Going for 30 please ;0)

      Hi Moots,
      Also getting my head round the fact that I can't drink at all, and working on my mindset that I don't want to drink anymore. Work in progress but getting tired of testing it out all the time. Another day 3 for me. Good luck to you - great site with loads of support. I'm just down the road from you in Sussex
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        Going for 30 please ;0)

        go for it!!!
        we are all here to help!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Going for 30 please ;0)

          Hi laga

          My trigger is stress and socialising, I do suffer from general anxiety disorder and have been on anti depressents for years which definitely keep me on the straight and narrow, but if I start drinking say at a social event the next day when I'm hungover I just can't stop myself !
          Day 4 was fine, really busy with work, I'm a fitness instructor so no drinking there!!!
          Testing weekend though, seeing friends at the pub, then camping with the family, I always drink when camping and really want this to be a sober experience. I find I have a drink and instead of getting angry with myself and stopping at one I just think Sod it and get on it ;0(
          Thanks for replies xx
          AF since 2nd Oct 2012
          Day by day


            Going for 30 please ;0)

            So hows it going so far Moots? Have you thought about the pub and what you are going to do on the camping trip to keep yourself from listening to the slick voice in your head that convinces you to take that first drink?


              Going for 30 please ;0)

              Hi, all good on day 6. We didn't go to the pub so that avoided that! But did feel flat yesterday. Happy to say that I didn't cave in though.
              Weather is miserable here which somehow helps because it's not so appealing drinking in the rain as it is on a hot sunny day. Just hope the weather doesn't get me down.
              Am taking some films in my iPad and my running shoes camping so plans in place.
              Hope everyone is having a happy sober weekend with lots planned
              AF since 2nd Oct 2012
              Day by day


                Going for 30 please ;0)

                Hello Moots, I to suffer from general anxiety disorder and depression, Have been on AD for years, they do help a lot but this condition has caused me to become an alkie unfortunatley, following years of AL abuse!!!. I have learn't from MWO that a plan is needed when al is about. Good Luck !! Hang around MWO there are lots of good people who are only to happy to offer support.:welcome:::welcome:


                  Going for 30 please ;0)

                  Mootsbill;1368544 wrote: Hi, all good on day 6. We didn't go to the pub so that avoided that! But did feel flat yesterday. Happy to say that I didn't cave in though.
                  Weather is miserable here which somehow helps because it's not so appealing drinking in the rain as it is on a hot sunny day. Just hope the weather doesn't get me down.
                  Am taking some films in my iPad and my running shoes camping so plans in place.
                  Hope everyone is having a happy sober weekend with lots planned

                  Day 6 you say? hmmmmmmmmmmm one more day and ill have the boys crank out another gold star.............stay strong, you are doing well
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    Going for 30 please ;0)

                    Keep working at it Mootsbill and make sure you have your plan for when it gets tough,as it will,keep reading and posting we are all here for you.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

