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Any Help for Anxiety?

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    Any Help for Anxiety?

    Hi, everyone!

    I've been lurking here forever. I slow down or even stop my drinking every so often, but I have not been able to quit for good yet. In recent months, my drinking has escalated, and I am having a hell of a time trying to quit this time.

    I work at home, so it's convenient to drink pretty much at all hours. So now I've been starting before noon now for months. I don't get obliterated, but really... who drinks before noon if there isn't a big problem?

    I know that quitting altogether is the only way for me, but it's been hard. Every day, I start getting very anxious around noon without a drink. I think "ok, I'll have just one to settle down, and that's it." Works every time to get rid of the jitters, but most times I don't quit at one drink... it turns into two or three, and then a couple more at happy hour.

    I'd like to find a way to avoid those jitters that get me started in the first place, but I don't want to start on a prescription like Xanax or anything, because then I might just be trading one addiction for another.

    Anyone have any ideas for a natural, non-addictive supplement or something that would help me get through those anxious first few days while I'm trying to quit?

    Any Help for Anxiety?

    Hi NotThirsty,

    Welcome back!
    Have you tried talking to your doctor about this problem?
    I did years ago & was sent home with an Rx for Lexapro. It took care of the anxiety, just numbed me right up & I still continued drinking.

    After several attempts on that I finally search out a natural product called Amoryn which kicked my anxiety & depression quickly without causing any side effects. Take a look: AMORYN Mood Booster | Natural Supplement for Depression & Anxiety

    There is another product called Seredyn which is very effective for anxiety & panic attacks:
    Immediate Anxiety Relief - Natural Anxiety Remedy - SEREDYN

    I have used these products & been sober for 3 1/2 years - worked for me
    Wishing you the best!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Any Help for Anxiety?

      Hi NotThirsty!

      I've been using the supplement Valerian for years for my anxiety. It's great for giving you a calm mellow feeling, but not to the degree of impairment, so you can still function normally. You may have to experiment with the dose. It's also helpful at night if you have a hard time winding down.

      One thing that amazed me since I've been AF, is how MUCH of my anxiety was alcohol-induced. I knew it to a degree, but it's been a wonderful change.
      AF since 6JUN2012


        Any Help for Anxiety?

        Lavande and Pixie, thank you so much for your suggestions.

        Lavande, I went to the Amoryn website and read all about it. It sounds like just what I'm looking for, so I ordered a bottle of both the Amoryn and the Seredyn.

        And Pixie, Valerian is one of the ingredients in the Serdyn, so you're right on the money with that.

        Lavande, do you think that the Amoryn was a big factor in your being able to quit?

        I'm really hoping that if I can get just get rid of this crippling anxiety, I'll stop trying to self-medicate it with booze.

        Again, thanks to both of you.


          Any Help for Anxiety?

          Hi, NotThirsty.
          Wow--the drinking at home is what got me started on a very bad path. I started that a few years ago when I was devastated after being laid off from my job in sales. (Had nothing to do with drinking.) Easy to six mosit at my desk and computer and hide my drink in a desk drawer. The when I started working again--partly from home--I continued with that. Got two DUIs in to states within two months last year.
          Anyway, went to reahb, had six good AF months and I felt good. Th I had a slip in late May, then a relapse that lasted for a month. Had bought the Amoryn at Lav's recommendations a few months ago when I wanted to stop the Pxil I'd taken for four months. It works so well AS LONG AS YOU AREN'T DRINKING!! I agree that most of our anxiety is a direct result of our drinking, but the Amoryn helps with any anxiety that may still be there. I take one a day, and late afternoon seems to work well for me. I am on day 14 AF now, and I have not been anxious at all. I'm glad you ordered it! Please let us know how it goes.
          "One day at a time."

