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Sober day 22 - Campral

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    Sober day 22 - Campral

    I am a newbie to this site, but soo glad I came across it. I am a long time beer drinker. Also an alcoholic. I have quit a couple of times for a year at a time. I am trying again with the help of Campral this time. I stopped cold turkey after my daughter told me I would be dead in a couple of years and not see her become a doctor. I went 7 days before going to see my doctor. I am proud to say that I am on day 22 and the Campral is working. I find it is important to take it on time every day, ever dose. I missed my lunch time dose and thought about drinking on my way home from work at 3:30. Rushed home and took it. Did not drink. Yay!! This seems like a great group with caring hearts. Sorry about this being so long.

    Sober day 22 - Campral

    Congratulations on 22 days, SAS!

    I think it's great that you've found something that seems to be helping you. Your daughter sounds like one smart cookie, and I'm sure it took a lot of courage for her to share her fears with you.

    Keep up the good work and jump in wherever you feel comfortable. You'll find lots of support here, and be sure to check out the Tool Box in case you haven't done so already.

    Let us know if you have any questions.


    AF since 3/16/09
    NF since 3/20/07

