I was a 5 - 9 drinker, meaning that I could go all day without even thinking about drinking. But when that 5 o-clock whistle blew all bets were off. I would literally watch the clock and the minute it hit 5 out would come the vodka/gin and the tonic and it was off to the races. After all, I had worked so hard all day. I may have even saved a life or two (I work in a cardiac cath lab). Didn't I deserve something for all my hard work? And besides, everybody knew that it was okay to drink as long as it was after 5. Right? I would usually stop by about 9 (and about 1/2 way or more through a 750ml bottle of vodka) in the evening because it was time for bed and I needed my sleep. Of course the fact that I would be waking up throughout the night as my hangover progressed didn't count. Gads. What a dork.
A couple of people from my work want to get together in the next few days for some wine and conversation and I've really got to prepare myself for that. I have never, ever in my drinking career been in a social situation where I wasn't drinking so I'm unsure what to do. I'm sure I'm going to be white-knuckling it through out the evening; however, I won't let my resolve break. I've got to do this. Right now I'm doing this for my 10-year-old daughter who thinks it's a normal thing for her mom & dad to drink all evening. Poor kid. She's being set up for the same failures if I don't get my head out of my ass.
Anyway, off to work I go. Thanks for listening.