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Saying good morning to day #6

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    Saying good morning to day #6

    I made it through another day without alcohol and I'm starting to feel pretty good about myself. I'm not going to let my guard down though. I know how easy it is to convince myself that I deserve a drink for being such a good girl. Nope. Not going to do it.

    I was a 5 - 9 drinker, meaning that I could go all day without even thinking about drinking. But when that 5 o-clock whistle blew all bets were off. I would literally watch the clock and the minute it hit 5 out would come the vodka/gin and the tonic and it was off to the races. After all, I had worked so hard all day. I may have even saved a life or two (I work in a cardiac cath lab). Didn't I deserve something for all my hard work? And besides, everybody knew that it was okay to drink as long as it was after 5. Right? I would usually stop by about 9 (and about 1/2 way or more through a 750ml bottle of vodka) in the evening because it was time for bed and I needed my sleep. Of course the fact that I would be waking up throughout the night as my hangover progressed didn't count. Gads. What a dork.

    A couple of people from my work want to get together in the next few days for some wine and conversation and I've really got to prepare myself for that. I have never, ever in my drinking career been in a social situation where I wasn't drinking so I'm unsure what to do. I'm sure I'm going to be white-knuckling it through out the evening; however, I won't let my resolve break. I've got to do this. Right now I'm doing this for my 10-year-old daughter who thinks it's a normal thing for her mom & dad to drink all evening. Poor kid. She's being set up for the same failures if I don't get my head out of my ass.

    Anyway, off to work I go. Thanks for listening.

    Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.

    Saying good morning to day #6

    Hi IG,

    Congrats on 6 days! It really feels good, doesn't it!

    Not sure what to tell you about the work get together. I couldn't have handled that level of temptation so early on in my sobriety, so I pretty much hung out at MWO and read self-help recovery books for the first 3 months. It was kind of like being in Sober School, but that's OK, because it kept me AF and got me where I am today. If you do decide to go, I would definitely recommend having an exit strategy just in case.

    Keep up the good work!

    AF since 3/16/09
    NF since 3/20/07


      Saying good morning to day #6

      Hi IG!
      Your drinking sounds exactly like mine- 5-9 gin and tonics then off to bed, barely remembering what I watched on tv-or said to anyone.
      Well, day 6 is fantastic-perhaps if you feel hesitant about this party you can opt out-saying that you're not feeling well, etc...what ever excuse will work,especially if you feel this might break your will/sobriety.
      It's always YOUR choice!


        Saying good morning to day #6

        Sober Visitor;1368378 wrote: It was kind of like being in Sober School
        Sheri - that's exactly what it feels like!
        IG & Fluff - snap on the type of drinker. Keep up the good work
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Saying good morning to day #6

          4 days AF, hanging in there. Social situations are the toughest for me. Managed to get through it a couple nights ago. Good to know I'm not alone.


            Saying good morning to day #6

            well done imaginary girl! I'm on day 6 too (starting again after being AF fro 18 months, trying again for 6 months and realising again just how mich alochol is not worth feeling so crap all the time). I've just managed to get through Friday night without my usual red wine and I can relate to everything you've said.
            If you really want to go out perhaps you could be honest on your night out with your friends? you'd be surprised at how many more people would like to stop or secretly feel guilty about their own drinking. When I stopped I was honest and still went out (although I do agree with Sober visitor and Fluff, I didn't go out socially in the beginning until I felt totally committed, I too kept reading the posts on this fab site until I knew I wouldn't be tempted)
            In the beginning I also took or bought AF beer and hardly anyone noticed but I didn't feel so much in the spot light. What ever you do don't give in, it is so good to be able to go out and not worry about how you might feel the next day (just one of the benefits) and you are so right about your daughter, I know its hard but she is likely to think its the norm and do the same (my parents did exactly the same and then so did I)
            Good luck, and don't think you're missing out not drinking, you are trading it in for so many more positive things x


              Saying good morning to day #6

              Hello IG, Yes social events are the killer. What I do is crack open a can of diet coke and walk in drinking it. Or a bottle of water. That way people don't offer to buy u a drink. Or you can just say" I will have a beer later, just drink this coke for a while." Most times no one really notices or cares!! Good Luck. I have cancelled on occassions ......that really works !!!


                Saying good morning to day #6

                Thanks, everybody. I've decided that it's just not worth my sobriety and risking all the hard work I've done so I'm not going to go out with my friends. At least not until I'm a bit stronger in my resolve. One thing I thought of saying in these situations is that I'm on a fast and can't drink, which is plausible because everybody who knows me knows that I have very healthy eating habits (ironic isn't it?).

                Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.

