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Possibly Pointless Question

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    Possibly Pointless Question

    Wow! Such a great site! Yay, us. I have a question that may not even warrant being asked, but it's a concern for me. I drink daily, in the evening, 2-4 mixed drinks; depending on the day. I want to quit drinking completely, but have fallen into this routine
    I will often go 24-48 hours without and experience no problems, but I've read horror stories of people who experience horrible and life threatening withdrawal symptoms eventually. My question is this: do I drink enough to be justifiably concerned about possible symptoms? If so, will stepping down consumption avert such?
    Thank you forever. I would have no problem giving it up if I know for sure I won't experience seizures in the next day or so.
    Also: please forgive typos. Sent from phone.

    Possibly Pointless Question

    Hi Irish,


    There are no such things pointless questions around here, so please don't ever feel that way! Based on what you described about your consumption and withdrawal history, I honestly think you'll be okay. My understanding is that the risk for seizures is between 6 to 48 hours after your last drink, and you've gone that long before without any trouble. I drank 2-3 times that amount every day (not something I'm proud of) and just had flu-like symptoms when I quit.

    Just be sure to drink lots of water with fresh lemon squeezed in it if you can as lemon is natural detoxifier for the liver and kidneys. It's also very alkaline inside the body and helps to bring the acidity level that alcohol causes back into balance. I drank at least 8 glasses for the first several weeks and found that it also helped to curb my cravings. I think it also helps if you eat 4-6 small (preferably healty) meals to keep your blood sugar balanced.

    Have you checked out the Tool Box yet? If not, here's the link. There's lots of good tips to get you started.

    Let us know how you're doing and if you have anymore questions.

    Best wishes.

    AF since 3/16/09
    NF since 3/20/07


      Possibly Pointless Question

      Hello & welcome Irish!

      Glad you found us, this is a great place
      I was a daily wine drinker ~ all day drinking at the end. I cut back little by little until I felt safe to quit then experienced flu-like symptoms for a few days.

      Make sure yuo read the MWO book which is full of good information for you. Yu can download the .pdf from the Health store here.

      Wishing you teh best!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Possibly Pointless Question

        Hi Irish! I'm in OK, too. :welcome:

        I would think that if you can go 24-48 hours without withdrawal symptoms, you should be ok. Bear in mind that I am not a doctor, but I worked with my PCP when I decided to stop (I was afraid of seizures, too), and he felt that it would be ok for me to stop cold turkey, since I hadn't had withdrawal symptoms the times I stopped for a few days. It really depends on the individual.

        When I went AF, I experienced some anxiety the first few days, especially at bedtime (I drank at night), but the supplements and melatonin helped with that. I also had fatigue for the first several weeks, and at about the three week mark, my emotions were like a roller coaster. However, it does get better, and I feel better than I have in years. I'm not going to lie and tell you it's easy, but it is SO WORTH the effort!

        I am also taking Antabuse, as I don't have the willpower to say "No" without it. Not yet, anyway.

        Welcome to the Nest! There are some amazing people here who can help you with this journey!

