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Hi from a newbie

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    Hi from a newbie

    Hi all,

    After trying to decide what to say/what not to say, just 'Hi' seemed the best for now! Have spent the last 20 years 'social drinking' (yeah, right!), the last 10 years thinking I could stop when I wanted but just didn't want to, the last 6 years recognising stopping wasn't going to be easy and the last 2 wishing I had the strength to do something about it. Luckily I found this program and web site which seems to offer a much-needed life-line - So just had my first day AF for about 15 years, have ordered the CDs and the Kudzu, and looking forward to getting to know some of you along the way!
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days

    Hi from a newbie

    Arial, Welcome. This is a wonderful place to help you . There are many very helpful and sincere people who can really understand your struggle. Keep coming back. Aquamarine
    AF SINCE 3/16/2016


      Hi from a newbie

      Hello Arial.

      Congratulations on you 1st AF day!!! You will find very nice people here on this web-site and lots of encouragment. I use it to keep a drink out of my hand! Keep posting.



        Hi from a newbie

        Arial Welcome!!!

        One day AF is can do it and getting involved here is a key tool to help you in the journey.

        Best wishes
        Control the Mind


          Hi from a newbie

          Welcome Arial!

          You will find you are not alone here! Join us on the journey. I am pretty new here too. Use the tools -- the book, the CDs, the supps and topa ---and the website and the posts and all the support here have sure helped me. I am day 18 AF and I never thought that was possible a few weeks ago. Never! People here have been there and understand.

          We are glad you are here!



            Hi from a newbie

            Welcome Arial, i am fairly new here as well. this is a fantastic site with amazing people, as i am sure you are finding out, keep posting and reading.

            best wishes x


              Hi from a newbie

              Hi Arial, I'm new here too. I'm 8 days AF. Like they say, one day at a time. I find reading the stories of those further along very inspiring.


                Hi from a newbie

                Hi Arial and welcome. Having one day under your belt is wonderful.

                I see a lot of new names here since I went on vacation. Welcome everyone and I just have to say keep reading and posting. Post however you are feeling and people will come to support you.

                Best of luck
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Hi from a newbie

                  Let me join the others in welcoming you
                  I am new here as well. Daily drinking for over 20 years. After finding this site a few weeks ago, this past week I have been AF 6 out of 7 days (and the 1 day I wasn't, it was 2 glasses of wine, not 2 bottles

                  Lots of great information here, tons of support, everyone here has been there/done that, and no one is ever critical.

                  Good luck!


                    Hi from a newbie

                    Thanks - great to hear from you all!

                    Hi everyone,

                    What a great welcome - and a great way to come home tonight (after a 2nd day AF!) Congrats to everyone that bit ahead of me - as I read somewhere which sort of stuck with me - don't let me catch you up!:goodjob:

                    You're right - great way to use your hands instead of holding that wine glass - and many inspirational stories which helped set me on my way - also good to be with those of you starting about the same time - let's keep it going, one day at a time.
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Hi from a newbie

                      Welcome Arial! Glad you are here! Keep posting and reading. This is a wonderful place!


