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Today, day one of hopefully many

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    Today, day one of hopefully many

    The only way I can cope with the little witch is to remind myself that my daughter who is 24 was ten times worse than her... LOL... she is a good kid at heart; just a little jealous that her Grandpa kisses his misses and is not giving her all his undivided attention at the lakehouse...

    Booze would have only dulled me out and my bitchy thoughts would have erupted as the filter between my brain and my mouth would have been compromised. That would not have been a pretty sight. Hubby met me when my daughter was 15 and he went through hell with her. I owe him the occasional weekend with his granddaughter and all her emotional baggage.

    Hey let's keep this thread going. We are on a roll.

    No matter what the stress, we will NOT drink.

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu


      Today, day one of hopefully many

      I hear you about girls. I have 3 darling daughters 14, 12 and 10! The 14 yr old has a 16yr old BF! Talk about stress!!!! The crazy thing is that I don't drink because of that stress. I did drink for stress now it's habit and my body craves it.


        Today, day one of hopefully many

        Hi All,

        Would love to join you. I am ashamed to say, I already blew it for today. So, tomorrow will be Day 1.

        Did SO well last week. Well, actually, good for me. Now that I think about it, I did break my commitment. I said at the beginning of the week I was not going to drink for 30 days. I only had 2 drinks all week, but that's drinking. I justified it by saying that as long as I had only one and it didn't interfere with anything, it was okay.

        Well, that went out the window last night. My justification was that it was Sunday night. Did it really matter if I got a buzz? Monday, I'll start and not drink all week. Maybe I'll start by just not drinking during the week.

        JEEZ, FREAKIN' LOUISE! Woke up. Bad hangover. Popped a beer.



          Today, day one of hopefully many

          Good Morning everyone, Just a quick hello as I am about to go to work. Its 7.00am in Oz and I am about to tackle dAY 3!! How good is it to face the day with no hangover,guilt,anxiety and all the rest of the crap that goes with al? Could have easily caved last night due to family pressures with a GS hellbent on destroying himself and his mother! He is only 13 and is now under the care of DHS.More later on that one when I have some time to post. Good luck everyone and have a nice af Tuesday, We can do this together!! I have been around MWO for a few years. My drinking has been reduced conciderably from a 1 to.1.5 bottles a day to maybe 2 or 3 a week usually on w/e's which is when i come unstuck. My am is still to be a/ free totally. It has got easier but I know I have a lot to learn and a very long way to go yet! Have a social function tommorrow night so I will have a plan in place to not drink.That is one thing for sure I have learnt from mwo You need a plan! Thanks everyone for lisening. will post again tonight that way I am accountable .


            Today, day one of hopefully many

            Hey all. I'm starting Day 2. Have some sort of virus, but very pleased not to have made it worse with a hangover. Is probably my body processing all the toxins from my weekend :-(

            Hey Phin & Willow, I hear you so much about the crippling embarrassment. I dealt with it for years but ignoring it or pretending it never happened. I'm really looking forward to a party in a few weeks that I will a) remember and b) not have to cringe when I think about it.

            We can do this :-) has anyone on here had any success with self-hypnosis or EFT to change old habits?
            AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
            Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
            Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
            Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


              Today, day one of hopefully many

              I'd like to join the party, too! Today was my Day One after a lost Sunday spent boozing it up and wasting the day away....after a lost Saturday night that I sadly spent alone, drinking. I look forward to waking up clear-headed tomorrow morning...and hopefully, for the rest of my life. But I first have to get through one day at a time...


                Today, day one of hopefully many

                This is awesome!!!! I am so happy to see so many join this thread!!!

                I do have to say that I have had a couple drinks tonight but will stop at that. I will still wake up clear headed which is wonderful.

                I have a question to there anyone out there who ever has any doubts about quitting? I get so torn. I know I'd be better off, I know my family would appreciate it, I know I'd actually lose weight for once......but there's always that nagging feeling, is it really what I want?

                Just wondering if anyone else feels this way.............


                  Today, day one of hopefully many

                  Hi Phin, I have put off this quitting business for a couple of years now, saying "I don't want to be teetotal I'll just cut back, not go on binges, not get sooooooo drunk...." convinced myself that because I was not a daily drinker and could save it all up for the weekends, then that I would be able to moderate.

                  Needless to say that social experiment was a complete failure. I said to my husband "I don't want to never be able to drink again, though," and his reply was "None of us have everything we want love, maybe you should think less about what you want and more about what you NEED to do for a happy healthy life."

                  That has helped me a lot, given me some perspective. That and the old "one day at a time". I am not even thinking about my birthday party next month, as long as i get to bed tonight sober then that's another successful day :-) hope that helped x
                  AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                  Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                  Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                  Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


                    Today, day one of hopefully many

                    Hello Everyone , Just checking into say hi! Have just finished Day 3 A/F ! Its 5.00pm Tues in OZ. Phin, I have lost count the number of times I have questioned whether I want to stop drinking totally. Thats just our addictive mind playing games. If I could take a pill that would imediatley stop the cravings to drink, I would do it! I have tried to moderate which doesn't work for most of us! One drink allways ends up with depression,anxiety,hangovers and loss of memory. Good Luck with your fight!!!


                      Today, day one of hopefully many

                      I get so angry that I have this addictive behavior!!!!! I haven't always been like this. I could have taken it or left it but now.....I really need to sh*t or get off the pot. I don't want to set an even worse example as I have for my kids. It's true. It's my addicted brain saying 'come


                        Today, day one of hopefully many

                        Phin;1369679 wrote:
                        I have a question to there anyone out there who ever has any doubts about quitting? I get so torn. I know I'd be better off, I know my family would appreciate it, I know I'd actually lose weight for once......but there's always that nagging feeling, is it really what I want?

                        Just wondering if anyone else feels this way.............
                        Phin I think that very few people come to MWO for the first time thinking that they never want to drink again. Most people, in my opinion, want to get their drinking under control, maybe for a couple months or so, and then resume "normal" drinking. We have been taught as a society that drinking is a huge part of being an adult and having fun. I bet that the vast majority of people took their very first drink because they were trying to appear "adult" or cool. And we turned up our noses and thought it tasted awful, but kept right on drinking until we acquired the taste for it. All because this is what is expected of us. Try to get through a couple hours of television without seeing alcohol in some form. Or leaf through a magazine and see how many photos have someone holding a glass of wine or beer. Even if the advertisement isn't about alcohol, the subtle message is there. So for a large part of our lives we are programmed to be drinkers, even before we start drinking.

                        I came here knowing that alcohol was a problem in my life. I stopped, preached abstinence, and walked the walk. But if I sat down and thought about being on vacation with my husband in 6 months without drinking, I couldn't imagine it! If I thought about going to a Christmas party and not drinking; no way! I wanted to stop when I first came here but not forever. It wasn't until I started and stopped and tried to moderate a few times that I finally got to the point where I never wanted alcohol in my life again and was happy about it. And now I'm done with it.

                        In my opinion where you are right now is all part of the journey. I'm not saying that everyone eventually gets to where I am. But you're here because alcohol is a problem in your life right now. Eliminate it for a while, see how you feel, and weigh the benefits of not drinking to the benefits of drinking. How does not drinking affect your family life? Your job? Your health? Take it from there. Maybe you can moderate and maybe you can't. But right now alcohol is a problem. Deal with "right now" and worry about what you want in the future when you get there.


                          Today, day one of hopefully many

                          FlyAway;1369881 wrote: Phin I think that very few people come to MWO for the first time thinking that they never want to drink again. Most people, in my opinion, want to get their drinking under control, maybe for a couple months or so, and then resume "normal" drinking. We have been taught as a society that drinking is a huge part of being an adult and having fun. I bet that the vast majority of people took their very first drink because they were trying to appear "adult" or cool. And we turned up our noses and thought it tasted awful, but kept right on drinking until we acquired the taste for it. All because this is what is expected of us. Try to get through a couple hours of television without seeing alcohol in some form. Or leaf through a magazine and see how many photos have someone holding a glass of wine or beer. Even if the advertisement isn't about alcohol, the subtle message is there. So for a large part of our lives we are programmed to be drinkers, even before we start drinking.

                          I came here knowing that alcohol was a problem in my life. I stopped, preached abstinence, and walked the walk. But if I sat down and thought about being on vacation with my husband in 6 months without drinking, I couldn't imagine it! If I thought about going to a Christmas party and not drinking; no way! I wanted to stop when I first came here but not forever. It wasn't until I started and stopped and tried to moderate a few times that I finally got to the point where I never wanted alcohol in my life again and was happy about it. And now I'm done with it.

                          In my opinion where you are right now is all part of the journey. I'm not saying that everyone eventually gets to where I am. But you're here because alcohol is a problem in your life right now. Eliminate it for a while, see how you feel, and weigh the benefits of not drinking to the benefits of drinking. How does not drinking affect your family life? Your job? Your health? Take it from there. Maybe you can moderate and maybe you can't. But right now alcohol is a problem. Deal with "right now" and worry about what you want in the future when you get there.
                          DITTO DITTO DITTO!!!

                          Sorry to be redundant, Phin but you and I sound so similar and yes, I wish to hell I had stopped when I had the chance. When I pretty much knew this would wreck my life or at least, crush me...and voila! It did... But that took a long time, so I know that as it took me along time to get here, getting out wont happen over night

                          But at least this time I'm not going alone... :h
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            Today, day one of hopefully many

                            Thanks for the response FA and Kradle. I feel the same as Phin. FOREVER??? Including vacations???

                            Right now I am going to take your advice and just worry about today. I KNOW alcohol is a problem in my life. It is affecting my job, health, finances, etc. I feel as though I am standing at a crossroad. If I don't get my problem under control now, I'm going down. However, I also feel as though it's not too late to turn it around. But, I am definitely on the brink of going one way or the other.

                            Today is day 1.


                              Today, day one of hopefully many

                              :thanks:Fa and Kradle, Your words of wisdom are so true. When I first came here I wasn't ready to stop drinking for good. BUT I did know AL was a huge problem in my life and I thought I could mod it, BUT now I know I can't and never will be able to do that. As you say it is part of the journey. Because of MWO and all the wonderful advice and support, I have been able to reduce my drinking by a huge amount,but I am still not totally free. Day 4 today and a huge challange tonight with a birthday party to attend!!! Good Luck everyone. Stay Strong! :thanks::thanks:


                                Today, day one of hopefully many

                                Next, please;1369912 wrote: Thanks for the response FA and Kradle. I feel the same as Phin. FOREVER??? Including vacations???

                                Right now I am going to take your advice and just worry about today. I KNOW alcohol is a problem in my life. It is affecting my job, health, finances, etc. I feel as though I am standing at a crossroad. If I don't get my problem under control now, I'm going down. However, I also feel as though it's not too late to turn it around. But, I am definitely on the brink of going one way or the other.

                                Today is day 1.
                                In the early stages, it might need to even be broken down into minutes or hours. Just whatever you do.....fight like you are fighting for your life...and that urge will pass. When it does, and you have not lifted a bottle you gain some traction.

                                Pretty soon with enough traction, you are tooling down the AF road, thumbing your nose at the beast AND your former AL brain, cuz your new brain knows better......LOL

                                Redirect your thoughts when they turn to AL. I used to say silently in my head........."I dont drink" and then made my brain focus on something else. After all, we spent years turning our normal brain into an AL brain, now its time to change it back, it can be done. Not whoa is me, I cant ever drink and have fun anymore, just the fact that I dont drink

                                Good luck, and keep it up
                                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                                DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER

