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so tired

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    so tired

    i dunno why but i've been drinking since 6pm till now.... hard liq to be exact. Trying to act normal but already my mum suspects. I cant tell her the truth in case she collapse with grief. An alcoholic gets triggered off by unseen aspects. I used to drink only at nite bu there are times i drink late in the evening. I'm running and i know. But i dunno wat I'm running from. Guys.. can u feel my desperation?

    so tired

    Hi wenzalc
    Ding Dong got it in one.
    Don't do it any more today. You will feel a lot better after a rest and you'll maybe be able to think a bit more clearly too.
    Please, look after yourself today.


      so tired

      It is a vicious cycle. Feel like crap-drink-feel like crap-drink etc...etc.. Break the cycle by sleeping now and wake up with a more hopeful feeling. You can do it


        so tired

        I agree with what everyone here has said. I would dump the drink and go and sleep it off! You will feel 'empowered' by dumping out the alcohol. I did it... I am now 61 days AF.

        Hang in there!! You CAN do this!


          so tired

          Hello wenzalc,
          I'm sorry about what you are going through, as Bella said its a vicious cycle, and one I am very familiar with. Get some water and chamomile tea, and sleep, lots of fluids and sleep.

          And I hear you about not wanting your mom to know, I have put my mom through allot of stress which I deeply regret.

          Take care and let us know how you are doing!!
          AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
          Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


            so tired

            thanks guys! It's weird. Usually I will only drink when the clock reaches 9pm. But I dunno why the urge just suddenly comes up like one of these rare occasions and then I just totally sucumb to it. Sighs... waiting for the book and cds now to arrive. Praying hard. I dun think I can hang on much longer.


              so tired

              Wenz, You certainly can hang on, and to prove it I bet you'll be writing posts in a couple of weeks telling us about your progress.
              Without knowing what it is you are running away from,
              the best suggestion I can make is have you ever thought about stopping and turning around?
              Then walking up to whatever is there and telling it there's no point in it pursuing you any longer.
              That'll knock the wind out of its sails.
              Just gently tell whatever it is that it no longer has any hold on you, and you are leaving it behind so you can get on with your life.
              There's a saying by that famous author anonymous.
              Fear knocked on the door.
              Faith answered it.
              There was no-one there.
              Wenz, please think on that.
              Bet you two bob that's what you'll most likely find.
              Raggsy the Banksia bush.


                so tired

                wenzalc Hang in there. Wasnt too long ago I was feeling the same way. I got the book cd's sup's. Today is day 4 of AF, guess what? the fear has left. Take the advice from all of the messages and hang in there. Tom


                  so tired

                  yea, tot about it. Was asked during one of my hypno sessions then about it. There are just too many things and much as I tried to let it go at the time being it's not enuff. But it did help me control a little of my drinking from whirling out of control and being totally gone to just falling aslp.

