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10 days AF!

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    10 days AF!

    Unbelievable! I never thought I'd get this far. I am 52 years-old and I've been drinking since I was around 14. I've ebbed and flowed in terms of the amount, eg., from weekend binges in my teens and early 20's to my most recent pattern of drinking everyday from 5 in the evening till around 9 or 10. But I have never, NEVER gone this long without alcohol.

    I am stoked, y'all. My oldest son and my grandson are coming to stay with us for the weekend and I'm gearing myself up for a battle. Company always meant drinking. I've made myself a huge batch of honey-lemon iced tea and will be sipping on that all weekend.

    You know what I find interesting. My husband is continuing to drink, although he does it in private after I've gone to bed. I can smell the alcohol on him when I wake up in the morning. Ewwww. Did I smell like that? Going to have to have a long talk with that boy. He was a member of AA and quit drinking for 7 years at one point back in his late 20's/early 30's. Not sure what started him up again, but I seriously think he needs to reconsider quitting. But, for now I worry about me and getting myself out of this hole.

    Off to the cath lab I go for another, hangover-free day of work. :h

    Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.

    10 days AF!

    Hey good on you IG!!
    You're on a roll....!



      10 days AF!

      Keep it up LB. Don't get complacent. Keep reminding yourself of how good you feel and how alcohol does not deliver on any of it's promises. We're in the same age bracket and I feel some comraderie here... proud of you.

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        10 days AF!

        wow well done thats fantastic. keep going girl xxxxx
        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


          10 days AF!

          Way to go IG!!!! Don't let your husbands actions affect our wise Byrdyie says "no matter what, no matter who"...your sobriety comes first.

          10 days is absolutely amazing! I know I used to stink to high heaven between the beer and the cigarettes, of course I never thought I did...but my daughter pointed it out....

          Enjoy your hangover free day!!! I'm enjoying my 3rd smoke free day...


          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            10 days AF!

            :goodjob: CONGRATS on your 10 AF days IG!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              10 days AF!

              GREAT IG!!!

              THis is great news! Good for you!

              Cath lab?? I used to hang out in those. LOL
              Out of the clinical setting now though

              I can tell you are psyched about your success, as you should be. Isn't it wonderful to NOT
              have all the crap that goes with drinking!?


                10 days AF!

                YAY IG...good for you...I'm right behind ya!!
                Chef Robaire
                Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
                Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

                "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


                  10 days AF!

                  Congrats on the smokes too'll feel SO much better...
                  Chef Robaire
                  Nicotine Free: 02/02/2008
                  Alcohol Free: 04/01/2014

                  "It's a Good Feeling to Know Somebody Loves You"....Poco


                    10 days AF!

                    Thanks all. It feels good knowing I can do this.

                    K9lover, that is excellent work on the not smoking. You are basically through the most difficult part, and after that it's mostly psychological.

                    Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.

