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Ready for change

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    Ready for change

    Hello everyone. I just signed up today and this is my first post.

    I've been lurking here on and off for at least year, but right away I bought some Kudzu, Aminos, and 5HTP which provided some much needed relief but not long lasting because, well, you know how it goes. I was looking for a quick and easy fix for my problems but not ready to jump in with both feet for the long haul and didn't continue or go farther with the MWO way.

    My story with drugs and AL go way back to my teens and now I'm 50 but I was able to manage 4 years of white-knuckle sobriety back in my early 30s with the support and fellowship of AA, and again about 6 years ago went 6 months AF (but not DF) by iron will amazing myself and family.

    I've had some health probs, mostly intestinal, which ended up with me under the knife followed by a financial rollercoaster ride that was too good to be true at the start and sure enough ended badly-- which was the the straw that broke the camel's back and lead to a really scary mental and physical breakdown.

    I went to the doc and got on Antidepressants, then referred to counseling and was diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD as well. I was still consulting after I sold what was left of my drowning business so the 6 mo AF was good but I still like the weed. I had to stop the weed when the US economy tanked for fear of not being able to pass a drug test to get "a real job". That resulted in me going back on the AL and I haven't really been able to go AF for a full day except under extreme circumstances since then.

    I got on a health improvement kick in March of 2011 when I stumbled across the Habit Guide which has been an enormous help. I learned to change my diet from processed crap in a box to mostly raw, whole fruits and vegs, reversing some of the damage and at least delaying more body rot for the short term.

    It was also about that time that I began exploring the connection between nutritional deficiencies and substance abuse so I got really serious about vitamins/herbs/minerals along with the organic and whole foods. That search eventually landed me here to MWO and I am more hopeful for the future now I than I have been for a long time.

    Frankly, the pattern drinking and substance abuse over the years has ranged from not so terrible, to the wife being sick of looking at me and my grown children wondering what happened to the dad they used to know.

    Up until just 2 weeks ago I gradually built up to where I was drinking 8-12 beers on weekdays and 15-20 on most weekend days, staring early while working around the house. My current job is very demanding so I can't do any type of hair of the dog, but I gave up shots about 2 years ago as a general rule after simply having too many blackouts Once in while I may have 1 or 2 shots, but my buddies mostly respect my no shots rule after seeing what they do to my 160LB frame.

    The good news is coming back here to MWO on a regular basis, along with consistent nutritional improvement, is motivating me to reduce, reduce, reduce. For the last 2 weeks, I've been down to about 2-3 daily beers and 6-10 on the weekends. That's cutting consumption by more than half, I'll take that as a win for now.

    I don't have any set goals or definate plan yet, but I am going to order the MWO book and CDs and get back on the Kudzu, because it really seemed to help back when I tried the quick fix. I don't know if I will be able to mod, so I haven't ruled out abs, if that's what it takes then I am willing. I will not resort to the Medical establishment for Rx, there is no way this is going on my permanent record.

    The MWO philosophy is something I can really get my arms around, there is no cookie-cutter approach to recovery, and this is the most holistic DIY program I've seen.

    If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

    Note to self: Stand and deliver! :bat

    Ready for change

    Good morning & welcome HD!

    I was moved reading your thoughtful post! Addiction is quite complex & there is no cookie cutter quick fix out there. Sounds like you have a pretty good understanding, have done the research & are ready to make a move

    Go ahead & make that plan for yourself! Look in the for lots of helpful ideas to go along with your healthy eating, supplements, exercise regimen, etc.

    Wishing you the best on your journey. You will never be sorry for taking back control of your life, honestly

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Ready for change

      Welcome HD. Wishing you lots of luck on the journey we're all facing. Sorry I don't have more to contribute at this point, but as Lav said, one day at a time we're all slowly slowly getting there :-) x
      AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
      Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
      Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
      Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


        Ready for change

        Thanks for the encouragement Lav and blade. After telling my story, I have a little more clarity already, and am beginning to see a plan, but I realize I still don't know what I don't know. I'm placing an order today to get more ideas and do a personal reality check. For now, I can see that keeping on the taper and tweaking my supplements while getting ready to do (there is no try) some abs days.

        Thanks for the reminder about the Tool box, I visited that a while back and humbly know others have succeeded at what I'm striving for whichever route I choose.

        I know I need support and you peeps here on MWO are amazing!

        Note to self: Stand and deliver! :bat


          Ready for change

          "I don't have any set goals or definate plan yet, but I am going to order the MWO book and CDs and get back on the Kudzu, because it really seemed to help back when I tried the quick fix. I don't know if I will be able to mod, so I haven't ruled out abs, if that's what it takes then I am willing."

          Hi HabDef, great going on your progress so far :goodjob: Feel free to pop in to the long term moderaters board as well if you like, there are other people there working on doing af days here and there, cutting down etc. You don't have to be a modder, but it 's a good place to gain support while you figure things out and get some traction if your goal right now isn't to go alcohol free.

          Long Term Moderators - My Way Out Forums


            Ready for change

            Welcome HD!

            You will find lots of support here. We are glad you've joined us. Keep reading and posting so we can share in your journey.

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Ready for change

              Wow, today is garbage night. When I went to empty my beer can bin, it was only half full! Normally, I would have to empty it at least once midweek and it would still be full on garbage night. I not a perfect recycler so all the empties don't always go in the bin, but none-the-less, the difference was astounding.

              DG, I will definately hang out in the LT moderaters forum, I saw your "A year later" thread and you're work is nothing short of remarkable. I love the non-judgement and focus on harm reduction while we learn to modify our behavior for the better.

              K9, I love your sig, it sure helps keep things in perspective.

              Thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome. This feels like home.

              Note to self: Stand and deliver! :bat


                Ready for change

                I was able to keep the wheels on last night. I only had my new weekend day target of 6 or just short of it. So yeah, the taper is working for sure.

                At the fav bar and grill, I only ordered one 22oz beer the whole time I was there. Normally I would have 1 before the food came, 2nd while eating, and sometimes a 3rd before I was done and everyone else finished up.

                But here's the part that gets me excited. I left about 1/4 of that first beer unfinished. Yes, that's right folks, I walked away from a non-empty glass on purpose. Not because I couldn't see straight, or forgot about it, or lost it walking around. I said to the wifey, "ready to go?". She looked at me and my giant mug with some beer still in it sort of puzzled. I just said, "I don't even want the rest, it's a new thing for me".

                Note to self: Stand and deliver! :bat


                  Ready for change

                  WOW HD

                  That is great! I know what you mean about the empty glass. Hard to walk away from.

                  Sounds like you are doing really well; I'm happy for you.

                  Stay strong


                    Ready for change

                    Welcome to a wonderful site! There are a lot of amazing people on here, with great support! I am just starting out again myself, so I deeply relate. Hope you can conquer the beast, and wtg on the cutting way back!
                    Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


                      Ready for change

                      HabitualDefender;1371011 wrote: Thanks for the encouragement Lav and blade. After telling my story, I have a little more clarity already, and am beginning to see a plan, but I realize I still don't know what I don't know. I'm placing an order today to get more ideas and do a personal reality check. For now, I can see that keeping on the taper and tweaking my supplements while getting ready to do (there is no try) some abs days.

                      Thanks for the reminder about the Tool box, I visited that a while back and humbly know others have succeeded at what I'm striving for whichever route I choose.

                      I know I need support and you peeps here on MWO are amazing!

                      I just have one suggestion for you. Set some small attainable goals. I usually suggest 1 day, 7 days 30 days and year.

                      They start close together and get progressively farther apart, but, during that time, they should get "easier" to do.

                      I wish you strength, wisdom, and knowledge needed to win!!
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Ready for change

                        Thanks Ann and kdog.

                        Friday I had 6, Saturday 7, and 8 on Sunday. Today, is Labor Day so I will work at reversing that momentum for the up coming week. So many triggers at times like this, I will spend some time in the Tool Box. I'm not discouraged though, this will not weaken my resolve.

                        Note to self: Stand and deliver! :bat


                          Ready for change

                          Nelz, can you elaborate what you mean by the day/week/year and starting close together but progressively farther apart? Thanks.

                          Note to self: Stand and deliver! :bat


                            Ready for change

                            HabitualDefender;1372981 wrote: Nelz, can you elaborate what you mean by the day/week/year and starting close together but progressively farther apart? Thanks.


                            I believe he means setting shorter AF time span goals in the beginning and progressively making those goals with wider time spans. Example:

                            Goal #1: Get through one day AF
                            Goal #2: Get through seven days AF
                            Goal #3: Get through 14 days AF (he may have skipped to 30 days, but for me 14 is another mental marker.)
                            Goal #4: Get through 30 days AF
                            Goal #5: Get through 60 days AF
                            Goal #6: Get through six months AF

                            Wider times spans. At first it's day to day or maybe even hour by hour. But as you gain strength and confidence and beat the physical and mental addictions, the time spans move further apart for you AF goals.
                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Ready for change

                              Slaythefear;1373044 wrote: Habitual,

                              I believe he means setting shorter AF time span goals in the beginning and progressively making those goals with wider time spans. Example:

                              Goal #1: Get through one day AF
                              Goal #2: Get through seven days AF
                              Goal #3: Get through 14 days AF (he may have skipped to 30 days, but for me 14 is another mental marker.)
                              Goal #4: Get through 30 days AF
                              Goal #5: Get through 60 days AF
                              Goal #6: Get through six months AF

                              Wider times spans. At first it's day to day or maybe even hour by hour. But as you gain strength and confidence and beat the physical and mental addictions, the time spans move further apart for you AF goals.

                              Yes, that is precisely what I meant....TY
                              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                              DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER

