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I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

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    I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

    Good Morning everyone!

    I have finally made it to 30 days after many many day 1's. I haven't been checking in much lately so I am out of the loop.

    I know I am not totally out of the woods because this 3 day weekend has been quit a struggle for me. BUT...I did it!

    For those of you still struggling, stay busy and I am sending strengh!

    I am so thankful for MWO and my MWO friends! XOXOXO
    Honeysoup :heart:

    I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

    Oh WOW Honey! This is too weird...

    I was just visiting that thread What I hate about being sober...and this is one of the first posts I saw

    Honeysoup;1286924 wrote: I am new here...:new:
    I love this thread!

    I hate the fact today is my first day again
    I hate that the second day usually puts me in the mood to drink because I want to reward myself for not drinking a day
    I hate that I have to be on this site suffering through work
    I hate that I want to commit myself and not have to work so hard at not drinking something...seems kind of dumb...
    I hate I have to be the one to say no.
    I hate that I want to quit so bad but yet I keeping doing over and over again.
    I hate that I gained 30lbs
    Thank you all for listening that felt great!
    Congratulations on 30 days, Babe! roud: You get your hat today !!

    Love and hugs,
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

      Congratulations - it's a long time since I did 30 days - but it's a real achievement x
      Short term goal 7 days AF


        I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

        Congrats Honeysoup,
        Each and every time we make it through without drinking makes it that much easier. Good for you to push through the challenging days. I know for myself after 30 days it started to feel different and the challenging days are not soo challenging.

        Remembering why we stopped drinking makes it easier to stay stopped.
        new beginnings July 16, 2012


          I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

          The boys grumbled a bit seeing how its Labor day, but I told em for a 30 AF stretch, they didnt have a choice....we needed a new star! LOL

          Congratulations, well done, keep it up!

          Attached files [img]/converted_files/1930835=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

            I'm going to join you Honeysoup. I'm day 12, but 30 is within reach. Congrats to you and all who are making it through to a better life with hope and enough love for yourselves to do it!!!
            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


              I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

              Congratulations Honeysoup. I agree about the long weekend. Working in the backyard yesterday, it was hot and a nice cold beer would have been great but I'm only on day 8 so a big glass of ice water had to do. You're doing great. Best wishes.


                I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                Honeysoup, on behalf of the Newbie's Nest, it is with great pride that I present to you...your hat! :day5: Well done! Here's to infinity and beyond!!! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                  Congratulations Honeysoup :goodjob:
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                    Thank you everyone. I feels great!

                    Byrdie- I'm so honored I finally got a hat! I haven't made it 30 days since I was pregnant 4 years ago so I really am proud.

                    Kradle123 - I can't beilieve you found don't even really remember writing that but I remember feeling like that! Thank you Kradle!

                    Flyfree - Thank you!

                    jagernaughty (love your name btw Cheers to the icewater, but ya I can't say I didn't think about the COLD BEER myself!

                    Slaythefear - Keep fighting!

                    Neltz - lol love the shinning star!

                    itsmytime - thank you!

                    pat - I never thought I would make it this far but it feels day at a time

                    I'm so thankful God put you guys in my life!
                    Honeysoup :heart:


                      I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                      YAY HONEYSOUP!!!!! GOOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!

                      I know what a great feeling it is to reach 30 after many failed attempts. So feel proud, celebrate, and treat yourself today.

                      And think about your next steps too once you've done so. I know I suddenly felt a bit flat and anticlimatic after finally reaching 30 and had to kind of reassess and also re-engage here. What's next? How will you get to 60

                      Very happy to hear it friend.


                        I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                        Well done honey soup 30 days is a great achievement, good work.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                          Honeysoup,WELL done! That is just sensational !! I hope one day to be there with you!


                            I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                            Fabulous, well done Honeysoup!


                              I made it to 30 Days! Yippee

                              Yay HONEYSOUP!

                              Well done!
                              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                              AF - August 20, 2012

