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Curious about Meds...

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    Curious about Meds...

    Hey I've been back to this site many a time, reading peoples experiences and it seems like a safe forum that do sent judge...Wanted to know more about anti drinking meds due to PTSD if anyone wishes to comment.. I do not wish to discuss the PTSD issues at hand..

    Curious about Meds...

    Sorry, maybe I made a mistake about the forum rules..Just looking for "Alternative" methods of managing alcohol.. Been 3 days sober, and cracked a beer and now I know I gotta get it sorted out...


      Curious about Meds...

      Welcome Woelfer1, I don't know much about the meds but I'm sure one of the members will chime in to help stear you in the right direction. Just wanted to welcome you.
      AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
      AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days


        Curious about Meds...

        Thanks Stumpy appreciate it..


          Curious about Meds...

          Woelfer1;1373199 wrote: Hey I've been back to this site many a time, reading peoples experiences and it seems like a safe forum that do sent judge...Wanted to know more about anti drinking meds due to PTSD if anyone wishes to comment.. I do not wish to discuss the PTSD issues at hand..
          Evening Woelfer1. When I read your question, I felt unqualified to respond, but I felt your need was very important, and compelled to help in some way. That's what this forum is for. A lot of caring here. I am unqualified to answer with an answer that I would normally follow up with under the circumstances you present, but did some searching. This is something I'd suggest to you as well.

          I think you probably need more professional help to get the proper medications for your specific issues. These are two articles I found that show that need. The medications can vary.

          Gift From Within - FAQ/Questions & Answers with Joyce Boaz & Dr. Frank Ochberg - "Why do most people say do not drink alcohol if you have PTSD?"

          Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Treatments and drugs -

          Adding this forum along with some professional help would be the best course of action, imo. :h
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Curious about Meds...

            :welcome: Woelfer,

            I was diagnosed with PTSD in rehab in 07-08. Also by a private therapist. Spent 2yrs with her & classes. I went & saw a PDr. who is also board certified in addiction, gave the same diagnoses, alone with GAD. This also caused me bouts of depression. All this drove my drinking higher. Tho, it's not the only reasons. All the good re-habs now recognize the links & treat as such.

            I take Topamax which, is RX'ed off lable for PTSD & Alcoholism. It has helped me so ~ so much!!!.... Everyone's brain chemistry is different tho, along with so many other variables. There is no wrong way to get sober, get help, or if you are going the moderation, harm reduction route. Just do something to get help & start your journey, or restart it, so you don't have to suffer any longer. You aren't alone!.... You don't have to talk about any of your PTSD stuff here. :l :h :l

            I do hope you will talk to your Dr, & find a good caring professional. I'm so much better today!.. It's been a long road, but it's all been worth it! I'm really glad your here. There are some very nice, supportive people here, who care. Skills, tools to be found & applied. :l

