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AA - Can I take just what I want but not all of the program?

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    AA - Can I take just what I want but not all of the program?

    IAD;1374108 wrote: Been their, done that........It's all about you ! Getting sober is a selfish endeavor......You are the one that can change your life ! I have friends in AA.....They know the path I'm taking, they give me support. People that want to help, will help. Don't get into this internal struggle.......Do what works for you ! Good Luck.....

    Cross Post. It is a selfish endeavor & that use to confuse me! As being a woman & wearing all these hats in life. I thought I was being selfish & it took me many yrs to figure out the diff in self care. I was taught to put every one else's needs 1st.

    Plus I tend to analyze & I heard so many messages there, I'd get very confused. I did get into this internal struggle & that's one reason why I had to leave. Yet, I still implement parts of AA & have a few friends left at AA, the one who are truly opened minded in other recovery options. I may go back one day, but not now. I think for some it's an excellent way of life. New people maybe should give it a try. For now on line sometimes is enough for me.


      AA - Can I take just what I want but not all of the program?

      Hey Wildflowers -

      No worries - PM away about CR. I won't be offended a bit. One of the things I like is that everybody there has different issues so I'm not always hearing my thing over and over. :-) And honestly - I'm drinking as a result of not coping with other things first. So - as I start to unknot some of this - it's turning out the AL is a bit secondary although it's certainly screwing everything up royally.

      Anyway - PM away - happy to chat - getting ready to leave for it shortly and have client meetings ALL dang day tomorrow - so will be online super late tonight, super early in the AM - and then off more than normal. I'm not AWOL for a bad reason - just slammed...

      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
      AF - August 20, 2012


        AA - Can I take just what I want but not all of the program?

        i don't know if AA would hlep me, but when you live in a town of less than 2000 people I am not so inclinded to go to a meeting.. I need to drive 40 plus miles to to get to any area wher now one knows anythng about me but then I am not so sure. fews times I have been i was recognized.... I lived in LA for 30 yrs so one noticed anything... but not her I went to AA and at one time ALON not all that helpful... I haver repeated my pattern 2 more times... all packaged differently but still the same..

