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Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

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    Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

    Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

    Today was the hardest day yet. My cravings usually attack in the evening as I am busy to think about them during the day. Was walking past a bar, the weather was great, people were drinking and smoking. Then it hit me, pulse fastened got very red like a heat wave just hit me. I am so used to alcohol being my way to relax in the evening and especially on Fridays and Saturdays that it’s hard to break this habit. Also I have noticed that since I have given up alcohol and nicotine at the same time, the cravings seem to reinforce each other and its unfair as it is 2 gainst 1.

    I eventually talked myself out of it, bargaining with myself and settled on a bribe. With the money I save this month I will either go away for the weekend at the end of the month or buy myself something equivalent in monetary terms.

    What I have noticed is that writing and reading here on MWO helps a lot. I feel like by talking through my problems I feel stronger and by the time I am finished my cravings go away, at least for a short while.

    Thank you everyone on MWO!

    ALLAN K.
    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit

    Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

    Kudos Allan - :goodjob:
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

      I was just wondering, does anyone have any experience replacing alcohol with 0% substitutes like alcohol free beer? or is it a terrible idea?
      AF since 1st Sep 2012
      NF since 1st Sep 2012

      If you want to feel better visit


        Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...


        You said, "I eventually talked myself out of it, bargaining with myself and settled on a bribe. With the money I save this month I will either go away for the weekend at the end of the month or buy myself something equivalent in monetary terms."

        **For me, I've been buying myself something. My out of town or away plans usually involve drinking, so I've opted not to go anywhere until I get stronger. I like to visit new places to drink and talk to new people when I'm away.

        You said, "What I have noticed is that writing and reading here on MWO helps a lot. I feel like by talking through my problems I feel stronger and by the time I am finished my cravings go away, at least for a short while."

        *Me, too. I think most of us feel that way. Keep coming. It's helped me get this far having people who understand and have the same struggles and there is not judgement which I hate.

        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

          allankay;1374088 wrote: I was just wondering, does anyone have any experience replacing alcohol with 0% substitutes like alcohol free beer? or is it a terrible idea?
          *Had the same thought a couple days ago, but I think for me, the taste would trigger my addiction. All senses can be involved, so that would be too close to home for me. You'll have to analyze your own temptation.
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

            Slaythefear;1374092 wrote: *Had the same thought a couple days ago, but I think for me, the taste would trigger my addiction. All senses can be involved, so that would be too close to home for me. You'll have to analyze your own temptation.
            My thoughts exactly. But may be there is someone here who tried? Just thought if i can control my addiction sober may be an alcohol free beer in a bar or at a party wont be so bad. hmmm???

            Slayer what was your worst moment in the last 2 weeks sober or should i say the most challenging?
            AF since 1st Sep 2012
            NF since 1st Sep 2012

            If you want to feel better visit


              Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

              allankay;1374095 wrote: My thoughts exactly. But may be there is someone here who tried? Just thought if i can control my addiction sober may be an alcohol free beer in a bar or at a party wont be so bad. hmmm???

              Slayer what was your worst moment in the last 2 weeks sober or should i say the most challenging?
              *Feeling really sick and a couple days of some strong depression and anxiety like I wanted to crawl out of my skin. Although, my hangovers were brutal, too, but the heavy withdrawals lasted 9 days and around day 5 I felt like I had a full blown flu and couldn't even get off the couch. Day 9 and 8, I believe, I was weeping like a baby. I've know for awhile I needed to stop. It was causing all kinds of problems in many areas. I started arming my brain right away and I can easily recall why I want to stop drinking. I think you know when you are ready and then you have to change the way you think about it and smack those thoughts out pronto. Go ahead and let yourself have some sugar treats in the beginning to compensate for the sugar from the alcohol. It may help with some of the physical craving.
              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                My thoughts on non-alcoholic beer are the same as my thoughts on using an electronic cigarette to give up smoking (I've done both mind you, so I'm speaking from experience). I've found that it's actually harder to "pretend" to be drinking or smoking than to just NOT do it. Just my 2 cents...but for me personally, I want to disassociate myself from my bad habits, not find substitutes for them.

                Afterthought: BUT...I would never put anyone down for using either of these things for getting away from the real thing. I say whatever works...I just think sometimes it drags out the torture of quitting by trying to get "as close" as you can without actually doing the real thing. Oh I'm rambling...I say do what works for YOU! =)
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                  K9Lover;1374103 wrote: My thoughts on non-alcoholic beer are the same as my thoughts on using an electronic cigarette to give up smoking (I've done both mind you, so I'm speaking from experience). I've found that it's actually harder to "pretend" to be drinking or smoking than to just NOT do it. Just my 2 cents...but for me personally, I want to disassociate myself from my bad habits, not find substitutes for them.

                  Afterthought: BUT...I would never put anyone down for using either of these things for getting away from the real thing. I say whatever works...I just think sometimes it drags out the torture of quitting by trying to get "as close" as you can without actually doing the real thing. Oh I'm rambling...I say do what works for YOU! =)
                  *Agree 100%! Good post.
                  Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                    Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                    Slaythefear;1374101 wrote: *Feeling really sick and a couple days of some strong depression and anxiety like I wanted to crawl out of my skin. Although, my hangovers were brutal, too, but the heavy withdrawals lasted 9 days and around day 5 I felt like I had a full blown flu and couldn't even get off the couch. Day 9 and 8, I believe, I was weeping like a baby. I've know for awhile I needed to stop. It was causing all kinds of problems in many areas. I started arming my brain right away and I can easily recall why I want to stop drinking. I think you know when you are ready and then you have to change the way you think about it and smack those thoughts out pronto. Go ahead and let yourself have some sugar treats in the beginning to compensate for the sugar from the alcohol. It may help with some of the physical craving.
                    Wow today is my fifth day exactly, it hit me like a train... I wanted to try to go out with friends on the weekend but after today its clearly a bad idea. Will stick to a book and MWO.
                    AF since 1st Sep 2012
                    NF since 1st Sep 2012

                    If you want to feel better visit


                      Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                      K9Lover;1374103 wrote: My thoughts on non-alcoholic beer are the same as my thoughts on using an electronic cigarette to give up smoking (I've done both mind you, so I'm speaking from experience). I've found that it's actually harder to "pretend" to be drinking or smoking than to just NOT do it. Just my 2 cents...but for me personally, I want to disassociate myself from my bad habits, not find substitutes for them.

                      Afterthought: BUT...I would never put anyone down for using either of these things for getting away from the real thing. I say whatever works...I just think sometimes it drags out the torture of quitting by trying to get "as close" as you can without actually doing the real thing. Oh I'm rambling...I say do what works for YOU! =)
                      Thank you K9. I agree with you, i am pretty terrified of trying the 0% stuff and there is no point really. Eventually will need to come up with a drink for a bar type environment. sparkling whater with a twist lol!
                      AF since 1st Sep 2012
                      NF since 1st Sep 2012

                      If you want to feel better visit


                        Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                        allankay;1374111 wrote: Wow today is my fifth day exactly, it hit me like a train... I wanted to try to go out with friends on the weekend but after today its clearly a bad idea. Will stick to a book and MWO.
                        *It passes. Relax and let your body do what it needs to. It gets better...hold onto that and meanwhile don't let your brain tell you that drinking one is ok or that you will quit later. You are trying now and that means YOU KNOW you need to quit. Concentrate on the bad things alcohol does to you and not what you are missing. YOU aren't missing anything. It's an illusion that ends badly. Get out your baseball bat and swat that drinking thought on its Azzzz!

                        :goodjobn day 5. You CAN do this. Don't allow a choice. It's already made.
                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                          Allen, my day 3 AF was filled with cravings and I held off as long as I could, called my doctor and asked if I could have a glass of non AL beer, he said sure just don't drink more. Allen, I'm a wino. I had that one glass and my cravings went away, haven't come back since, I think it's because I have always hated beer. I get pangs here and there so I clean my house or cook or come on here. That's all I can say about it. I wish you luck and hope you hang around. BTW I'm only on day 6 don't know what tomorrow will bring, I'm just happy to AF for 6 days.
                          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                          STUMPY IS A LADY!


                            Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                            stumpy;1374125 wrote: Allen, my day 3 AF was filled with cravings and I held off as long as I could, called my doctor and asked if I could have a glass of non AL beer, he said sure just don't drink more. Allen, I'm a wino. I had that one glass and my cravings went away, haven't come back since, I think it's because I have always hated beer. I get pangs here and there so I clean my house or cook or come on here. That's all I can say about it. I wish you luck and hope you hang around. BTW I'm only on day 6 don't know what tomorrow will bring, I'm just happy to AF for 6 days.
                            Thank you it?s nice to talk to AF starters as you guys know exactly what I am going through, lets continue to support each other. I am just dreading the weekend, which I usually my favourite time. Last Friday I spent drinking until early hours in the morning on Saturday and then the whole Saturday with anxiety. Feel like something shifted in my perception and I feel 100% committed I know I can do it, I have done it before but then I just wanted to see how long I can go AF this time around I know it has to be a lifetime. But it?s a good thing.
                            AF since 1st Sep 2012
                            NF since 1st Sep 2012

                            If you want to feel better visit


                              Day 5 almost lost control and as very close to having a drink...

                              allankay;1374131 wrote: Thank you it?s nice to talk to AF starters as you guys know exactly what I am going through, lets continue to support each other. I am just dreading the weekend, which I usually my favourite time. Last Friday I spent drinking until early hours in the morning on Saturday and then the whole Saturday with anxiety. Feel like something shifted in my perception and I feel 100% committed I know I can do it, I have done it before but then I just wanted to see how long I can go AF this time around I know it has to be a lifetime. But it?s a good thing.
                              1. Change that dread right now. Don't think about it as losing something. Look at it as gaining something. Be positive. Is there anything you need to get done that you haven't because of your drinking or habits? Make a list and do it or some of it. Look forward to having the time to do it and afterwards, you will feel accomplished and productive and see it is a much better use of your time. The book sounds good for part of your weekend as well. I'd stay clear of the bars and your drinking buddies. Fill up any bored time not being productive, especially if you are tired or tempted, reading these boards. Have you read the tool box yet? It's in the Monthly Abstinence section.

                              2. Just accept the fact that you are going to succeed. It simply is a fact. Don't allow any other choice to enter your thoughts. If a thought tries, kick it to hell!

                              3. Don't worry about forever right now.

                              Just some advice that has worked for me so far. I'm off to do a little relaxation and finish up some things on my list. After I made it through the heavy withdrawal, I started making a list daily of things I am to get done and cross off. I feel good at the end of everyday because I met those daily goals and it keeps me busy.
                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

