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0% Alcoholic beverages.

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    0% Alcoholic beverages.

    0% Alcoholic beverages.

    Has anyone tried replacing alcohol with 0% alcohol substitutes like alcohol free beer? My cravings are so severe that I almost gave in to the monster today. I mean nicotine patches help smokers (which I gave up the same time) so why not have something similar for us?

    If anyone has had any experience with this or knows of any articles or previous threads about this please let me know.

    ALLAN K.
    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit

    0% Alcoholic beverages.

    Hi Allan,

    Don't think we've met so :welcome: to you and well done on 5 days.

    Now if you'd ask me 4 years ago on one of my many quits I would have said yes, why not go for the AF beer, wine or cider and honestly it just didn't do the job.

    So just over 3 years ago I decided not to use any substitutes. I've had to be strict with myself and to be honest I mostly only drink water when I'm actually thirsty.

    I'm a real cheap date when we go out these days.

    I'm actually trying to give up smoking at the moment. Just recently I've tried patches, e-ciggies and the gum. I went back to ciggies after 13 days. I'm wondering on my next quit (and there will be another one) whether I'll be better off just doing the first few days without anything at all.

    At the end of the day it's your own personal choice. Just thought I'd throw me 2 pennorth in.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      0% Alcoholic beverages.

      JackieClaire;1374115 wrote: Hi Allan,

      Don't think we've met so :welcome: to you and well done on 5 days.

      Now if you'd ask me 4 years ago on one of my many quits I would have said yes, why not go for the AF beer, wine or cider and honestly it just didn't do the job.

      At the end of the day it's your own personal choice. Just thought I'd throw me 2 pennorth in.
      Thank you for the warm welcome. Everyone is so supportive here its incredible and gives me so much strength. I have done 6 months AF before and had to give up nicotine at the same time as they reinforce one another (from my experience).
      I dont know which one is harder to give up, may be it depends on the person but for me alcohol is the bigger enemy.
      AF since 1st Sep 2012
      NF since 1st Sep 2012

      If you want to feel better visit


        0% Alcoholic beverages.

        Never keep your stomach empty.Eat as much as possible.
        Regarding AF beer ,wine I think waste of money and suggest to drink plenty of water or juices whatever you like.You could mix up water and squash if you are scared of raising fat !!

        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

        2013 : So many ups and down !!

        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


          0% Alcoholic beverages.

          Gonna cross post my answer for ya:

          Ill give you my "opinion"

          I personally am VERY thankful for NA beer. It helps with the cravings for sure. Ive heard others say its not a good idea to play with fire, but so far so good.

          Its never made me want to get drunk, but it has eased my desires to drink, because I really really really like the taste of beer.

          So, ultimately its up to you, I did wait a little while before I messed with the NA. At first I just used seltzer water with fresh lemon/limes, and convinced myself it was a beer....LOL

          EDIT: Almost forgot about one of the positives to it, after a few I get all bloated and get reminded of all the empty calories I was putting in my body. My tummy does NOT miss AL

          If you do try it, go for the Odulls Amber.....magnificent

          Good luck
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            0% Alcoholic beverages.

            Allan, I have tried the al free wines but found them not good and I thought expensive in this part of the world. However, the AF beers, although not great, weren't to bad! Good Luck with it. :thanks::thanks:


              0% Alcoholic beverages.

              boozer;1374316 wrote: Allan, I have tried the al free wines but found them not good and I thought expensive in this part of the world. However, the AF beers, although not great, weren't to bad! Good Luck with it. :thanks::thanks:
              After reading all the comments on MWO about this topic I decided to abstain from AL, AF AL.

              It is expensive but I have spent so much money on AL its ridiulous. I would wake up following a night out, check my bank balance and wonder where did it all go? Alcohol fuels many other bad activities...buying drinks for strangers, buying takeaways at 3 in the morning, expensive night cabs, chain smoking (a pack here costs ?7.50)...I forgot to mention the most expensive habit, walking into a casino, as it is usually the only place that serves alcohol until 5 am...

              The best thing about my logic - I am so diligent in everything else that I do. I have a budget for groceries, holidays, clothes... so often I had to go into red or just postpone that new purchase or choose a cheaper holiday. How ridiculous!!!

              ALLAN K.
              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit

