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Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

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    Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

    Ok, here I go again with another episode of PAWS :upset: I am going to make it through but just want to know how others feel when going through this.

    I am so irritable for no reason and could cry instantly. I know what it is, been here before but just need some support from MWO friends.
    new beginnings July 16, 2012

    Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

    I had them yesterday, still today. They come & go. Irritable, tired, confused, lack of attention, crying, blah, blah, blah..... My hubs knew yesterday & stayed away. Just know they do pass..... Your getting close to another milestone & from all my experiences & others I've listened to, it's part of the process. Stress usually brings them on, but sometimes they just come out of no where. I try to think of them in a positive way, in that my brain is healing. Even tho it doesn't feel good.

    You & I had a thread a while back about the symptoms (I think). Part of PAWS can't member. Plus there's the age & hormones to factor in. I suppose I'm not helping, I'm sorry. :upset: Still all of this is better than drinking hun!.... :l

    Years ago I didn't know what was happening. Then clever me became educated & even figured out how to put them into remission by drinking. But, by doing this the poor brain has to start the healing, rewiring process all over again. Hang tuff for a few, then go ahead & cry, do whatever you need to do. It's all part of the journey to peace, accepting the hardships too.

    Yesterday instead of getting everything on my list done, I went for a walk, called a friend, ate Pepperidge farms cookies, coconut & shortbreads. Be good, kind, gentle & patient with yourself. I told hubs I'm not your Mother, there's leftovers in the fridge. It will get better!.......... By flowers..... Find something to make you laugh!.... Warm bath with lavender oil!... :l:l:l PS. They do seem a bit better then yesterday.


      Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

      Hi itsmytime, chit is that what I am suffering from? I'm only on 7 days and I threw a hot dog at my husband last night, I cried for no reason this morning...I thought it was delayed PMS.
      AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
      AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days


        Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

        Just found this article. Wish I'd found it a couple of years ago. Great read.

        ?I?ve been clean for a while, why do I still feel dodgy?? A must read! - Member Blog - Wired In
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

          Excellent, Thank you for this link.
          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
          STUMPY IS A LADY!


            Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

            Thanks everyone,

            JackieClaire, thank you, funny I read that blog today and it was quite helpful.

            Wildflowers - hormones are part of it as well for sure, but not this wanting to just go to bed and pull the covers over my head feeling. I am usually the upbeat, positive one and I am irritating myself LOL I just keep reminding myself that my brain is healing and I will feel at peace again in awhile. I am not giving up, I am fighting for my sobriety 100% of the time this time. No one said it would be easy, but it sure will be worth it.

            Stumpy - yep, once the physical symptoms are gone we have to go through the emotional symptoms.

            I don't want to drink, I just want this phase to be over, but I know it's necessary for the healing.

            :thanks: :l
            new beginnings July 16, 2012


              Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

              Thanks JC! Haven't been over for a midnight lurk, let me know if there's a food raid, I've missed out on. The sleep fairy must have done her job!

              Off on vac tom. Hope Mr Wildly, behaves himself, or I might have to strap him in the high hair with crab claws. LMAO.

              Stumpy, PMS & PAWS mixed 2gether, tell hubs to watch out. Still my hubs likes me better this way, than drunk. This will all pass! :l Congrats on your 7 days! That's excellent! :goodjob:

              I read your thread, now can't member the name. Lmao about the hair comment. It reminded of the pirates movie.


                Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                I try to remember, to tell myself when it's happening, that I don't have to be perfect!!!...OK not 100% of the time. Perfectionism is an illusion that is impossible to meet. I'm human, I give myself permission to not feel well, all the time!... Emotional health, emotional sobriety.

                If that means I need to pull the cover over my head for said time & cry I will. Yet, I generally don't allow myself to do this for long time, just a short time period. I have a feeling you do to.

                :groupluv: :groupluv: :groupluv: :groupluv: :groupluv: :groupluv:


                  Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                  You are so right Wildflowers, I am happy that I know what is going on and am going to take care of myself. A good cry would do wonders , I had a mini meltdown yesterday but shook it off, I need to let the tears flow.

                  I am going to do nothing tonight but chill out with my book and know that tomorrow is sure to be better as I been feeling like this since Monday and it usually only lasts for days at a time.

                  new beginnings July 16, 2012


                    Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                    Sounds like a good plan hun! :l


                      Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                      itsmytime, you're are doing great. It sounds to me like PAW's is just like perimenopause. So what it will pass. You should be proud of yourself.
                      Wildflowers, I'm taking so much slack for my name and my hair, I haven't laughed so hard in days. Have a great vacation.
                      AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                      AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                      STUMPY IS A LADY!


                        Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                        Stumpy, I know it's not really funny, but, oh hell yes it throwing a hot dog at your hubby made me laugh. Did it have ketchup and relish on it? One time when I was drunk I threw the TV remote at the back of my boyfriends head. It fell apart and the battery flew into the wall and left a dent. Then I screamed at him for having SUCH a hard head that he broke the remote!!! :H

                        As some of you know, I am quitting smoking (only day 11) and I'm fighting off the same feelings. My daughter has been on my last nerve (poor her, I don't have a hubby to take it out on!). I keep reminding myself that this WILL pass....hell it BETTER pass or my poor kid may run away from home.

                        Keep up the good work everyone, and be kind to deserve it!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                          K9, it didn't even have a bun :-( it bounced right off of his noggin, I wasn't drunk. Lets blame it on the PAW's shall we?
                          I need to quit smoking next, my back is killing me from all the monkey's I've been carrying around.

                          I remember those drunken fist fights when my husband was drinking, I swear, we're lucky one of us didn't end up dead. God a drunken Irish guy and a drunken girl from Brooklyn, bad combo.
                          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                          STUMPY IS A LADY!


                            Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                            stumpy;1374646 wrote: Hi itsmytime, chit is that what I am suffering from? I'm only on 7 days and I threw a hot dog at my husband last night, I cried for no reason this morning...I thought it was delayed PMS.
                            ROTL!!! Sorry, stumpy but the visual of a hot dog flying at a husband is priceless!!!! Oh thanks for that laugh. I can relate. Yep, that's the process alright. Day 8 and 9 weeping like a baby. Up until day 12 irritability off the Richter scale.

                            Warning: Watch out for flying pieces of meat around here. :H
                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - PAWS

                              stumpy;1374722 wrote: K9, it didn't even have a bun :-( it bounced right off of his noggin, I wasn't drunk. Lets blame it on the PAW's shall we?
                              I need to quit smoking next, my back is killing me from all the monkey's I've been carrying around.

                              I remember those drunken fist fights when my husband was drinking, I swear, we're lucky one of us didn't end up dead. God a drunken Irish guy and a drunken girl from Brooklyn, bad combo.
                              Try and Irish/German girl and a Dutch guy. LOL!! I think we'd all kill each other. lol
                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

