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    1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

    1 WEEK AF

    Today I am celebrating my first milestone, my first week AF. I am celebrating not with alcohol but with good food, good music and my new friends on MWO.

    I would also like to share my experience over the past week for anyone starting out or just to remind long term abstainers that they have done an amazing thing and there is absolutely nothing to regret about giving up alcohol.

    1 week may not seem like a big achievement but considering I haven’t gone without drinking for this long in years feels amazing to me. My start was just under a week ago mid day Saturday. I woke up with a typical Saturday hangover, fragmented memory of the night before, with horrible feeling of guilt and anxiety. The day started with a call from my parents telling me that they are off on holiday and as usual I pretended like I was feeling great and everything was fine. When we stopped talking I felt like the biggest disappointment on the planet, possibly for lying to them or may be just because I had no one to share my true feeling with. I know I wasn’t the only one who was feeling like this but telling people you are an alcoholic is a taboo because no one admits that they are in the same boat.

    Later in the evening I was contemplating going out again just to drown my feelings of guilt and feel better even if for one night. However, I was so physically ill from the night before that even a thought of alcohol made me gag. So I stayed in watching kitchen nightmares. Chef Ramsey looked so confident and BS free that it was inspiring. People on that show were obviously in denial but could not take the truth. Their ego was too precious. Many even said “I would rather go under and close my business than listen to another insult from you”. However, Gordon never meant to insult anyone there, he was just trying to open their eyes and make them see how deep in the s**t they were. This kind of reminded me of my relationship with alcohol. I would drink heavily at least twice a week and often have a few drinks during the week. But I never heard any of my friends; colleague or even my parents tell me that I have a problem. Why? May be to spare my feelings or maybe they were doing exact same thing. I personally never thought that drinking until you pass out on your bed in your work clothes, blacking out, not remembering a single thing from the night before, making out with people you don’t even remember the next day, spending way too much... is a normal Friday and Saturday night. But I could never see an alternative. Stay home? “I deserve to have a good time I would tell myself”.

    Well this time I came across MWO. Not even sure how I got here. I remember watching Tony Robbins’ videos to raise my self esteem. Anyway. I started reading a few post and felt like it was someone else telling my story. Words by Dixon really touched me and I decided to join. Sharing experiences is an amazing, empowering feeling. I really feel stronger after I read your posts and when I write mine. Everyone is so supportive and understanding. On day 5 I came so close to giving into my temptation after watching others enjoy drinking and smoking in the sun. I came here and felt incredible sharing my frustrations and reading encouraging comments.

    Below I would like to share some things that really helped me through my 1st week.

    1 Reading and sharing experiences on MWO

    2 Keeping my stomach full. This one is crucial. Every time I was beginning to feel hungry my cravings would come back with a vengeance.

    3 Drinking plenty of water. Drinking is like smoking it is addictive. My hands are used to being busy with a drink and a cigarette so every time I desired AL I would drink a few glasses of water.

    4 Going to bed early. My sleeping patterns have changed. My body seems to need more sleep. So I try to go to bed earlier.

    5 I threw away my lighter and all of my remaining alcohol. If you keep a stash in case you relapse, then you are not really trying to give up.

    6 Being prepared. After reading other people’s threads and doing some research on the internet I kind of knew what to expect and was given advice on how to deal with cravings, questions, diet... This is what saved me on day 5.

    I also would like to share some physical and mental changes that I have noticed

    1 Sweating a lot less

    2 My skin got a few spots this week, possibly due to the change in my diet

    3 I feel a lot less irritable.

    4 And I lost a pound

    Now my plan for the weekend is to stay away from any drinking type of environment. I have already told my friends that I will be entertaining out of town guest (a lie that I had to tell them). Have a book by Napoleon Hill (one of the best motivational writers and business personalities out there) and Top Gear reruns (to make me laugh, Jeremy Clarkson is just an amazing character, always brings a smile to my face).

    Have an amazing AF weekend everyone.

    ALLAN K.
    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit

    1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

    Way to go Allen, you are doing Awesome!!! I noticed my skin is blotchy this week, I think it's the alcohol leaving the body..Just wave bye bye to it in the mirror. Proud of you Allen. Stay safe and in control this weekend.
    AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
    AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days


      1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

      YAY!!! Congrats, Allan. I know the feeling. Hold it dear and march on along to the next point. Great on!

      Online support groups rock! This one is a gem.
      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

        Well done Reaching goals is always an amazing achievement, be it one day or one thousand!

        Stay strong, pretty soon we will be celebrating your 30 day AF time, and you will laugh at the fact that you ever needed AL in your life at all.

        Attached files [img]/converted_files/1935404=6929-attachment.jpg[/img]
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

          I am so very happy for you! You are doing all the right things...these posts you are writing will be precious to you in the future, to see how far you've come and to see your own personal growth. Not only that, but every post touches someone. I've read 100's of posts on here that I could have sworn I wrote myself. Every post matters. Well done to you on these 7 days and for reaching out a hand to help others thru those first (very difficult) days. B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

            Well done Allan
            1 week may not seem like a big achievement but considering I haven’t gone without drinking for this long in years feels amazing to me
            This is how i felt also and i would guess most people also, i never thought i could get over a weekend .
            AF 5/jan/2011


              1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

              Allan -

              That was an amazing post. I could identify with so much of what you said. I thought it was normal to black out every night...I mean, doesn't everyone do that? Turns out they don't. I watched a show the other night called "Taboo", each week they talk about a different topic. Last week was alcohol, and the reason it was taboo was that most people drink WAY more than they would ever admit to. If the truth came out, it would be considered taboo.

              I'm so proud of you for making it through the first've conquered every day of the week. I also appreciated your comment about not keeping a stash of booze, I agree that it's setting yourself up for failure.

              I quit smoking 12 days ago, and after I put out my last cigarette, I threw away all empty packages, my ashtray and extra lighters (I did keep one lighter for my candles, but I moved it into the living room where I NEVER smoked anyway). I got rid of ALL evidence of smoking. I believe you have to do that with alcohol too. Throw out all your empties, get rid of your favorite corkscrew....whatever it takes to break the association.

              You are doing awesome. Please keep us posted, you are quite an inspiration!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                Hi Allan,

                Great stuff !

                I found a burning desire within you so there is no deviation that you won't do .
                Keep stuck with your goal.
                Offering you a tons of strengths.

                A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                2013 : So many ups and down !!

                2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                  1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                  Thanks for posting and congratulations!!!
                  Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                  Author Unknown :h

                  AF - Sept 4, 2012
                  10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                  2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                  Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                  AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                  Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                    1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                    Hey Allan, awesome post , mate. So glad you hung in there, as have I. Like you the day 5 monster nearly took me down but thanks to the support on here I toughed and ATE it out ( ewwwww) that just sounds wrong LOL

                    Here is to next week, next month, next year and forever AF

                    have a great weekend ...... I like a bit of top gear myself. And keep posting



                      1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                      Congratulations Allan!

                      Keep it going buddy. G.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                        Way to go Al !!

                        You seem to be using your extra time informing yourself and doing all the right things for You!!! Hey the results are clear...

                        Take care


                          1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                          Stumpy ,Slay, Nelz, Byrd, Madmans, K9, Dixon, Bouchard, Kuaya, Gutarista and Patrice, THANK YOU ALL. Could not have done this without you.

                          What a difference a week makes. Last Saturday I was hangover, exhausted, anxious. My mouth was dry, my room smelt of alcohol and my clothes smelled like cigarettes.

                          Today I woke up bright and early without even setting the alarm. My room smells nice, I feell great and very calm. The sun is up so I will go for an early walk to buy some groceries.

                          Next week will start dry cleaning everything that can’t be washed. Now that I am smoke and AL free my sense of smell and taste has improved and I can really smell it in the clothes I wore the week before. At first I was reluctant to give up both nicotine and alcohol at the same time but I am very glad I did both. Fighting one craving is not much different to fighting two.

                          ALLAN K.
                          AF since 1st Sep 2012
                          NF since 1st Sep 2012

                          If you want to feel better visit


                            1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                            Well done AL!!! You sound really good............keep it going mate!


                              1 WEEK AF YAY !!!

                              Way to go allankay, getting through the first weekend is huge and a shift in the mind that just cause it's Friday or Saturday we should be drinking. Weekends are real for me now, I don't dread Sunday nights thinking of going back to work - that just dawned on me - as I would be bloated and anxiety ridden from the weekend binge.

                              You sound ready, keep up the positive thinking and keep coming here this site is a great support.
                              new beginnings July 16, 2012

