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feeling bloody shocking

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    feeling bloody shocking

    I wake again with a sore head and a body that aches like i have done 10 rounds in a boxing ring, i head to work after my partner says how is your head ? no idea what time i went to bed but pretty early , still wake feeling like i haven`t slept

    I continue to struggle with drinking and not drinking , i can set goals like no booze for 3 months and do it ok then straight back on it as before , i have tried so hard to drink in moderation but i don`t know the meaning of the word . i would love to do a year off the booze to get my life and me in a healthy place and not in the anxiety driven world i live in now , i think only a year will be long enough for this to happen. i want to be fit healthy vibrant and most of all a happy man for my children i want my business to do well and not struggle as i do . when ever i go on non drinking spells i can be very moody and grumpy so i am told and that in itself makes me more stressed with adding the `non drinking` pressure ,so when that hits i normally fall off the wagon and say F@#k it i can have a beer, and off the wagon i fall and quickly into a daily 6-7 beers and a few wines routine. my partner always says why dont you just drink in moderation , most other people including my partner would really have no idea how much booze i put away

    SO then comes the reasons why not to go off the booze, like i have a holiday coming up and ALWAYS have a few beers before flying it takes `edge off` you cant also beat sitting by the pool having a few cold ones so maybe i`ll start non drinking after that , but hey then its christmas soon ! or i have a wedding soon so cant not drink at that although i know my partner will be hopping i control what i drink not to make a fool out of my partner etc, then i think why should i take a break from the booze what will people think i dont want them knowing i have `issues` with drinking . and the reasons are endless why i shouldn`t go dry for a while.

    I often as the year passes by think i want to end it well and in a good place ,but i often do not as i am always caught up in the crazy world of drinking to much.

    Of course i have a choice what to do and i guess to date have made incorrect choices or not had systems in place to manage my moods when i am non drinking i am sure there must be a easier way to manage all this but i havent found it yet.

    Maybe some very clear goals on what i want from not drinking like a healthy person body and mind and and thriving business and family but mostly to be able to look myself in the mirror and say i am proud of myself as that is something far from my thoughts right now

    anyway i had to share my thoughts thanks for reading

    feeling bloody shocking

    Hello TimeIsNow, I'm sorry you're feeling so rotten. Why don't you settle in and take things slowly. Start with day 1 and go from there. Just wanted to give you one of these :l
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      feeling bloody shocking


      yes i think one day at a time for now


        feeling bloody shocking

        Hi TimeIsNow,

        It's awful feeling shocking, but it's great feeling healthy..



          feeling bloody shocking

          time, I have been there so many times I lost count, I am now on day 3 and feeling much better, the is a post on here recently posted by the time is now, about post acute withdrawal syndrome, read that post it may help you with the way you are feeling when not drinking. Hope you feel better, Good luck and take it one day at a time:l
          Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


            feeling bloody shocking

            How you going there TimeIsNow? Still with us? Hope you got your day one down. Stick around :l
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              feeling bloody shocking

              Ditto Ditto !


                feeling bloody shocking

                thanks for thinking of me , no day 1 yet but probably drank a little less than normal at afamily event last night , trying to eat better and more exersise , but day 1 must come soon


                  feeling bloody shocking

                  Hi Time:

                  Thinking of you here. Cool, breezy day. Reading some good posts around the forum.
                  Sending you,

                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    feeling bloody shocking

                    Good to see you Time, I'm glad you're still here and you do sound as if you're feeling less bloody shocking! Day one soon I'm sure :l

                    Hiya Kradle, nice to see you too
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      feeling bloody shocking

                      for me day one will come and how long it will last who knows. one thing i know is that i am not going to finish 2012 like the last years and years before that, having so many dreams and plans at the start of a year only to get to the end of a year with the same old story and same wasted results and year, its not going to happen it will destroy me

                      SO i still have plenty of time till 2013 to get back on track healthy and feeling good , heres hoping


                        feeling bloody shocking

                        Hello Time, Just checking in to say hi and wiishing you well on day 1.It can be as long as you want it to be! Good Luck, I am off to work so must rush!:goodjob::goodjob:


                          feeling bloody shocking

                          Hi Time is now, Welcome to the forum. I'm wishing you luck! I hope to read more posts from you.
                          Let us know how you are doing.
                          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                          STUMPY IS A LADY!


                            feeling bloody shocking

                            thanks everyone for your kind words ...... why oh why do we do this to ourselves


                              feeling bloody shocking

                              The Time is Now, if I knew the answer to that question then I doubt that I would be here on MWO lol it's hard work, real hard work but we can do it. You will do it.
                              AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                              AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                              STUMPY IS A LADY!

