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    Hi Redhead and welcome!
    Hi Roller, how was the party? And did you get my pm?

    Readhead there are sooooo many ways that people feel when quitting that I can only advise you read and read and read.
    I was a chronic heavy drinker, 500mls.+ vodka + wine per night for 23 years and have quit without meds and feel great( just a bit fatigued). Try to get your thinking right about quitting, if you think you are 'giving something up' you are more likely to struggle, if you think you are 'quitting' something that is quietly gonna kill you then you will find it a LOT easier.

    Everybody has their different problems as there are so many variables ..... But one constant is ...... If you have lost control over your drinking( which you admit you have) ....... The only way forward is to stop drinking alcohol any way you can, and STAY STOPPED ANY WAY YOU CAN.

    Good luck with your journey and come here often and keep posting. This is a wonderful site full of wonderful supportive people.




      Hey K, did get your pm, party was good in the afternoon but I flaked out a bit in the evening and left at 11pm. Saved myself money if nothing else (and a hangover today!). I'm heading out with dog and husband and rollerblades (of course!!!!) now so will reply tonight, if I get a chance, or later in the week, thanks for all the support :-)

      Thanks for the reply Red, I'm sure we'll all get there one day haha, as you say it probably takes time to reverse years of drinking. I've found keeping busy to be key, and on Kuya's advice eating something whenever I feel like drinking - get the blood sugar up - unfortunately that tactic has resulted in an overall weight gain rather than loss these last 2 weeks goddamnit ;-) but has kept me off the drink. Thinking about "never drinking again" I just find too scary and depressing, makes me feel like a freak who just can't enjoy something other people take for granted, so I've found the old "I just won't have a drink today" mantra helpful so far. Maybe when we put some more distance between ourselves where we are "now" and our old habits it will be easier?

      Keep in touch :-) xxx
      AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
      Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
      Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
      Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)



        Hello Red, Please to meet you and welcome. There is another drug you may want to talk to your DR about. Its called Anabuse. I tried it and went 40 days af. I am not taken anything at the moment. Many on mwo are or have been taking AB. Its what I call a Brutal Drug and needs a lot of consideration before you take it! You can't drink when taking AB,IF you do, and I did, it makes you violently sick,vomiting,headaches,hot facial flushes etc it is really bad! HOWEVER, it does take the argument out of WILL I or WON't I just can't . HOPE THIS HELPS AND GOOD LUCK!!!!:welcome::welcome:



          Hi all, after I was so chirpy and optimistic this morning (hah!) I'm posting in for a bit of support. It's a gorgeous sunny day here where I live, for the first time in several months, feels like spring is coming! I live in a little beach resort town popular with tourists in the summer, not so much now, but full of beach bars and great little bistro cafes with sea views. Just back from a lovely long walk with my doggy and husband and oh my god how nice did it look to be sat out in those beach bars soaking up the spring sun with a cold white wine? I don't even have a "craving" in the physical sense, I just remember how much I used to enjoy that, I feel like "will I never again be that happy relaxed woman in the maxi dress and heels sat with her handsome husband enjoying some local wine while looking out over the ocean?" I know it wasn't all like that in the past (probably not at all like that) but I had this real sadness for not being able to just enjoy simple stuff like that, and I really wanted (and still want) to just get dressed up nice and walk down to the beach with my husband and enjoy our afternoon.

          I said to my husband I really want to go home and sit in the garden with my book and a glass of wine, like old times. He looked sad but said of course I could do what I wanted to, but wine wouldn't make my book any better, or the sun more enjoyable. We talked about whether we could try drinking again but being very strict and limiting it to Friday night / Saturday night / Sunday lunchtime only, absolutely no drinking in the week and no having more than one bottle in session. I realise if I do this I'll have to move over to the modding threads.

          Right now I'm going to go have a big fry-up and see if that improves me willpower any :-) I just can't shake this sad flat feeling and don't feel like the benefits I"m getting from not drinking are right now making up for what I'm missing out on. Any ideas welcome :-) xxx
          AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
          Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
          Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
          Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)



            Roller, I wish I had the answers but I don't. We to live near the beach in Vic surrounded by wineries , restaurants and cafes. I love nothing better, than to take my wife out and enjoy some fine wine and food. But you know, I can't do that anymore because when everyone else has finished, I will look for more booze and I don't care what it is,the stronger the better !!! Why, because I am an alcoholic!!! I could spend this afternoon preparing a BBQ with some lovely wines, the weather is beautifull. But where would I be by 8.00pm probably really drunk with a massive hangover awaiting me tommorrow. So yes it is sad, but I guess we just have to retrain our alkie minds to enjoy other things. Sorry to sound a bit flat, but i am with you and do understand how you feel. Just think though,how fit u will feel tmrw!!



              [QUOTE=Rollerblader;1375644" I know it wasn't all like that in the past (probably not at all like that) but I had this real sadness for not being able to just enjoy simple stuff like that, and I really wanted (and still want) to just get dressed up nice and walk down to the beach with my husband and enjoy our afternoon.

              I said to my husband I really want to go home and sit in the garden with my book and a glass of wine, like old times. He looked sad but said of course I could do what I wanted to, but wine wouldn't make my book any better, or the sun more enjoyable. We talked about whether we could try drinking again but being very strict and limiting it to Friday night / Saturday night / Sunday lunchtime only, absolutely no drinking in the week and no having more than one bottle in session. I realise if I do this I'll have to move over to the modding threads.
              Hi Roller, why don't you get dressed up and go anyway. Your hubby sounds very supportive and caring.

              And remember how long you have had a problem with alcohol, do you really expect it to be over in 2 weeks? If you were 25 kg overweight would you expect to lose it in 2 weeks? You know it would take a year or more.
              Don't you think your impatience is just your alcohol craving trying to justify taking a drink to make the discomfort stop? It will work too...... Until tomorrow when your brain will be begging for another and another and ...... You know where this ends...... Back here on day 1

              If you decide you will try and moderate then I truly wish you luck, I know I couldnt . As the saying goes .....' one is too many and a hundred not enough'



                Thanks Boozer & Kuya for your words of support.

                My big old fry-up worked, it kind of killed the craving, if that's what it was. We sat out in the garden with the hugest piles of beans on toast and hash browns and fried stuff you've ever seen, all smothered in BBQ sauce, and hubster said "Wow this is certainly decadent enough without needing alcohol" lol he does make me laugh, such a country boy at heart :-)

                I guess I just have to break associations! Boozer - totally relate to your point about preparing a BBQ, I thought of that today as they weather has come good then thought.... can't have a BBQ without a few bottles of wine, best not to have one at all.

                Anyway today is AF Day 14 so we'll get through today and see what next week holds. By tomorrow I'll be halfway to 30 days. Time to get the old rollerblades out methinks and burn some rubber on the bike tracks :-)

                Thanks again, R xxx
                AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)



                  Well Done Roller!!! You sound a bit better now...............sometimes when I am struggling ,which lately is often, I GO the food, specially leftovers!! Just eat my way through the freezer!! Talking of food, what did I DO WITH THAT SAMOSA LEFT OVER FROM YESTERDAYS MARKET......mmmm! Keep at it Roller!!:goodjob::goodjob:



                    Haha thanks Boozer, go enjoy that samosa :-)

                    I just kept thinking about the long drive I have in the morning for a work meeting, and how much nicer it will be if I'm not scared of being caught by the RBTs for being over the limit.

                    Ugh it is hard work this abstaining business! On the plus side in the interests of keeping busy I've played tennis twice this weekend, just been out for an hour on my old blades (thighs screaming at me now!!!) and am hammering the violin for all it's worth - never have my neighbours heard so much badly-played and slightly off-key Beethoven in all their born days -)

                    Keep well guys, tomorrow is a whole new day xxx
                    AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                    Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                    Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                    Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)



                      Thanks Roller, You made me laugh!! I have a racketball game 3 times a weeks with my students.... and I am no spring chicken.Still hurting from last week!! ha ha If ONLY we could MOD! I love food,I cook,love wine and generally enjoy the good life. BUT i am an alkie..........bugger!!! Oh and I am a male ha ha!!J You are doing soooooo well!!! :goodjob::goodjob:



                        PM me if u want!! Good night!!



                          Hey Kuya and thanks for the welcome. Ive definitely been reading alot since Ive been on here. I think I went to bed last night at around 11pm only because I started nodding off while reading. You can get lost in here reading through all the different threads and once you get started you cant stop!! lol Thats amazing that you were able to quit without any medication after ll those years of drinking. That just goes to show you what one can do when they was something bad enough. I think part of my problem is that I dont have much faith in myself these days and I think thats whats going to be one of my biggest struggles (aside from not drinking). Sometimes it feels like Im giving up an old friend but its a friend thats done nothing but ruin my life and keep me from living. Im definitely ready to end the friendship. lol



                            Hi Rollerblader and congratulation on 14 days. Cant wait until I can say that Ive noticed that Ive been eating lots of Popsicle since I've stopped. LOL I guess its because of the sugar and its hot so its killing two birds with one stones. Im trying to not eat so much since drinking has caused me to gain over 30 lbs. I guess thats what wine will do to ya. This whole abstaining thing is definitely tough!! I used to pay tennis and would love to start it again but unfortunately no one I know plays. Iam starting to go to the gym, hiking . I love being outdoors. you mentioned playing the violin and it made me think that I used to love to play the clarinet and the piano. Havent done that in years!!! Maybe I should take it up again. Its probably a good idea to start doing things that used to make me happy.



                              Hi Boozer and thank you for the welcome. I thought about Antibuse but I'm a little scared of it. I have a very high change that I might try to push the limit and drink while on it but if I did Im sure I would never do it again!!! There are so many things to consider now that I want to quit and I know that there will be good days and bad days. But for now Im just glad that Im here. Hope your having a terrific day. Going on a walk to the beach in a bit but wanted to tough base. Thanks again!!!



                                Good morning Red, Its about 7.00am in oz and the start of the week AF hopefully! Just checking to say hi Must rush to work

