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I've Been Here Before!

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    I've Been Here Before!


    Except THIS TIME !! :kudos:
    Because MWO is truly an exceptional place and I don't think you'll find more support or guidance anywhere else. But of course, like anywhere where else, the forum is not immune to ills at large, so to speak. But by and large, the people here are just like you, Fantastik! (sorry couldn't resist ) and I'll bet some of them have pretty descent haircuts too!!

    So I assume you are referring to me as the ills at large then?

    My original post to FH followed Allan who identified with FH's position, my response was that as a person also reared in a house where the father binged intermittently and my foster mother and I were abused, not physically, but emotionally.

    I have seen it written often that alcoholism is a selfish disease, and it is! Even after my own childhood I have taken the alcoholic path, and though I believe that my own children suffered less, they still suffered and my drinking DID abuse them. My comments to FH were to incentivize not demoralize.

    Secondly I noticed that FH's post was not getting the same lively support from others, partly due to the weekend lull and maybe due to the title. That is why I suggested he also post elsewhere. Why he took this as a criticism is hard for me to see, but what we write and how it is heard are often at odds.

    I don't see this as an argument as Stumpy suggested (although I think they happen here often enough,as in the real world) just a misunderstanding. And sunflower's input was pretty pointless and negative (sounded like she wants to see me back here drunk!!!).

    But if you think someone has been out of line with their comments would it not be better to tell them directly in pm rather than sideswipe them publicly?

    Just a thought.


      I've Been Here Before!

      Haircut, I just like to welcome you to our site, not all of us are negative, as a matter of fact I personally have gotten some awesome support here, and made some wonderful friends. I also have had some bad experiences with some of my posts, so I avoid those people. Just don't give up on us and keep coming back. Good luck with your journey, and keep us posted!
      Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


        I've Been Here Before!

        Thank everyone for the kind words and support.

        Please understand that I have do desire to be at odds with anyone on this forum. I've come here for help and support.

        It's day 7 for me today.

        FreeFly, the alcohol free days last year were by far the most I've ever done. You call it ?self-sabotage? and that's exactly what it is. This time I'm more determined then ever to not do this. :l

        Kradle ? I'll pop over to the Tool Box and Newbies and have a look. The twisted, lonely, isolated fear is only made worse with alcohol. The trick it plays on me, is that without drink I start to feel better, like I'm able to have a drink. Strong enough to just have a couple.
        The truth is that I only feel strong enough because I've not had a drink. :l

        Stumpy - :l

        Kuya ? I'm sorry if we got off to a poor start? I just know we're going to be friends and help each other on our journey. :l

        Kdog ? I'll be back...please do the Arnold Schwarezenegger voice :l


          I've Been Here Before!

          Nice to see you Fantastic and great job on your 7 days
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            I've Been Here Before!

            haircut, Glad to see you have returned! I too am on day 7 for the first time in my drinking career! Feeling great and positive! Glad you are determined this time and I hope all goes
            well for you! Good luck on your journey, and yes I'LL BE BACK!:H
            Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


              I've Been Here Before!

              [QUOTE=fantastic haircut;1376539

              Kuya ? I'm sorry if we got off to a poor start? I just know we're going to be friends and help each other on our journey. :l

              Hi Fan, been watching closely for your return, put in the dog house for giving you a hard time!

              Well done on your 7 ..... How you feeling this time?



                I've Been Here Before!

                Hi Fantastic!

                How are you doing today? Please let us know!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  I've Been Here Before!

                  Hi Fantastic, Welcome back. I glad you are here! WTG!
                  AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                  AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                  STUMPY IS A LADY!


                    I've Been Here Before!

                    Still going strong thanks everyone. Up to day ten.
                    Had a massive argument with my wife yesterday. During the argument I could hear my little voice telling me to go for a drink. I didn't! I went to the gym instead.
                    When I came home everything had calmed down.

                    I've always found that the best self defence mechanism for me against alcohol has been exercise. I try to sweat the shit out in an attempt to ward off the sleepless nights. Eating right, getting, or trying to get plenty of sleep and exercise have in the past always replaced the alcohol. I realise that this in itself, has in the past, displayed signs of addictive behaviour. This time I'm trying to be a little more balanced.


                      I've Been Here Before!

                      :goodjob:WTG haircut, I've always been told you must find an alternative to drinking, sounds like your doing well!
                      Keep up the good work!
                      Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


                        I've Been Here Before!

                        Hi fantastic, WTG! Seems like you have a back up plan for the cravings. I'll be joining a gym soon, once I get a few nights sleep.
                        AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                        AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                        STUMPY IS A LADY!


                          I've Been Here Before!

                          Hi Stumpy,

                          for me the exercise comes first and then the sleep will follow.
                          If you can't make it to the gym why not go out for a walk or maybe even a bit of jogging. Anything that takes up energy that isn't drinking is good.


                            I've Been Here Before!

                            fantastic haircut;1377819 wrote: Still going strong thanks everyone. Up to day ten.
                            Had a massive argument with my wife yesterday. During the argument I could hear my little voice telling me to go for a drink. I didn't! I went to the gym instead.
                            When I came home everything had calmed down.
                            :goodjob: Fantastic!
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


