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I've Been Here Before!

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    I've Been Here Before!

    I've been here before. Stopping drinking that is.

    Last year was an excellent one for me. I didn't drink for 115 days between August and December. I didn't drink for 79 days in the spring and I had another 54 days off before the summer. That's 248 days alcohol free in a year, more than half the year.
    My problem isn't stopping, it's staying stopped. When I stop, things start going my way. My business starts working well, my relationships start to blossom. I actively want to do interesting and involved things with my kids. The TV goes off and we read books and play games. The sun comes out so to speak, and all is well with the world. And then, there's just a little niggle inside of me, that tells me I can have a drink; it tells me I'm in control - I think I can have one or two, which is more like ten or twelve. Two weeks later I'm finding every opportunity to go to the pub. In the pub I'm drinking two for everyone else's one. Then it's back home and start on the 24 beers and the cold wine that I've made sure are there.
    Two weeks after that and I'm taking time off work and starting to drink earlier and earlier. I start to look at the clock and make excuses to go to the shop to make sure there's beer in the fridge.
    Finally I'm drinking volumes of beer, wine and spirits that would kill most humans. On the whole I continue to function. But inside I'm twisted and lonely, I'm in total isolated fear. Drinking and drinking until I touch bottom.
    Once I've touched bottom, I come back to the surface. I shake my life back into action and get on with things. No-one out side of my family knows there is a problem. When I come back, I come back strong. I know that people perceive me as a powerful intelligent person who has good ideas and does interesting things. This is why, when I go missing for a few days or maybe a couple of weeks they probably thing I'm doing something interesting. When in fact I'm sitting at home drinking alone and vomiting.

    Thankfully I'm not an abusive drunk. I never have been. But my wife is pissed off, every time I touch bottom she makes the journey with me, so I need to fix this. I need to make this right.
    I need to be the man I know I can be.

    Last year I set myself a goal of 100 days. I told everyone that I was going to do it. The reason I gave - I believed it was important to be in control of your life. This avoided all problems when being offered a drink. I'd hate the awkward questions and the ?well you can just have one cant you?

    This time I've said a year.

    I've Been Here Before!

    Fantastic, the story sounds very familiar. You can be smart, caring and all other good things and be an alcoholic. Being an alcoholic doesnt mean that you drink everyday it just means that you dont have an off switch, having one drink doesnt exist in our vocabulary. That is why most of us can never moderate.

    I too quit alcohol for 6 months before. And the biggest reason why I started drinking again, with a vengance, was because i never really set myself a goal on how long I wanted to abstain from AL. The worst feeling I got after 6 months was the thought of starting the battle on day 1 again. We need to change the way we perceive alcohol. Instead of treating it as a friend or a reward for an achievement, we need to change into gratitude mode. You must think of AL as a money drain, your buddy that makes you do stupid things, the one that is destroying your health. You may have a long histoty with your friend and some good memories but nevertheless you got to let him go. A true friend doesnt stay in the way of ones happiness. So this time your goal should not be 1 month or 1 year. Your goal is to change the way you view alcohol. And when that happens you will realise that its a life long change. Its very similar to being overweight. You dont set yourself a goal to loose weight and eat healthy for a year, just to return to junk food and gain all the weight back. You do it for the rest of your life. Its a life choice

    ALLAN K.
    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit


      I've Been Here Before!

      [QUOTE=fantastic haircut;

      Thankfully I'm not an abusive drunk. I never have been. But my wife is pissed off, every time I touch bottom she makes the journey with me, so I need to fix this. I need to make this right.
      I need to be the man I know I can be.

      Last year I set myself a goal of 100 days. I told everyone that I was going to do it. The reason I gave - I believed it was important to be in control of your life. This avoided all problems when being offered a drink. I'd hate the awkward questions and the “well you can just have one cant you”

      This time I've said a year.
      Wellcome FH, you should be able to find what you need to turn your problem around. This is a fantastic site populated by REAL people struggling to deal with their alcohol abuse.

      One of the things you will find here is honesty and reading your story and seeing how able you are to clean up your act ..... When it suits you...... I am not going to treat you with kid gloves. Truth is you ARE an abusive drunk! You don't hit your wife or your kids but in a way your periodic descent into life threatening alcohol abuse is kinda worse than living with someone who is unable to even stop for a day. You show your wife and kids how good it can be ...... Then you bail on them and they have to sit and suffer until you have finished your flirtation with self destruction.

      Now you say you will give it a year this time. What good is a year to kids who need you for the next 40 - 50 years?

      You need to make a commitment to your family to TRY to stay with them FOR AS LONG AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN.
      And to do that you need to make a commitment to YOURSELF to quit drinking alcohol.

      You know you can..... You already do .....when it suits you.


        I've Been Here Before!


        I completely agree with you.
        The absolute truth is that I can't say I've given up for ever. I've said that before and failed.
        Right now, I have no intention of ever returning to alcohol, that's today. Tomorrow, and I'm sure many will agree, is a different day. At this point the best I can give is one year at a time.


          I've Been Here Before!


          Thank you for the honesty.
          The tone of your reply seems to suggest you feel my addiction problems are in some way lesser than others.
          I want to explain. The strength I find within me to stand up and fight, is something that I'm proud of. The ability to pick my self up from the floor and keep going is what has saved me, it makes me strong.
          Drinking makes me week, that's why I'm here.
          To simply suggest, as you do, that I'm ?flirting? with alcoholism, and that I drink, or don't drink because it ?suits? me just isn't true.


            I've Been Here Before!

            fantastic haircut;1375652 wrote: Kuya,

            Thank you for the honesty.
            The tone of your reply seems to suggest you feel my addiction problems are in some way lesser than others.
            I want to explain. The strength I find within me to stand up and fight, is something that I'm proud of. The ability to pick my self up from the floor and keep going is what has saved me, it makes me strong.
            Drinking makes me week, that's why I'm here.
            To simply suggest, as you do, that I'm ?flirting? with alcoholism, and that I drink, or don't drink because it ?suits? me just isn't true.
            HI FH , point taken, I know when you drink it is no different to any other alcoholic, including me, lapsing. I was just taking you up on your statement that this is not abusive. Perhaps taking on board how much pain this must cause your wife and kids might give you the incentive to stay sober ....... Just a thought


              I've Been Here Before!

              Also FH it would be good to join and post on the other boards cos this post seems to have been missed by everyone except Allan and I. The whole point of this forum is to get interaction and ideas from many people....... Everyone is different and no one person has the right answer for you.

              Best of luck and keep posting and reading



                I've Been Here Before!

                Fantastic...once someone become sober...they tend to go off on a bender of sober. I usually see that same person come back here drunk. Do what is right for you.....


                  I've Been Here Before!

                  And now I'm being criticised for not replying to everyone else's threads and having a topic that no-one is interested in.
                  Support is something I will give, but could I at least post three or four times before I get involved in trying to sort everyone else out.
                  I have come here to learn from people who have been where I am now. At this moment in time I feel I have very little to offer in the way of advice.

                  I have come here for help!


                    I've Been Here Before!

                    fantastic haircut;1375811 wrote: And now I'm being criticised for not replying to everyone else's threads and having a topic that no-one is interested in.
                    Support is something I will give, but could I at least post three or four times before I get involved in trying to sort everyone else out.
                    I have come here to learn from people who have been where I am now. At this moment in time I feel I have very little to offer in the way of advice.

                    I have come here for help!
                    Errrrm FH I think you have totally misunderstood me. I was never suggesting you sorting anyone out, just joining a thread that was more active and posing your questions there so you could have more suggestions from other people.

                    Often threads are joined by people asking for help as they are new to MWO and actually the title of your thread is a little misleading so your intention of getting help is not clear.



                      I've Been Here Before!

                      Hi FH, Welcome to MWO, I think what Kuya is trying to say is: Why not check the Newbie Nest out? there is a wealth of information there and a lot of help. I have to say this is the first time that I have seen an argument on here so I would suggest maybe, getting rid of your anger before posting. I hope to see you on the Newbie Nest.
                      AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                      AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                      STUMPY IS A LADY!


                        I've Been Here Before!

                        Hello Fantastic

                        I can resonate with your post and the seesaw from all things going well to the self-sabotage, the hiding and the inevitable pick up. A marked difference between the two of us is all the days you racked up last year ? great job! Isn?t it crazy when we hit that self-sabotage button how quickly things descend. There?s some very sage advice to be had around these parts which I?m sure will help you find and stick to that resolve. Don?t think I?m that person (lol) as I?m very much still working at it, but I just wanted to wish you a very warm welcome to this site. I hope you stick around and find Your Way Out ? be nice to get to know you.

                        I don?t want to upset anyone but just for the record, I didn?t pick up any anger in Fantastic?s post and I?d hate for him to disappear from misunderstood communications. And yes Fantastic, there are lots of good threads to jump in on, as and when you?re ready
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          I've Been Here Before!

                          Hi Fantastik and welcome, welcome :welcome:

                          I second and third FREEFLY and am so sorry for that misunderstanding. It's one of the curses of this computer post medium, I think.

                          Most of us started like you and then popped over to the TOOL BOX and the NEWBIE NEST threads simply because lots of people start out there and have very similar experiences. the Tool Box also helps with creating a plan for ourselves in how we are going t tackle all this...
                          I would post the link but I can't do that on ths iPad! :upset:

                          One line from your first post really resonated for me and that's " inside I'm twisted and lonely" .
                          This is the exact reason I found it almost impossible to stay stopped as well. I have a gorgeous family, friends, a home, what the hell's wrong?

                          It's that twisted loney thing. Gets me every time.

                          Except THIS TIME !! :kudos:
                          Because MWO is truly an exceptional place and I don't think you'll find more support or guidance anywhere else. But of course, like anywhere where else, the forum is not immune to ills at large, so to speak. But by and large, the people here are just like you, Fantastik! (sorry couldn't resist ) and I'll bet some of them have pretty descent haircuts too!!

                          Stay close ,
                          Hugs and strength,
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            I've Been Here Before!

                            I love my hair, tis my crowning glory :H
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                              I've Been Here Before!

                              HI Fantastic, I really didn't mean to say you were angry, I thought some of this tread had an angry tone to it. I hope you come back. Many and I mean many of the posters here really do help eachother.
                              AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                              AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                              STUMPY IS A LADY!

