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Another Try

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    Another Try

    Hello all,
    I am new to the site, this time anyway. Joined several years back and gave the Topimax thing a try. If at first you don't succeed . . . . have an appt with my new doctor to tell him about this plan and get my new RX for Topimax. Hope I don't chicken out. Wish me luck.

    Thing that really made me decide to get help was excrutiating night leg cramps just started. Read on line that they are very common in Alcoholics. Guess that confirms it. Anyone else have them? Hoping they will go away when I cut back.

    Looking forward to the adventure. I am stronger this time around, I just know it. :new:

    Another Try

    Listen ... take three days off ... take vitamins ... eat and sleep well. That's what a doctor/hospital would do for you. Relax. It's very simple.
    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


      Another Try

      HI April, welcome back. Can you tell me what Topimax did for you? Also how much are you drinking? I never heard of the leg cramps being caused by alcohol, I used to get them from lack of potassium, I would eat bannana's and romaine lettuce, PUFF, the cramps went away. Now that I think of it, maybe the lack of potassium(sp?) was caused by my drinking.
      AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
      AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days


        Another Try

        hello April, Just wanted to say Hi and welcome back! Can't help you with the cramps, although was told by our gp that Tonic Water helps with cramps. Good Luck!:welcome:


          Another Try

          Thanks for all of your responses. It means alot to me. Tried the bananas and also coconut water. Will try Tonic Water next. I take my All One vitamins almost everyday. Now as for how much I drink . . . a "typical" day is two beers and three or four glasses of wine. More on the weekends or "special events". Doctors appt tomorrow. Will see what he says.

          the Topimax did help me several years ago when I tried it. Got a hold of a small supply not from a friend, so when that ran out, had to give it up. Didn't have the nerve to tell my doctor and ask for a prescription. Gonna fess up this time and do the right thing. Thanks again to you all for responding!!


            Another Try

            April, You drink the same amount as I was drinking. 6 glasses of wine a night and more on the weekends (8-10) man, it was really hard on my stomach. I now have acid reflux (I feel it came from the wine) Good luck with the Doctors apointment, it's true, when seeking help you need to be honest. Let us know how the visit goes.
            AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
            AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
            STUMPY IS A LADY!


              Another Try

              Just wanted to welcome you April. I had leg cramps when I started tapering back one time, I was told it was caused by dehydration. Don't quote me on that, but its possible, dehydration does a lot to ones body and al causes a lot of issues dehydration being one of them. Don't know anything about topimax, but good luck and keep us posted. I would maybe try some gatoraide to help!
              Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


                Another Try

                Hi April, I too had awful leg and feet cramps, taking a magnesium supplement cured them. I believe alcohol depletes the body of magnesium, hence the cramps. I wouldn't say I'm drinking much less than before but if I miss taking the mag, the cramps return. Worth a try methinks! I take Wassen Magnesium-OK which has other good stuff in it too.

                Good luck with your doctor!


                  Another Try

                  Leg & foot cramps interrupting my sleep big time. I try to get in calcium, drink regular & tonic water. Not always so good about having bananas around for potassium. Last week I had a massage & the therapist told me I needed magnesium.

                  Older.... - can you buy the Wassen Magnesium in any drug store? In the past I have broken out in a rash when taking calcium with magnesium. Long time ago so worth a try again.

                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    Another Try

                    Hi April and welcome back!

                    Good luck with your doctor appointment, be honest with him/her so that you can get the best possible help. It wasn't until I was completely honest with myself, and my doctor, that things really started changing for me. Please let us know how it goes!


                    p.s. A calcium/magnesium/zinc vitamin should help with the cramps!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Another Try

                      To my Health: I'm in the UK and the answer is yes, here. Just looking at the packet now: it's actually only a 145mg dose, 39% of RDA. I was pretty desperate, not only were the night cramps awful, I found driving a nightmare as flexing my foot brought on a cramp. I initially bought pure magnesium from Boots and they cured the problem - I switched to the Magnesium OK as there's other stuff in them. I had tried the bananas and the tonic water for Quinine but this has worked 100% for me, no cramps and still having a few bottles of red per week!


                        Another Try

                        Ok, thanks for info. I did buy some magnesium (250 mg) which was the least amount. I've taken for 2 days now. Had foot cramps last night but not as severe or as many. I did have a couple glasses of wine early evening. I also had tonic water on bedside table. Glad the magnesium worked for you!

                        The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.

