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I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

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    I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

    I have been advised to come to this part of the forum for help and support. I posted elsewhere and as not met with the friendly support everyone talks about. I will not let one poster put me off the forum - there is too much at stake.

    However, I do have to cut down / cut the drinking out / moderate / something has to be done and I need help.

    I cannot use hypnotherapy (causes fits) I'm allergic to all dried substances including herbs (asthma) and Evening Primrose Oil is not to be taken by Epileptic - which I am and without going into other ailments - I doubt I would be given even valium.

    Please do not "help" me by telling me how your ICU visit was - at least not today.
    This is day one for me and all I want is friendship on a long journey.


    I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

    Ldemi3, I'll be your friend. I'm new also and it's one day at a time for me of course. I came here day before yesterday and it's been good for me so far. And you're right, it is a journey. I hope the best for us both.


      I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

      Thanks TXbird - you are a star.

      I am trying to cut back at first as I don't have any medical armour - so to speak - so I want to come back tomorrow and use the tool for counting drinks. If I can find it again. Count them down to nil.

      Good luck to you for today - where are you in the world - I am in Cyprus.



        I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

        Hi again Ldemi3 and Wow Txbird look at you go! Reaching out and giving support while reaching out and asking for support. Txbird and I have been chatting on the thread she started, exactly like you did Ldemi3. MWO is full of the good, the bad and the ugly....just like life. Take what you need and ignore the rest. My day just doesn't go right when I don't check in here first.

        Ldemi3 - you made me laugh with "I have been advised to come to this part of the forum......" You got close. You are in the "Just Starting Out?" forum and if you scroll down on the left you will find the thread titled "Newbies Nest". That is where we were pointing you to. That is where the "Tool Box" (top of that page) is that we talk about.

        HONESTLY it doesn't matter where you post....we will find you. :H

        I personally have adopted my new MWO Family in the "Monthly Abstinance" forum. I post to the "AF Daily Month/Day"
        thread which is usually started by Mick. He always starts us off on a very positive track and he has an amazing way of making you feel important. Check us out as you and Txbird go "crusing around the site". You'll find a place where you feel at home and safe.

        Like Txbird says, One Day at a Time. Hang in there, we're here. PPQ


          I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

          :welcome: Ldemi3 and txbird!!

          I hope you find the help here that you can use to find your way out of this addiction.

          Several threads mentioned and you should check in on them.

          I know the "Nest" is a very caring group of people and Lavande is a very good model of sobriety and happiness with it.

          I look forward to getting to know both of you better.

          AF April 9, 2016


            I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

            Hi Ldemi3, I just want to say Welcome to MWO. You will get all the help that you need or want here, I have found everyone so far to be very supportive.
            AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
            AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
            STUMPY IS A LADY!


              I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

              Thanks again.
              Its time to start cooking now and I usually have the first drink as I do. So I am trying to break the first habit. Its a start.
              Not feeling that confident but I am still frightened by last night so that will help.
              Will write tomorrow - a good night to all. TXbird - keep strong.



                I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

                Hi Ldemi3!

                Welcome (back) to MWO...I'm glad you came back. Can you tell us how much you normally drink so that we can have some sort of idea what you're facing? There are quite a few people here who have gradually cut down to nothing, so it definitely is possible. Please keep posting so we can get to know you!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

                  Sent you a pm....hope it icu stories:welcome:


                    I'm new - giving MWO a second shot

                    Welcome Ldemi3...

                    I am new to all of this too, first day was Sunday. I have found a ton of support and guidance here in this area, so far I have been welcomed with open arms. I am not as experienced or as knowledgable as some others here on this site, but I am a good listener. If you need or want to vent I am all ears.

                    Take Care
                    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                    ~Author Unknown
                    AF since February 4, 2013


                      I'm new - giving MWO a second shot


                      I am new too. Second day. Would love to be supportive as I so understand the need. I agree with everything oneredshoe said! :welcome:

