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First Night, First Post

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    First Night, First Post

    I am new to this website but have been reading the post the last 2 days. I finished reading David Carr?s book on How to Stop Drinking yesterday, which has brought a new perspective to the damage I have done to myself over the years. For all the chapters, the one thing that stood out for me was ?Why would I willingly drinking poison?? The poison is not making my life better, but slowly destroying me. Did I really want to kill myself? The answer is no and today, the day of my sister?s birthday, I have chosen to live. My sister passed away from brain cancer a few months ago. She could not change the cancer destroying her insides, but I have chosen to change what is destroying my insides.
    I am periodic social drinker but I can abstain and always do if I have to drive a car. Not a day drinker, but, come 8:00 pm, it is time for my rum and coke multiple drinks. I am not going to go into all the reasons I now realized why I drank because they really do not matter anymore. I would rather focus on the reasons NOT TO drink and would love the support of this group to help me down the path to recovery. I turn to the crutch of alcohol each night which became a nightly habit and as Carr mentions, my tolerance increased, and the more I drank. So for 20 years, I have pretty much drunken rum and cokes every night. I have 2 beautiful children that I want to see get married, have children, and share their lives. I know I will not have another 20 years if I continue this path. My spouse drinks a lot less than me and because he travels all week, I have hidden the extent of my problem. Yes, a factor in my addiction is loneliness from being a single Mom even though married. Okay, promised not to go into details.
    I have neurological problems from the years of drinking (muscle twitches). I hope this will go away. I am scared if I can do this without a doctor. I have gone days without drinking without issue so hope so. Up until a year ago, my liver tests were normal. The last one came back high. Wake up call!! This brings me to two questions.

    I see on one of the forums that many people get medication from their doctors or from the website. I, personally, do not want this to go on my health records if I can help it. Is there anything over the counter that you would recommend and what products on this site have helped you? I do not wait to buy for now as I motivated to start. For those who talk with their doctor, did you find that very beneficial?

    Second, I would love to have someone to talk with and the communities support. I would like my actions and lack of drinking to be demonstrated to my kids and husband.
    My mantra right now is: I am in control of my mind and my body. I find the little demon on my shoulder comes out at 8pm so I am praying that I remember who is really in control.

    SIDE NOTE: I wrote this at 3:00 today. Was afraid to post in case I did not make through the first night. Would I make another excuse to postpone quiting?. Reminded myself my sister cannot be here for her birthday today, I want to be here for my next birthday. It is 8:44 pm and I have passed the ?witching hour.? So I am posting. Also read a post about changing your evening activities, so went for late night walk and I am now on the computer posting to you instead of sitting in front on the TV with my drink to the side. Water for now and earlier to bed. If I do not read responses tonight, I will first thing and let you know how the night went!

    First Night, First Post

    Hi Dolphin and welcome. You've arrived at a wonderful place here and will receive a lot of support. If you don't experience withdrawls in the next couple of days maybe you don't need medical support.

    I would suggest downloading RJ's book and ordering the starter kit for advice and supplements. I also followed the 7 weeks of sobriety to repair my body at first. There is top to bottom damage and it's all reversible. The will to never pick up a drink is up to you and changing your 8:00 routine is essential. I can appreciate your desire to quit after having lost your sister who had no control over her disease. It won't be easy at first, but once you start to feel healthy it is definitely worth it.

    Check in with the Newbie's Nest where there are lots of people just starting out, along with old timers to advise. Also read the Tool Box.

    It's great to have you here and read as many posts as possible.
    Enlightened by MWO


      First Night, First Post

      Dolphin, First of all welcome to MWO. You will get a lot of great support here. I personally had to see a doctor due to the amount I was consuming at the time, but if you have gone periods with out, I don't think you would need to do that. I am not a doctor though. I am sure others will come along with better advice for you. In the mean time drink lots of water with lemon, and eat regular meals!
      Good Luck on your journey, I wish you well. Please keep us posted.
      Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


        First Night, First Post

        Hola from another rum drinker. I drank a lot of rum & fruit juice spread out throughout the day, and when I quit I experienced no withdrawal symptoms. I am guessing if you do not wake up shakey, the withdrawal will be more emotional and/or psychological than physical. Good luck and welcome!


          First Night, First Post

          First Morning

          Thanks to everyone for your comments! I anxiously waited to hear back and was excited to have 3 comments. Yes, I have been reading the Newbies Nest and will begin actively engaging in conversations. I was going to buy RJs book last night to put on my Nook as her story seems so close to mine. I will definitely do today.

          So, went to bed at 10:00 pm. I get up at 6:30 am with my daughter so I am trying to adjust my typical night owl schedule. I woke up multiple times during the night so not a restful sleep. I know this is one of my big hurdles, to fall asleep and stay asleep, without the crutch of alcohol. Not having physical withdrawals first day, but emotional...a bit grumpy....Funny, beccause if I only drank a little in the evening, I felt better in the morning and thought if I drank nothing I would feel so much more better. I have to remember my body will take a while to adjust! Remind myself, a little drink one night, is surely going to lead to more drinks the next....At least for me.

          Should I post updates here or start to post in the Newbies Nest? It is soo important to have this communities support. I so appreciate all of your words of encouragement and the ability to hear from others who truly understand


            First Night, First Post

            Hi Dolphin and welcome,

            You are asking about things to help and SKendall mentioned the same supplements that I also used. You can buy 6 weeks of supplements and they really help.

            You also mentioned sleep and insomnia is apparently the primary reason (excuse?) for people to give up quitting. It is awful not being able to sleep and I found tryptophan and rapid release melatonin excellent for this with no drowsiness the next day. You can get these from biorecovery ..... The same company mentioned for the other supplements.

            I also swear by GABA it reduces anxiety and has made my quit so much easier.

            So for now take large doses of VIt B, magnesium, zinc and Co enzyme Q10 which you should be able to get from any good health store and order the supplements.

            If symptoms are really bad you could take the pharmaceutical route but I personally don't like drugs ....... Had enough self medicating with alcohol .

            Good luck and keep posting here and wherever you like . There is always someone here as we are all over the world.



              First Night, First Post

              Hi Dolphin - I bumped the thread on nutrition/supplements to the top last night so you and some of the newbies could find it, read through it and sort through what you might personally want to get should you not want to buy the whole box - the 6 weeks to Recovery Kit is the most comprehensive one on the market though - everyone is right...and by the time I bought everything I may as well have bought it there and just been done...although I have gotten very picky about my L-Glut as that saves my bacon from cravings - so maybe not...

              Word of caution about the GABA - some of us had allergic reactions to it - so if you take it - (I swore by it until I had mine) just have some benadryl at home just in case. Also - I have since been made to understand if you are already on SSRI's - that the GABA supplements can actually make your meds go wack-a-doodle - so if taking any neuro-meds, proceed with caution...
              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
              AF - August 20, 2012


                First Night, First Post


                Thanks prairie fairy, kuya, and skendall for supplement advice. I will let you know how works.


                  First Night, First Post

                  Hi again,

                  My biggest concern is sleep as well, at first I had trouble falling asleep, but now that is not an issue, however, I wake up at least 3 X a night. One possible reason is I am also drinking fruit juice and sparkling water when I would normally have had a cocktail, except I think I am drinking lots more Perrier/fruit juice than I was mixing in alcohol, probably because my brain is saying WHERE IS THE BUZZ? LOL! Anyway I am peeing like mad at night... Not sure how I am going to work thru this dilemma. Yet.

                  I also wake up feeling like caca, which I am sure is due to not enough sleep, but still... I expected to feel so energetic in the AM now that I am not drinking, you know?


                    First Night, First Post

                    Hi Dolphin!

                    I'm so glad you've found us! I can relate to your drinking pattern. I started with 3-4 beers, then gradually progress to 12+ per night! Sometimes when I was on a diet I would switch to know, more "bang" for less calories...oh the mind of an alkie! Anyway, I finally quit drinking when it became harder to drink than not to drink. What I mean by that is I got sick to death of waking up in the morning not knowing what I did the night before, scrambling to look at the phone to see texts/emails/calls...trying to remember if I drove to the store for more beer...going into the living room to see if I put out candles, going to the kitchen to see if anything was burning in the oven....see what I mean about it being a lot of WORK?

                    You are definitely not alone...someone here can relate to anything you say. Please stick close, keep reading and posting, and let us share in this journey with you. You'll never regret quitting!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      First Night, First Post

                      Dolphin, wtg on day 1:goodjob: I also had trouble sleeping for a few nights, but now I can sleep like I 've never slept before, peaceful sleep! I do have to get up for a bathroom break due the amount of water I consume But otherwise well rested. It took awhile, I am on day 9 and I am sure I have some rough roads to go down yet but hope to jump right over them! Unfortunaltely I have to see my family doctor before I can take supplements due to High BP, although since quitting Al its been 117/71 which is lower than average, so I don't really see a problem with it. I will see him next week and get the go ahead I hope.
                      Take care and stay strong!
                      Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


                        First Night, First Post

                        P.S. You can post where ever you want to post and on more than one site if you like!
                        Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


                          First Night, First Post

                          follow up

                          Okay Day 3 and still AF! I am so glad to hear from you K9lover. I have read many of your responses and advice to others! I wanted to tell kdog that I used melaton (sp?) last night which really helped me sleep. I have been drinking bottled water and diet tea in the evenings. I actually feel great, a little tired, but no more than when I was drinking. A little secret smile inside me, saying good girl!

                          So, questions here and I hope they come out okay. I finally told a friend that I was quitting alcohol and She said "For good?" So, that gave me pause. I told her that for now I am quitting completely as I feel I need to for my health. I should add she said there is something different about you today. I know it was the feeling of accomplishment that I feel like alcohol does not control me...the guilt I felt every morning is going away!
                          As I mentioned, I know I want to be around for my kids and will not be if I continued this nightly habit. So what is the consensus here? Is it all or nothing? Right now, I have lost the desire to drink. But, I think if I say never, it may be even harder mentally.

                          I am going to a girls night tonight and have volunteered to drive because I will not drink and drive. So, first girls night without alcohol! Too early to tempt fate, but interested in your opinions if it is ever okay to drink again.

                          Big love to everyone :h:thanks:


                            First Night, First Post

                            PS: have to admit using driving to ensure I do not drink. Also picturing if I did what my post would be tomorrow as this group gives me accountability.


                              First Night, First Post

                              Hi Dolphin, I just wanted to welcome you. As you know this is a great community with lots of wonderful people who offer a wealth of information. I choose not to drink at all, I'm aiming for a month but hoping for three. Most people that I know who have tried to moderate will tell you, you need to not drink for three months before you can think about moderating. I'm sure someone with more experience will come on and answer your questions.

                              I hope to read more posts from you.
                              AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                              AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                              STUMPY IS A LADY!

