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Starting out.

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    Starting out.

    Hello all!

    Well it's time for me to give this a real go. Here you are:

    I wasn't much of a drinker as a teen, had actually had some bad experiences with it so stayed away from it until I hit about 19. Then I'd have a few bottles just to fit in and relax with friends. Then we started going out and meeting girls and whatnot, so drinking became the norm at weekends. This eventually led to me drinking a lot more than I would have by the age of about 22, which is 10 years ago now. As far as I remember the heavier drinking began when my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me. Anyway after that I went back to University and got my degree but on the way I started drinking a lot more often, and alone, at home. It began with 1 bottle of wine a night, and now ten years later it's about twice that and some nights more, if there's any more in the house. I stopped once when I got a kidney infection about 4 years ago, and was able to abstain for 4 months. Once it cleared up though I was back buying cheap alcohol. Anyway I've moved overseas since and since then it got worse, as booze is much cheaper here than at home.

    I've identified drinking as contributing to about 80% of my problems in life at the moment, and it's affected all my relationships, including family and friends. I'm a teacher and I work in creative spheres too, and alcohol has stunted that side of my career development considerably. I'm sick of waking up hating myself and feeling the remorse and guilt that goes along with it and want to get my brain back to normal. Whatever that may be, I don't actually remember. I also get a lot of social anxiety and find it hard to be around more than one person at a time. Which wasn't a problem growing up. I've identified a lot of the reasons why I drink, and can't blame it on one particular thing, I also had a pretty weird upbringing, and there's alcoholism in my family. Not that I'm blaming anyone else

    That's about it, in a nutshell. I've told some family members I'm giving up, to which I got no response as our culture is drink-driven. Which is what I expected really.

    Anyway I have trouble usually after about 2-3 days off the booze, I'm coming home from work around 8pm and I always know there's the option to just go buy some crap wine and go home and 'relax', I've recently been getting this hating myself feeling right after paying for a box of wine as I walk home. And last week I started dry-retching out of the blue on this walk on shame. This was before I had got home and drank it. Don't know what that was about.

    Also, on the train last night was a drunk man. He had peed his pants and was lying on the floor in a stupor, and I recognized him as a friendly local wino who hangs around our train station. He held up the train for 25 minutes as the police were called to escort him off, as nobody else would touch him to pick him up.

    And I don't want to end up like him. I took it as a sign, as I had already resolved to stop drinking for good earlier in the day.

    Any help would be appreciated. I try quite hard to eat healthily, and have since probably the age I started drinking heavily. I'm not sure how my body will react to food when it's not mixed with alcohol. I'm not sure what my withdrawal symptoms will be either, but as far as I remember they were more psychological than any major physical stuff the last time I stopped. So what do I do now?

    Thank you everybody in advance.

    Starting out.

    HI, Time,
    Just wanted to tell you that I hear you, buddy. I see that no one else has responded to your post, so I wanted to reply. This isn't an easy route we are starting ourselves on. But I know you can do it. I know I can do it. Whether we choose to quit entirely or the much harder path of moderation, WE CAN DO IT. We deserve to give ourselves the best life we can. Don't we?


      Starting out.

      Thanks a lot noname. Nice positive message. This is Day 2 anyway. Hopefully I can get through Friday. :thanks:


        Starting out.

        Hi Time and welcome!

        I'm glad you've found us...sounds like you're ready to give this a go. No, it's not easy, but nothing worthwhile is. The story of the drunk on the train is sad...but eye opening. Once I was in line at the liquor store buying my daily 12 pack, and there was a lady right in front of me buying an 18 pack. I thought "There's me in a few years"....she looked about 107 but was probably only 50. I had a lot of those "moments" that I should have said "AHA!", but it still took me a while to do anything about it.

        Are you able to go to the Doctor for help? I found that I wasn't able to succeed until I laid it all out on the table, was honest with myself, and got help.

        Please keep us posted, and come over to the Newbies Nest thread!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Starting out.

          Well I am honest with myself for the most part. Would you recommend seeing a Doctor? I don't know if I could afford it and I do think I can do this without meds, I am taking just a valerian tablet if I get in any way manic, which happened today a little. It's 732pm though and I don't feel like drinking. Will probably be a lot harder after a few more days though...


            Starting out.

            hi time
            wow, I am very impressed with your will and determination!! I think all the signs are there for you....I totally related to so much you said as I had similar experiences. I remember being in a bar, sitting at a table next to the bar with my husband. We were celebrating an anniversary I think. Anyway, it was a weeknight and so was not crowded at all. This man was sitting at the bar with his back to us. The stools were very HIGH....I mean, you had to step up to get on them. All of a sudden, this man just fell off the stool like dead weight right in front of us. I mean, he fell so hard, I thought he was dead. No one reacted. The bartender got annoyed, went to him, gruffly got him up and kicked him out the door. He was stumbling all over the place and must have been hurt. I got so upset! Started to cry and that was the end of the perfect evening. He reminded me so much of my father and then I thought, OMG, that will be me someday. Take your seeing that poor drunk on the train as a message and don't forget it. Go the the tool box and to the newbie's nest every day as much as you can. See if there are any AA meetings around you. Go to the meetings. Read as many books as you can. There are lots of books on recovery! Best wishes for your journey and I hope to see you post again and again and again!!!
            I just won't anymore


              Starting out.

              Hi, Time,
              In reply to your question about meds... in the MWO book it talks about using L-glutamine to help with cravings... It is relatively inexpensive and you can order it through discount vitamin catalogs or buy it at the local drug store. In my own experience, it really helps. If I have a bad craving and want to fight it, I will take an extra capsule. Good luck!


                Starting out.

                timetofixthis;1377535 wrote: Hopefully I can get through Friday. :thanks:
                Welcome! How was/is your Friday (don't know where you are in the world)? Do you remember what techniques you used when you gave up for four months? Can you use those again? There are some good suggestions in the Tool Box
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  Starting out.

                  Hi Timetofixthis,

                  I really appreciated your post. Your "walk of shame" is so familiar to me. I just wanted to welcome you and give you some support.

                  The following concepts were very valuable to me in wrapping my head around this whole thing: witching hour, euphoric recall, H.A.L.T. (hungry, alone, lonely, tired) and urge surfing.

                  I believe that making a plan is very important, rather than leaving things to chance. A very detailed plan that will be hard to derail.

                  Learning how to identify the voice in your head that is associated with alcohol (I call that "the voice") and the associated headgames, was part of my struggle.

                  Getting through the first weeks with distraction, snacking (when the urge to drink hits, really takes the steam out of the desire to drink for me anyways), going to bed early, whatever it takes to avoid drinking entirely.

                  Tipping the scales in your favor: getting enough sleep, stay hydrated, excercise, eat good food, take vitamins, and generally being kind to your physical body.

                  Sorry these thoughts are a little disconnected. Time, there is a sublime life on the other side of this thing that is yours for the taking!:welcome:
                  "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                  AF 11/12/11


                    Starting out.

                    Call me Tim, sounds more like a real name Well I'm just finished day 4. Had crazy stuff going on in my head last night though before bed. Couldn't sleep and I was at one stage looking at a pole outside my apartment having a cigarette, and it disappeared for a second. Hope that's not hallucinations.
                    Anyway my mind just went kinda nuts for a few hours afterwards, and I couldn't control my thoughts, it was just random noise, like lots of radio stations on at once.

                    Eventually I got 2 hours sleep last night before cheffing for 8 hours today, but I'm ok now and about to get a long, much needed sleep.

                    Tomorrow will be easier.

                    And about what I did before to quit for 4 months, I was just scared that my health was affected, so I saw that as having no choice. Right now it's my mental health I'm more worried about though. But anything has to be better than being drunk again.

                    Thanks for listening all.

                    Crazy Tim.


                      Starting out.

                      timetofixthis;1378487 wrote: Call me Tim, sounds more like a real name Well I'm just finished day 4. Had crazy stuff going on in my head last night though before bed. Couldn't sleep and I was at one stage looking at a pole outside my apartment having a cigarette, and it disappeared for a second. Hope that's not hallucinations.
                      Anyway my mind just went kinda nuts for a few hours afterwards, and I couldn't control my thoughts, it was just random noise, like lots of radio stations on at once.

                      Eventually I got 2 hours sleep last night before cheffing for 8 hours today, but I'm ok now and about to get a long, much needed sleep.

                      Tomorrow will be easier.

                      And about what I did before to quit for 4 months, I was just scared that my health was affected, so I saw that as having no choice. Right now it's my mental health I'm more worried about though. But anything has to be better than being drunk again.

                      Thanks for listening all.

                      Crazy Tim.

                      WOW, day four, you are cooking right along, and I have missed this whole thing somehow. I normally read every post on here(except the meds sections posts I can offer no help or suggestions on those)

                      Youve gotten passed the first few days, a few of the hardest days IMO. Whatever you are doing to combat the AL urge, Id say KEEP DOING IT! LOL

                      I wish you strength, wisdom, and support in fighting the beast. Remember, someone on here is going through, or HAS gone through what you are and should be able to offer up some hope and help! :welcome:
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Starting out.

                        Hi Tim ( can't call you crazy Tim til I know you better) :welcome:

                        Just read your posts and responses and yep you are in the right place to do this right this time.
                        I picked up on your concern about the amount you drank and wanted to weigh in with my experience.
                        Drank 11 - 18 units of vodka every night for 23 years, took loads of supplements and when I quit was terrified of having withdrawals etc . In fact I got none, only problems were fatigue and sleeplessness which I dealt with using tryptophan and melatonin.

                        Everyone is different but don't assume you are going to have a problem, you are already over the worst so you probably don't need a doctor.

                        Get supplements tho TIm, they will speed your recovery and make quitting easier, and read as many posts as you can.

                        And last but not least work on your mindset, you have been drinking poison for years, NO-ONE needs alcohol and not drinking it is normal, NOT the other way round.
                        It is people who drink alcohol who have a problem, not you, you have quit ....... In the words of the Matrix ......... Welcome to the world of the real


                          Starting out.

                          Thanks a lot all. Talked more to family yesterday. Getting more support now.. off to work now. Sun is shining, weather is sweet yeah...


                            Starting out.

                            Onto day six. Overslept so feel a bit groggy but not attributing it to withdrawal. Drinking gallons of black tea, apparently its full of magnesium.


                              Starting out.

                              One week done!

                              Yep. I feel quite good and I think my body is starting to get better already. I am smoking though which I didn't do everyday before, but am trying to eat instead when I get the urge.
                              Yesterday was hard as it was a Sunday and I had just done two days of kitchen work
                              so just wanted to 'relax' afterwards. I got a huge desire to walk to the wine shop and buy some, but I think it's more out of habit than actually wanting to drink. Every time I don't go in there is a successful day.

                              I think it's time to take up bowling.

