I never joined a forum before but having read through a number of threads, I feel you guys will understand me better than anyone else. There is no alcoholism or addictions in my family (in fact, not even a smoker), so they don't understand me. I have ruined friendships, jobs, my finances, etc. due to this cunning alcoholism. I nearly died twice from it, yet I still drink. I have tried AA; private addiction counselling; a month in rehab..but I always return to alcohol. I start my dream job next Monday and fear I will screw it up. I was recently diagnosed with cyclothymia ( a milder form of bipolar) and I still haven't got the proper treatment for it. I am scared of all these medications and their potential side effects. I am sorry for rambling. I just don't know where to turn and AA is not for me. I am sick of the withdrawals, the lies I tell, the money I waste. I hate alcohol but I am drawn to it. This is the biggest fight of my life. I hope someone out there understands me.
-Canadian guy.