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Has anyone tried Campral?

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    Has anyone tried Campral?

    Hi everyone - I've not been on the site for a while because I'm so fed up and ashamed of being such a failure. I never seem to be able to go past 10 days AF - will be all positive and fired up and then every time BANG - I go and blow it again.

    I got in touch with Healthlink (an organisation in the UK which deals with drug problems) and they've been fantastic. I've been having councelling sessions for about 3 months to try and identify triggers and habits and discuss how to overcome them - which hasn't stopped me drinking, but has been refreshing to sit face to face with someone who totally understands and is completely non judgemental.

    Anyway - I have now been prescribed Campral (just took the first tablets this morning) and wondered if anyone else has taken this and whether it helped? I've searched on MWO and the only posts I could find referring to it are several years old. I've searched for reviews on the web and there seems to be mixed opinions - some rave about it and say it changed their life and others say it did nothing. My councellor said that he prescribed Campral to a guy a couple of weeks ago who had a 24/7 drink problem and he came back to his last session saying he's completely lost the desire to drink and the whisky (his favourite tipple) tastes awful for him now.

    Fingers crossed that this time it will work for me.
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

    Has anyone tried Campral?


    I don't post too much but I found Campral very good in some ways.

    It is meant to work on the central nervous system to help overcome cravings - it did just this

    If I was describing it to a non alkie, lol, I'd say it works like a nicotine patch, it takes away the physical urge - but that is only half the battle, the habit and the behaviour is something I needed to work on

    Campral is a very good aid though.

    I wish you all the best xx
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wildflower.
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.


      Has anyone tried Campral?

      That's great Lost Soul - thank you for sharing and I'm glad you've had a positive experience. :thanks:

      The reason why I had to have 3 months councelling before they would prescribe it is because they said it wouldn't work unless I try to change my habits and have the right mind set. Hopefully I'm on track now!!
      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


        Has anyone tried Campral?


        I didn't use any meds but I did use the MWO Hypno CDs & believe they were instrumental in helping me to change my thinking. Give them a try
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Has anyone tried Campral?

          Lost Soul;1379705 wrote: Hi

          I don't post too much but I found Campral very good in some ways.

          It is meant to work on the central nervous system to help overcome cravings - it did just this

          If I was describing it to a non alkie, lol, I'd say it works like a nicotine patch, it takes away the physical urge - but that is only half the battle, the habit and the behaviour is something I needed to work on

          Campral is a very good aid though.

          I wish you all the best xx
          Actually this is exactly my experience as well. The second time i went off AL i tried campral. I'd say it got rid of 50% of my urges. The problem is the mental/habit part. The problem was, i was always pretty good at controlling the physical urge so i didnt get nearly as much benefit as i had hoped. I've heard supplementing with L-Glutamine also helps alot. Thats not even prescription, im giving it a shot on my third round with this AF thing. My longest stretch of AF was 1.5 years and i was working out all through that time. Also taking protien powder which had massive amounts of L-Glut in it. I have no idea if thats coincidence or not, but i stopped working out too much going on and bam, alcoholic all over again. Just my 2 cents.


            Has anyone tried Campral?

            snapdragon, i took campral for around 10 months. initially i also had 6 weeks councelling and i had also just discovered mwo and was taking l-glut. from daily drinking i got 3months af, though to be honest i didn't really feel it was the campral that helped much. I got quite bad stomach cramps and diarroeah taking it (which i could happilly put up with if it meant continued sobriety). good luck with it, i hope it helps you, perhaps with a combination of willpower, l-glut, coming here and whatever else works for you
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              Has anyone tried Campral?

              Hi Snap,

              This may or may not be helpful, but after my inital detox week, I started taking Campral, and at the same time my Dr. switched my anti-depressants to a lower dose of efflexor and mid-level dose of Wellbutrin. I was surprised that my physical cravings were basically non-existent after that first week, and I was up to 2+ bottles of wine a day, everyday, when I started outpatient treatment. I highly recommend the medically supervised detox, outpatient for me, as the way to stop drinking, both to ensure that you don't have a seizure (a very real possibility) and because it's so much easier. As to not having cravings, I'm not sure whether to attribute it to the Campral or not, but my Dr. was reluctant to take me off the Campral after 90 days because I was doing so well. So maybe it was exactly the thing that worked, I'm just not sure. I'll taking it, stb 2 pills 3x a day but I almost always forget the mid-day dose.

              I don't have any side effects, so to me it's a no-brainer to try it. Good luck!
              "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
              ~ from Goethe's Faust

              :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
              :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012

