Throughout this thirty day journey I believe I was thinking just get to 30 days and everything will be alright like some type of magical moment or achievement that marks the beginning of an easier life. However, I feel like the war is just beginning somehow. That now life is raw and there is no where you can run and hide. I have to deal with everything and every emotion served straight up. It feels a little lonely and scary for some reason. I have yet to journal out these feelings. Turning 50 tomorrow and a bad haircut yesterday didn't help either. So, I think I'll be a bit quiet right now and maybe just let some of these mixed feelings out in tears. It can be tough when you are always the strong one for everyone and they expect that out of you. Being weak somehow makes me feel diminished, but I need to let it out. I can't escape into a bottle.
Thank you all for listening and hopefully I will have a better post for you at a later time. I'm just not up to it right now.
Be well.