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How to build momentum

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    How to build momentum

    Hi Friends,

    I've been here before in the last few months

    My kudoz supply lapsed and I supposed that was one reason why I decided I didn't need 100% sobriety anymore. I was disappointed. Sure, it was probably easy to blame someone else, but I did feel at the one month mark a big urge to explore "moderation" and what that might mean for me.

    I don't know anymore. I wish the Kuduz was still here as that was still one variable I could control. I've since gone to controlled drinking (1-3 glasses) to no drinking to full drinking (a full bottle) and I don't know whats right anymore. I'm not sure if its the lack of impulse control from not taking kudos or if its the timing of my transition (30 days)

    My family is delighted. My kids are crawling all over me and want to play games. My work is going fantastic. I'm up for all kinds of new projects and am getting new respect (probably because I'm not sending goofy emails anymore!) and my work has improved.
    Of course I don't want to go back.

    Maybe it's all in my head. but I am struggling, badly. I can only tell a few souls. You.

    How to build momentum


    You can get Kudzu Rescue at the Vitamin Shoppe in most major cities in the US - they are open on Sunday's - you don't have to be without - starting tomorrow. It's not straight Kudzu - it has Chinese anti-craving stuff in it as well. I don't know - I found it better than straight Kudzu - but I am also using it with the stronger L-Gluts I got at VS - the bright blue ones called L-Glutalyn absorb at light speed like a powder - they aren't as strong in MG as the MWO ones - but the gel capsule is thinner and they do uptake differently - they hit the bloodstream much faster. Something about being processed differently - but that 2 capsules - even though they are only 1.5 grams - absorb like 6 grams of normal capsules as a result. I don't know about that - but they do squash a craving FLAT.

    You can fix this - tomorrow. You don't have to wait for an online order. You can patch this tomorrow with a small order and put a big online order in while this holds you over.

    We are here for you. This doesn't have to derail you. This can be just a blip. Let us know how we can help.
    That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
    Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
    AF - August 20, 2012


      How to build momentum

      Monkey say... You do.

      Raven2012;1384848 wrote: Hi Friends,

      I've been here before in the last few months

      My kudoz supply lapsed and I supposed that was one reason why I decided I didn't need 100% sobriety anymore. I was disappointed. Sure, it was probably easy to blame someone else, but I did feel at the one month mark a big urge to explore "moderation" and what that might mean for me.

      I don't know anymore. I wish the Kuduz was still here as that was still one variable I could control. I've since gone to controlled drinking (1-3 glasses) to no drinking to full drinking (a full bottle) and I don't know whats right anymore. I'm not sure if its the lack of impulse control from not taking kudos or if its the timing of my transition (30 days)

      My family is delighted. My kids are crawling all over me and want to play games. My work is going fantastic. I'm up for all kinds of new projects and am getting new respect (probably because I'm not sending goofy emails anymore!) and my work has improved.
      Of course I don't want to go back.

      Maybe it's all in my head. but I am struggling, badly. I can only tell a few souls. You.

      Well Raven not a lot I can say... It is in your head (Monkey).
      We alcoholics always have an excuse; if its not that "I ran out of meds" or " The wife/husband has really been getting on my nerves" etc, etc it would be something else.
      Wake up to the fact that our mutual desease has no quick fix and sacrifices must be made. If you let that damned monkey in your very own brain talk you into even that first "little" drink, you can kiss snuggling kids, job - the whole shibang- GOODBYE! !
      Beleive me I speak from touching bottom a few times. Any thought of moderation came directly from that little bastard (my alcohol craving self/me/my monkey). Boom! Down the toilet again.
      The pressure is on and you'll be amazed after just 5 days of nothing, how good you will be feeling. Just remember when a craving kicks in, its actualy that damned head monkey trying to trick you/yourself & I into thinking you can handle it.
      You won't be able to. That's why there are so many repeat offenders in MWO - it is not an easy road. Make sacrifices so you can continue as you were before this blasted acohol began to take control of you and those around you.
      Good luck and be strong
      Lots of us in MWO just like you.
      Take care


        How to build momentum

        Thank you Prairie Fairy and Bashley,

        I went to the Vitamin Shoppe, they have three kinds of Kuduz. Is there one you'd recommend over the others? It's been a month since I ran out and my first purchase was from this site and its been out of stock ever since so I can't tell you how grateful I was to hear of an alternative. I've found my motivation slipping because the "bad memories" are becoming more distant. That's what happens I think because now that its couple months behind me all those stupid things I did that motivated me to stop in the first place are now further in my rear view mirror.

        I really appreciate your help. I want to stop flirting with bad habits again and get the good ones to stick.


          How to build momentum

          I like the Planetary Formulations Kudzu Rescue - it has the Kudzu and the chinese herbs for anti-cravings - and in the first 30 days - I'm for all the anti-craving support you can get. But if they have the Planetary Formulations version of Kudzu without anything else - that one is very potent as well - so you can't go wrong there either...
          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
          AF - August 20, 2012


            How to build momentum

            Hi Raven - I go to The Vitamin Shoppe and get the "Kudzu Recovery" Kudzu Recovery by Planetary Formulations - PL-1122 - at the Vitamin Shoppe

            and the L-Glutamine Powder
            Glutamine Powder Bt by BodyTech - VS-2177 - at the Vitamin Shoppe

            It really helped me and helps when I have cravings. I wish you all the best - I have been here for a number of years (Hence the name "Wagoneer" - I have fallen off the wagon more than once!)

            Take care and be healthy and happy!
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              How to build momentum

              Bashley;1384862 wrote: Well Raven not a lot I can say... It is in your head (Monkey).
              We alcoholics always have an excuse; if its not that "I ran out of meds" or " The wife/husband has really been getting on my nerves" etc, etc it would be something else.
              Wake up to the fact that our mutual desease has no quick fix and sacrifices must be made. If you let that damned monkey in your very own brain talk you into even that first "little" drink, you can kiss snuggling kids, job - the whole shibang- GOODBYE! !
              Beleive me I speak from touching bottom a few times. Any thought of moderation came directly from that little bastard (my alcohol craving self/me/my monkey). Boom! Down the toilet again.
              The pressure is on and you'll be amazed after just 5 days of nothing, how good you will be feeling. Just remember when a craving kicks in, its actualy that damned head monkey trying to trick you/yourself & I into thinking you can handle it.
              You won't be able to. That's why there are so many repeat offenders in MWO - it is not an easy road. Make sacrifices so you can continue as you were before this blasted acohol began to take control of you and those around you.
              Good luck and be strong
              Lots of us in MWO just like you.
              Take care
              Well said !!
              Thats all for me ..
              A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

              2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

              Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

              2013 : So many ups and down !!

              2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                How to build momentum

                Thank you Wagoneer. I've have one glorious month off. One month back to bad habits (though not as bad as before). I'm worried about myself. I thank you. I just put in the order.


                  How to build momentum

                  Just got an order update this AM, they are out of stock! This is a troubling time. I'm falling back into bad habits. My marriage is not going well. I'm going to pick up the other variety instead.


                    How to build momentum

                    Raven (by the way that's great name! Ha!) Is their a Herbal store around where you live ? We have one here called "The Dandelion" They seem to have everything........Check around you might find a local Herbalist around your town.
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      How to build momentum

                      Thanks, we had a natural foods store here locally but it didn't stay put so I've gone the online route. Didn't get an "out of stock notice" this am so I'm hopeful.

                      The Raven name - well thank you, its got nothing to do with sports teams and actually I'm a blonde but I love the bird so there goes. The team is pretty cool too!

                      I'm hoping this will get will me back in business. It's been hard. I've had some extreem ups and downs. Stopped taking the kuduz a month ago and don't know if thats it but really need all the help I can get to build myself up again. Thanks for the note.




                        How to build momentum

                        Hi Raven!

                        Not certain this will help but I love the L-Glut and for me, it was more effective than the Kudzo and easier. 1-2 tablespoons in water first thing in the morning and the evening and I was (am) pretty good to go. I got the powder (as recommended here) from the GNC which is General Nutrition Center. I am on the Left coast

                        Perhaps if the Kudzo is unavaible you can go for the L-Glut Alternative.

                        Good luck and Stay Posted! (Not Toasted! )

                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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