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First Day!!!

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    First Day!!!

    Out of despiration, I am coming to this site. I pray I will FINALLY be able to do this. I am tired of being ashamed and embarrassed with myself. I tell myself I can have one or two drinks, but I can't...1 becomes 10 every time. I makes excuses, but it is just excuse. I want to get better for myself and my children. They deserve better than this...everyone does. Here's to my first day!!!

    First Day!!!

    Welcome tired!!! We all know that feeling. Read the book, try the supplements and the CDs. They might just be the answer for you. And stick around here, post and read. You will get a lot out of just doing that.....:welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      First Day!!!

      Thanks! I think I am going to like this site. I never realized there was something like this. Talking to others that know how this feels has to be a good thing.


        First Day!!!

        Hello T O C:
        we have all been down the path of feeling ashamed and embarassed. Some of us still walk it from time to time! But coming here and talking to others who know how you feel is a huge help. Stay with us and let us know how you are doing. Read everything you can. there is so much to learn from the folks here and so much love and support too!
        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


          First Day!!!

          I lost my fiance' in April 2006. Since then I have spiraled downward quickly. I wrecked 2 cars...totaled both. Went to jail...I have never been in any trouble in my life. I am falling apart.


            First Day!!!

            Hi there

            this is where you start to get better. read everything here. get the book. follow the programme. it works. the people hereare great. they will support you, hold your hand, laugh with you and will not judge you. glad you're here. Kate


              First Day!!!

              Welcome tiredofcrying! You have found a wonderful place. I know what you are going through.... This is embarrassing, but I feel compelled to share with you - to give you some hope. In the summer of 2003 I was LOADED on red wine by lunch time. I hopped into my BRAND NEW SUV and headed somewhere - can't quite remember... Well, I lost control of the wheel, hit a light standard (knocked it over), panicked, drove home in a wrecked vehicle. Someone had followed me home, and I was welcomed by the Police. I was taken to jail - lost my license for a year and paid a 650.00 fine.

              What happened is peanuts as to what could of happened. I could of killed someone. Thankfully - and BELIEVE me when I say I am thankful I didn't hurt anyone. That is the LAST day I had drank and drove...................... I am truly ashamed - I am crying right now actually. It was the stupidest thing I have ever done.

              Unfortunately it didn't stop me from drinking. I drank more! I had a baby almost two years ago and feel she has played a huge part in saving my life.... I didn't drink while pregnant with her. I did resume drinking after I had her....

              It was until I was hitting desperation and again another rock bottom I came across this website. It has given me so much hope. I was no longer 'lonely' or feeling like a total loser for having this problem. Today I am 63 days AF.

              You can do it to. I know you can. Take the suggestions from the others who have posted here. Download the book. See a doctor if you need to. Take it one day at a time. It is worth it in the end.


                First Day!!!

                Tired, Welcome. I truly know how you are feeling right now. I have been there many times. It sounds like you have been through alot. Keep coming here. Read about the program and keep coming back. You won't believe how just talking to and reading about
                people who really understand what you are going through can help you. There are many supportive and sincere people who want to help. You made the first step now just keep going forward. Aquamarine
                AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                  First Day!!!

                  Welcome aboard!

                  Hi Tired, many congrats on your first step - the kids are going to love you for it!
                  Keep reading and talking - we're all here and have all been there!
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    First Day!!!

                    I feel like such a loser. I left home at 16, finished high school, put myself through college. I have lived 1000 miles away from family my whole life. I can't believe I have let this take over my life and it is ruining everything I worked so hard to get. I want to be happy again!!! I know it is out there somewhere...


                      First Day!!!

                      Don't feel like a loser!!! It is not going to help you fight this. You are addicted to alcohol. You can make things better. You have taken the first step - posting here. We all felt like you do.

                      You are a lovely human being..... a person who wants to get well. Alcoholism is a shitty thing. You need to be kind to yourself. One day at a time - believe me it is hard, but it is worth it and I know you are worth it.

                      You have accomplished so much on your own. Use that determination to beat this thing. I know you can do it! Keep telling yourself you are worth it.


                        First Day!!!

                        Tired, The really great wonderful thing is that you can stop. You really truly can get better from this. Yes it won't be easy or quick but there is no doubt about it that anyone who really wants to can overcome this problem can. Just think ,in the whole span of your life this is just a small little part. If you keep trying, even if you fail here and there, and keep trying you will get what you want. You're just in the depths of desperation and depression that alcohol is so good at doing . And I really know that feeling well. Just remember it is the alcohol doing this to you, and the alcohol ,with help, you can get rid of. Keep trying and we will all help you. Aquamarine
                        AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                          First Day!!!

                          Hi Tired, and welcome. As everyone else has said, it does get better. This is such a wonderful place, with so much support & compassion. Believe me you're not alone. Glad you're here.

                          Accountable, I was also arrested of DUI about 5 years ago. I'm so thankful I wasn't in an accident & hurt or kill someone. I can't imagine having to live with that...

                          :l Judie
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            First Day!!!

                            Welcome tired, when i joined so many kind words were said to me which really encouraged me and made me feel less alone so i'm joining the others to say good for you and enjoy talking to people who understand. B


                              First Day!!!

                              Judie - me too. I cannot even imagine what I would of done if I had of hurt or killed someone. Good Lord.... I shutter at the thought. It was definitely an eye opener about drinking and driving.

